Special Needs Forces

Eter Kometan
3 years, 4 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
23 90580 5 6

Chapter 13
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence

A massive shitpost story that got out of control and actually started to be more entertaining to write than it was supposed to be. It reads like a broken youtube video script so yeah. You've been warned.

It's about a team of monster hunters going on adventures and stuff

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Vacation part 1

Frezja didn’t really have vacations like the others, because first she had to sew Tanager up, and then make scans of Lukier to check if there were any serious injuries. Lukier however didn’t stay in the medbay for long because, first of all, it turned out that there was no long-lasting damage and apart from the fact that he had a headache, he felt well, and secondly, Puszymir was scratching the medbay door trying to get in, and at the moment he was already the size of a large dog and left quite a lot of deep claw marks on the door.

Meanwhile, Rigel avoided mirrors for a few days, hoping that his quick regeneration would heal the wounds on his face so that there would be no trace of them, because he knew that scars look cool only on characters from games who always get scratched up in aesthetic way and then they look better than before and everyone else think it’s hot. In real life, people with scars end up in motivational YouTube videos about self-acceptance despite their appearance and collect comments that are intended to be written with good intentions, but in fact their tone is "amazing that you can live a normal life with such a face"

On the other hand, Captain was mercilessly bored for those few days and, frankly speaking, he was not happy that they had given them a leave and also a sick leave on top of that. He just sat there often not knowing what to do with himself and felt like it was hours since he had nothing to do but in reality it was just a few minutes. Nonetheless he was so bored that he decided to gather the team for a meeting.

"I'm bored," said Captain to the whole team and they all looked at him questioningly

"Seriously, that's why you told us to come here?" Tawny asked

"Not exactly, I thought that if we got a vacation we should do something instead of sitting at home and doing nothing"

 "But vacation is for resting, not doing things" Frezja said.

"Well, I don't want to go anywhere with such face"  Rigel said sadly because he still didn’t want to look in the mirror

"Quiet everyone, we're going somewhere on vacation. After you get drunk at some party, you'll stop being dissatisfied" said the Captain. “Lukier, take a quiz about where we should go on vacation"

"Sure, Captain" said Lukier and pulled out his phone, and a moment later the quiz result showed that they must go to some small shithole island in the middle of the sea with a lake in the middle of it. They did as the quiz said, although not everyone was satisfied with the vacation order and would prefer to stay at home. Fortunately, the new flying vehicle was larger than the default ship and it fit Puszymir aboard too. When they got there, it turned out that this shithole wasn’t such a shithole because they had some tourist attractions there and instead of a village built of shit, they found a pretty fancy town. They went to the hotel to book rooms and it turned out that the rooms are a bit pricey, so they decided to divide into 2 groups and rent 2 rooms. Captain Lukier Puszymir and Tanager were in group one, and Rigel Frezja and Tawny in the other, but it didn’t matter because they only used the rooms to sleep and during the day they were roaming around the island as tourists.

"Alright" Said Captain, after everyone had picked a place to sleep and exited the hotel and were now talking to each other outside "So.. everyone can go their own way now, do what you want, I am going to check if there is any club nearby that we can go to tonight "And then Captain walked away and Lukier went after him because he had no plans to do anything else

"Well, if we’re planning to go party in a club I might as well go and buy a fancy dress to look prestigious or something" said Frezja and also walked away

"I saw nice flowers in the hotel garden and I'm going to go and smell them" said Tanager

"and then maybe I'll go for a walk. Or for ice cream. Or look for more pretty flowers " he added.

 "Ehh, I'm going back to the hotel" said Rigel, because he still didn't want to go outside with his scarred face. Tawny, seeing that Rigel stays at the hotel and remembering that they have the same room, found that the best option right now was to join Tanager, even though that most likely won’t be very interesting.

Meanwhile, Lukier and Captain were walking around the city and it was fun and Lukier was catching pokemons on the phone and didn’t pay attention to where he was going and ran into some defiantly dressed guy and it looked like he pissed the stranger off

"Watch where you’re going you glitter dick" commented the stranger

"Gez, I'm sorry," said Lukier, a bit surprised, because it was very rude of the stranger

"You’re lucky that you didn’t mess up my prestigious clothes because you would get hit"

"How about you talk more politely?" Captain said because only he had the right to be rude to his teammates

“YOU should talk more politely. Do you know who you are talking to? "

"How the hell should we know, we've only been on this island for about 4 hours" said Lukier

”Hmm, so I'll go easy on you this time. But next time remember that I am Bob Ranks, the ruler of the best gang on this island and this makes me a celebrity and the king of the yard in general, so the next time our paths cross, you better watch out or something will happen to you" said Bob and went away

"Damn, I don't like this guy," said Lukier, concerned

 "Me too. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Captain replied

 "Er .. let's avoid him at all costs?"

