Special Needs Forces

Eter Kometan
3 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
23 90580 5 6

Chapter 17
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence

A massive shitpost story that got out of control and actually started to be more entertaining to write than it was supposed to be. It reads like a broken youtube video script so yeah. You've been warned.

It's about a team of monster hunters going on adventures and stuff

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Eater of worlds

The next morning Tawny woke up more or less sober and took Frezja, who was not yet sober to med bay and put her on one of those hospital beds. He was still feeling a bit dizzy but he went to find someone from the team to tell them about what happened yesterday. He found Lukier and Rigel in the kitchen making coffee because it was early in the morning.

“Rigel… about yesterday” Tawny started

“Oh hey, are you coming to thank me that you got laid thanks to me again?” Rigel said when he saw Tawny walk in and sit next to him at the table

“What?” Tawny asked, confused

“Come on, you don’t have to pretend, we saw you” said Lukier

“It wasn’t- It’s those bandits again. Do you remember the bandits who tied Frezja to the ship and tried to kidnap us? They’re back, we have to do something about them, yesterday they shot me with a tranquilizer dart and…” Tawny started explaining but Lukier and Rigel were laughing at his story.

“What? What’s so funny?”

"Listen, stop with these bandits, okay? this is a very poor excuse and I don't know why you just won't admit it, you’re not 16 years old anymore and you don’t have to be so embarrassed” said Rigel

”I’m telling the truth though, I have no reason to lie about the bandits. They are seriously persecuting us"

"And why only you two and never when other people are nearby?"

“I don't know. It doesn't change the fact that they can be dangerous because they don't seem to know what they're doing and they somehow get it right. It's as if their strategy was ‘if I don't know what I'm doing, you sure as hell won't know either’ and I just know that they want to steal our ship” and then he saw that Lukier and Rigel stopped listening to him and then the Captain came into the kitchen and looked like he had some important message to deliver.

"Hey, listen," Captain began, "since I can see that you are all gathered here, I will tell you now that Crow has disappeared from the radars and her team is gone"

"And what about it?" Rigel asked

"Well, we have to look for her because something could have happened"

"Why us? we're on vacation" said Lukier

"And two people from our team are still injured" added Rigel

"And if something did happen, I think that someone more competent should be sent instead of us. Did you forget that Crow’s team is better than us? And that Crow doesn't seem to like us very much? " Lukier added to Rigel’s addition

"Crow has already been on our team once and it means she's almost like family so if you don't want to go check up on them then I’ll just do it on my own"

"I’ll go" said Tawny and that surprised Rigel and Lukier and Captain a bit too

"You are usually the last one to help people if you don't have to do it" said Lukier

"But I owe Crow a favor because thanks to her I'm still here and not in a prison or some lab as a rat"

"Eh, fine. So be it, I'll go too, but just know that I'm doing it for you specifically and not for Crow" said Lukier and then all three looked at Rigel reproachfully

"Jesus, okay if you guilt trip me like that then I'll go too"

“Tanager stays at the base, he hasn't recovered yet. What about Frezja? " the Captain asked

"Uhh .. Frezja is currently sleeping and there is no point in waking her up" said Tawny, who did not want to talk about the bandits again because Rigel and Lukier would laugh at him again and embarrass him in front of the Captain

"Okay, without Frezja, it will be 4 of us. Enough for tactical reconnaissance, let’s go" said Captain and they went to the ship and the Captain flew to the coordinates of the place where Crow’s ship disappeared and when they got there they found a very large piece of land with dug up earth and a piece of rubble that most likely was Crow’s ship and that worried the team. They were starting to think Captain was rightly worried about the whole incident, and then they noticed that some tactically dressed guy was sitting by the wreckage. The Captain walked over to him

"Hey you there, are you captain Crow's pawn?"

"Uhh well, I'm actually new, my name is Ibis and yeah, Crow was my captain"

"What the hell happened here?"

"The monster .. the monster ate the entire ship. Except for the piece lying on the ground. I survived because I took the parachute and jumped out the door before the monster swallowed it "

"What kind of monster is it?" Captain was interrogating the dude in such a tone that he seemed to be afraid of him but Captain didn’t notice that, because firstly, he had a poor ability to sense whether the interlocutor felt comfortable or not, and secondly, he was a bit emotional due to the situation that happened

"Well, er.. it was so long and big, it emerged from the ground like some world devourer. He looked like an earthworm but enlarged several hundred thousand times and had spikes and other terrible looking things and I don't know "

"You must know more about this. How did it happen that you were attacked by the world-eater? "

"I really don’t know, we were just flying slowly near the ground because we were looking for another monster and it suddenly attacked"

"Captain, I think we should stop stressing the new guy out and take him to Frezja to see if he has a concussion or something else" Lukier suggested because he saw that the new guy was on the verge of a panic attack. Captain let go and flew back to the base with the Ibis on board, where Frezja did a med scan on him and it turned out that he was fine. Then Frezja went to help Captain identify the monster in the pokedex which was difficult because there were a lot of earth monsters, but so far they just marked all possible options. Rigel and Lukier, on the other hand, had time to talk to Ibis in a calm and not pissed-off tone, as Captain did before. Ibis was just sitting on the couch awkwardly and didn't know what to do, so he didn't do anything.

"Hey, when Captain identifies the monster and comes up with a plan, we'll most likely go back to the scene of the accident. Are you going to look for your team with us?” Asked Lukier “What? I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m able to help with anything, I don’t do much.” Ibis replied, still a little panicked, and additionally taken by surprise with that question.

“What do you mean you don't do much?”

“Well, because I'm new and it was my first mission. And Captain Crow was a bit scary and I was afraid to do anything else because if I would have done something wrong I’d get fired or something”

"I don't think even Crow would fire recruits on the first mission."

“In general I'm a pilot. