Gaitober 2020

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
31 8352 2

Entry 8
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Entries for the Gaidinia species' October event, Gaitober. (October 2020)

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Day 8: Astral

In the dark night sky,
The vastness of space.
Stars shine brightly together,
The moon a smile on its face.

Enjoying the sparkles,
Like scales of a fish.
Gaze upon these beauties,
And make a wish!

"I wish..." Ingrid trailing off, making the wish in her head. This little poem she learned as a small girl having always given her hope. As a wish does not necessarily need to come true to help the wish maker, but more is to give the wish maker something to hope and look forward to.