“Let's follow him and spite him"


"Come on, let's save the city from the evil bandit. Let’s go"

"Captain, I think you should calm down, we're on vacation. We didn't come here to fight monsters, especially those in human form .. just forget it happened and let's go look for the club for the evening. "

"Eh alright, but before we go back to the base I'll find this guy's house and leave him Puszymir's shit on the doormat" said  Captain and then some old guy accosted them

"Excuse me, I overheard your conversation, is it true that you are involved in killing monsters?"

"Yes, but not at the moment because we are on vacation" Lukier said quickly before the Captain could reply, because he felt that this man had a side quest for them and he knew that if his gut feeling was true, the Captain would probably accept this quest.

“Oh, what a misfortune, we've been struggling with a monster here on our island for years and we can't get rid of it. We wanted to call Monster Hunters but the location of our island is such a craphole that no region with protection from monsters reaches it. " the man said sadly

"What kind of  monster is it?" Captain asked and Lukier facepalmed

"Big, blue, striped. It looks a bit like a giant mermaid and doesn't let anyone sail away or sail to the island. It's capsizing the ships, and overall the situation is bad. The only way out is through flying vehicles, but most people cannot afford flying vehicles"

"It sounds like you really want to get out of this island," said Lukier

”It's true,  young man. We all want to get out of here because there is a monster in the water and mafia on land and who knows what’s worse. The mafia has a paradise on earth here - no one can move out of here because of a monster and it’s easier for them to terrorize people. They even terrorized the local police. If you could get rid of either them or the monster it would be great"

 "This sounds like a job for-"

"For someone who is not on vacation, Captain" Lukier took Captain by the arm and started to walk away from the old man "Sorry sir, but we don't have the equipment to fight a monster, especially a marine monster, and our unit is not for dealing with the mafia"

"Come on Lukier, do you want to leave this poor old man with unfinished quest?" The Captain said, being pulled by Lukier

"What I said does not convince you? We didn't take any weapons, this monster is not our problem. In fact, the regions of our teams don’t cover this area as he said, even if we were not on vacation it would not be our problem. I know that it’s out of the character for me that I refuse to help some poor old man, but I just think rationally at the moment because it's seriously like throwing a hoe into the sun, we won't be able to kill a monster right now and we certainly won't be able to defeat the whole mafia "

"Eh.. fine. let it be your way" said Captain, a bit disappointed because Lukier had very good arguments. Then they went back to looking for a club for the night and found one that was owned by Bob Ranks but they didn’t know about that and they didn’t have much choice anyway because there was only one club on the whole island because the island was small. Then they went back to the hotel and told the others that they found a place to go tonight. Frezja bought herself some fancy clothes and they were shiny and so pretty that Lukier asked if the store had the same thing but for guys, and they ended up going shopping together again and Lukier bought himself a whole outfit that shimmered like Puszymir’s feathers. He thought it was the best money spent since he bought himself big neon shop sign and hung it on the wall in his room. Rigel, when he found out that Captain and Luker are inviting the team to the club today, was sad because even though his wounds already regenerated, the scars were still visible and he didn't like it. Then Tawny and Tanager returned from their walk in the garden, and Rigel went to ask for a favor

"Taaawwnnnyyyy, can you do something for me?" Rigel asked

 "No," said Tawny

"Come on, I didn't even say what it is"

"I disagree preventively because after your last request a lot of bad things happened"

"Can you lend me your regeneration?"

"Why, you are infected and regeneration works as it should"

"Well, yeah, but the scars remained"

”Well, this is what happens when you have deep cuts. Frezja also has scars on her leg, my blood won't help here" Tawny replied and Rigel got sad and started to whine that he looks ugly and doesn’t want to go to a party where people can see him like that and Frezja took pity on him and took out a toiletry bag from her suitcase.

"Rigel come here, maybe I can help" Frezja called him over "I don't use this shit often but it should help" and she put some makeup on him and he looked like he did before when he wasn’t scratched

"Oh my, thanks! Uhh if you say that you don't use this often, can i have it? " Rigel asked and Frezja gave him her makeup so that he could cover his wounds himself.

When the evening was approaching, everyone was ready to go out and they were excited about finally going to some party. Only Tawny was not happy about it because he didn’t like crowds or loud music and he didn’t know what he was even going there for, but on the other hand, even Tanager wanted to go and sing karaoke so he figured it wouldn't be the same in the hotel room when the whole team was going to have fun at the club.

When they got to the club, they booked a table and Captain and Tanager went to dance or something and Lukier ordered drinks and sparkling water in a fancy looking glass for Tawny who was sensitive to substances and probably would get wasted with one beer so he preferred not to risk it. Meanwhile, Frezja went to check out the building and the snack bar but they were not good and after about 2 hours she started to get bored at the party. So she returned to the table where Tawny was still sitting and Rigel was roaming somewhere nearby

because he kept returning to the table every now and then to ask Tawny if the makeup was still working and if there were no scars on his face and after answering that the makeup was still working, he was leaving to try to talk to some girls.

"Eh, this party kinda sucks" Frezja began the conversation

"Tell me about it. I have been sitting here for two hours and drinking water "replied Tawny, who was almost asleep but at the same time did not fall asleep because the music was loud and annoying

"If the music was better I could dance or something but it sounds like something that would play for a striptease rather than normal dancing. And the food sucks here" commented Frezja and Tawny didn't know what to answer so he didn't answer anything and they sat there like that 5 minutes in silence until Frezja spoke again

"I'm bored, are you dtf?"

"What??" asked Tawny who was surprised because it was a bit of an awkward question to ask and it confused him a bit

"Well, we could return to the hotel early because I can see that we’re both bored here and take advantage of the fact that the team is out"

"Wow you have to stop talking to Rigel because you start to have poor pick-up lines like him" commented Tawny

"Well, you’re up for it or-" Frezja asked again

"Yea" said Tawny and they got up and went to tell Rigel they were going back because the party sucks

"Actually, I also think the party sucks a bit" said Rigel  "I'm not lucky in seducing females and the rest of the team is out dancing or talking to people so I might as well come back to the hotel with you"

"What would you say if you don't come back to the hotel with us?" Tawny said, a little embarrassed, and Rigel must have gotten to the point

"Oh .." Rigel said a little sad and a little embarrassed "okay .. I'll see you two later, have fun ..." and he went to look for Lukier or anyone else from the team and found Lukier but Lukier was talking to some girl with hair dyed pink and he was apparently too busy talking to her to talk to Rigel right now, so Rigel decided to try to talk to other girls again.

Meanwhile, Tawny and Frezja were walking through the island town at night and it was nice because it was decorated with some shiny lights and they both decided that the lights are pretty. When they got to the hotel in which they had a room, they saw that someone was doing some shady shit in the parking lot. Due to the fact that their flying vehicle was parked there, they went there to see if no one was trying to steal it or to scratch it with a nail out of spite. When they got there, it’s exactly what was happening. I mean, not scratching with a nail, but stealing a vehicle by some 2 people.

"Hey you two, what are you doing ?!" Tawny shouted and expected the burglars to run  away, but surprisingly they didn’t. Tawny and Frezja walked closer to them

"Get the hell away from our ship" Frezja said

"Or else what?" said the stranger female villain

"Isn't there any monitoring here or something?"

"Not anymore," said the other bad guy who wasn't a female and then Tawny and Frezja saw that the camera was melted

"It was you who melted the camera?" Tawny asked a bit surprised as he got closer and noticed that these two looked like some kind of pyrotechnics gang. He concluded that because the girl villain looked like a victim of second-degree burns and that the guy villain was holding a Molotov cocktail

"Who are you?" he asked

"We are Bogic and Phlogiston, the best bandit arsonists on this island!" Bogic exclaimed (that was the dude villain)

"I mean, we would be the best if it weren't for this stupid mafia that terrorizes everyone better than us" said Phlog

"No one can leave the island because of the monster that dwells in these waters, but as soon as we steal your plane, we will get out of this cesspool and we will set up a mafia ourselves and it will be such a good mafia that no one has seen one like this, haha" said Bogic

"Can you pilot this vehicle?" asked Tawny, a little disappointed with their intellect, and then there was a somewhat awkward silence between the two bandits.

"Uh .. no. Can you?" asked Phlog and Tawny and Frezja looked at each other with pity because they felt sorry for those two idiots

"They look like they can! Take them, we kidnap them!" Bogic exclaimed and gave Phlogiston the Molotov he was holding and then lunged at Frezja because she looked like an easier target compared to Tawny who stood next to her. Normally Frezja would be stronger than some random guy but Bogic had one metal hand and therefore more strength. Tawny was about to slash Bogic with his claws but Phlogiston’s voice stopped him

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, redhead cosplayer!" and Tawny looked at Phlog and it turned out that the Molotov was set on fire and Phlog aimed at the ship and other cars in the parking lot

"If you set the ship on fire, you will lose the object you are trying to steal, moron!" cried Frezja, who was still held by Bogic

"We don't need it if we don't have a pilot" said Phlog

"And we assume that one of you is a pilot" Bogic added "so which of you can drive this thing?"

".. I can" said Tawny

"Awesome, we're kidnapping you then!" Phlog shouted

"Okay, can you let Frezja go then?" asked Tawny "You are threatening to explode the entire parking lot with a Molotov, that's enough, you don't have to hold her hostage."


"Nooo! Don't let her go, it's a trap! if you let her go she'll probably stun you or something and we'll lose” Phlog shouted to Bogic, who was about to release Frezja but in the end didn't

"Eh, okay .." said Tawny and started to walk towards the hotel door

 "FREEZE, WHERE YOU ARE GOING?!" shouted Phlog


"Oh. Oh okay yeah. So go, go get the keys to the flying machine to get us out of here, ”Phlog shouted

"OH AND DON'T CALL THE POLICE BY THE WAY!" added Bogic and Tawny did not call the police when he was in the hotel, because firstly he is almost like the police and should be able to solve such situations, secondly, before the police arrive here, the bandits will do something to the ship or Frezja, and thirdly, if there is a big mafia on this island, then the police are probably shitty. After a while Tawny returned with the keys and they all got into the ship and the bandits found Puszymir’s leash somewhere on the chair, so they tied Frezja's hands to some metal frame. Bogic threatened Tawny with a flamethrower hidden in his metal arm and told him to fly somewhere far away and to be honest Tawny was now starting to get a little stressed about that situation because he wasn't afraid of cuts and stab wounds, but serious burns are something that his regeneration could not fix.

Meanwhile, Captain Tanager Lukier and Rigel were still at the party, and suddenly the dude from earlier, Mafia Lord Bob Ranks himself, came to the club. Most of the people in the club looked at him like some superstar, and the rest were scared. Captain saw the guy and quickly found Lukier and took pulled him away from the pink haired girl with whom he talked until now.

"Hey, I was in the middle of the sentence, what's going on?" Lukier asked, a bit annoyed

"Look who's here" said Captain, and Lukier then saw Bob

"Oh no ... no, Captain, I think I know what are you thinking about, don’t do anything idiotic"

"What? I wasn’t thinking of anything. What were you thinking?"

"Phew, I thought you were going to go and spite him on purpose or something"

"Oh, that’s a wonderful idea" and Captain went away to carry out this idea and Lukier ran after him to get him out of trouble that he is about to get into

Bob Ranks was just twerking and grabbing the attention and money of everyone in the club and Captain thought that it would piss him off if he took his attention and money so he started pole dancing next to him. He was doing very well and he achieved what he wanted and there was such a crowd that even Rigel and Tanager came to watch. There was a girl standing next to Rigel, so he tried to talk to her but it turned out that this girl was a gangster and she punched Rigel in the face, leaving him with a black eye and stabbed him in the stomach with a knife. Then the Captain stopped annoying Bob and walked over to Rigel who was lying on the ground screaming in pain. Lukier and Tanager also ran up and picked Rigel from the floor and the Captain started yelling at the knife's owner.

"What the hell was that supposed to be?! I mean punching a dude in the face for a stupid pick-up line I can understand, but knife under the ribs is a bit too much don’t you think?”

"Close your mouth or soon you will be next" replied the gangster girl

"Captain, let's get out of here," said Lukier because he was getting stressed by this situation

Then Bob himself approached the scene and said that the cutthroat lady was from the same gang as him and that Captain and his men had just gained a new enemy. Bob took a swing to punch the Captain in the face but Captain dodged it and instinctively slapped Bob and it was so insulting that Bob took some knife out of his pocket and cut Captain's arm. Tanager and Lukier started to run away while holding battered Rigel, and the Captain followed them. Bob and his gang members began chasing them. The team was running a little slower because of Rigel who was in pain with every step until he finally couldn't walk and fell to his knees and Bob caught up with them. Then the Captain saw that Rigel still had a knife in his stomach, so he pulled it out and began to fight Bob with it, and Tanager then took Rigel in his arms like a bride and ran to carry him to safety.

Meanwhile, stressed out Tawny flew into the unknown and he was afraid to say anything so that the arsonists would not set fire to him or Frezja or anything inside the vehicle because it would be very easy to explode that way and the hijackers were idiots. Tawny then saw some land and began to slowly land

"Ooooh nooo " said Tawny

"What, what's going on!?" Bogic shouted a little panicked, still pointing his flamethrower arm at him 

"We ran out of fuel, we won't fly any further"

"Damn, what now Phlog?" Bogic asked

"Cool, we'll tie this guy up too and go get fuel. They will not fly anywhere on an empty tank anyway"

"Yyy .. Do you have anything to tie the other one?"

"Well, there must be something here, wait," Phlog said, and began searching through some drawers on the ship. She found duct tape. "Here Bogic, use this" and she threw the tape to Bogic and he taped Tawny’s hands to the ship’s steering thingy

"Jesus Christ ..." said Tawny, disappointed at their stupidity

"What are you saying?" Bogic asked

"J-Jesus Christ! just not this, my kryptonite, duct tape, aaa! " Tawny corrected himself

"Haha! Yes! suffer! suffer until we come back with fuel! and don't do anything stupid while we're away or we'll explode your ship and you inside!” Phlog shouted and together with Bogic they left the ship and walked away about 2 meters and then the ship flew away and they felt very stupid that they got bamboozled with that empty tank bullshit and lost their means of transport and got stuck in some total shithole land"

 "What a shame I didn't take the flute ..." commented Bogic

“It's okay, at least we're off the island, mission partially acomplished.” said Phlog

Meanwhile Tawny bit through the duct tape as he was piloting the ship and turned the course back to the island

"You played it nicely" commented Frezja

”Thanks, to be honest I wasn't sure if this idiot would buy it. I hope you don’t mind if I untie you when we get back to the parking lot, there’s no space to land right now "

Meanwhile, during the fight in the city with Bob, Lukier stayed behind and wanted to help Captain, but he didn’t know how because he had no weapons. Then he saw a stick on the ground and picked it up and dipped it in a nearby dog poop. Then he proceeded to run at the cutthroats wielding a shitstick and it turned out that it was 400% effective and the gang members jumped back in panic. Bob stayed on, probably just because he was focused on fighting Captain. The captain managed to stab Bob and Bob then activated rage mode and knocked Captain to the ground and, laughing ominously, put the knife to his throat. Then Lukier came over and touched Bob's cheek with the shitstick, and Bob then jumped back like a cat who saw a cucumber behind his back.

"YUCK. YOU ARE DISGUSTING" Bob shouted angrily because had already been disgraced enough by the moron team that at this point they knew they will need to either deal with the mafia problem or Bob would break into the hotel and stab them at night "This time you can go but I'll get you! " Bob shouted as he ran away. Then Lukier went to the Captain and helped him up

 "Are you okay?"

"Yes .. I think I managed to stab the hecker but he cut my arm too."

"Frezja needs to patch you up- wait, where is Frezja and Tawny? I haven't seen them since the party” said Lukier, and then Tanager and Rigel came back because Tanager saw that it was safe now. Rigel could more or less stand on his feet and walk by now

“Frezja and Tawny went to fuck in the hotel because they didn't vibe with the party" said disappointed, battered Rigel "W-wait .. did you say you stabbed Bob with a knife ..?"


"With the knife .. that you pulled out of me? .. covered in my blood?"

"Yes." Captain replied and then realized Rigel was infected "Oh hell okay, I see the problem"

"Great, just great, now the guy who wants to kill us will have epic powers too" Rigel whimpered

"Okay, maybe he won't be aware that he has them at all" said Lukier

"Uh .. Friends" Tanager chimed in, "I think you should go see Frezja first instead of arguing here at night" and that was a good comment so they listened and started walking to the hotel.


At that time, Tawny just flew in and parked the ship as it was parked earlier and went back to finally untie Frezja and it didn't work out because it was one of those knots that is almost impossible to untie. And Frezja was getting impatient and was saying some advice on how to untie the knot and Tawny couldn't do it right. It was when the team was at the hotel and they heard voices from the parking lot and came to see what was happening. Lukier opened the back door of the ship and all teammates (except maybe Tanager) froze in awkward silence

"I understand that doing it in uncommon places is a cool kink but seriously, you had to do it here?" Lukier asked disgusted

"That's not what you think," said both Frezja and Tawny

"We've been kidnapped by bandits," Tawny began to explain

"They wanted to steal the ship and threatened us with a Molotov" added Frezja

"And then they tied her up and-"

"Okay, quiet, this is the worst excuse I’ve ever heard" said Captain "Someone release Frezja or I'm about to bleed out" and that was true because the Captain looked like 7 misfortunes and had his hoodie all covered in blood so Frezja was quickly released by Tanager who was better at untying knots than Tawny, and Captain was stitched up. So far, everyone has survived and Rigel has been looking a little better after a few hours, so it's more or less a success but at the same time a terrible first day of vacation. Anyway they now have to deal with the mafia boss or else they will die. I mean, there is also an option to take the ship and fly home, but it's a bit of a disgrace and the Captain didn't want to do that.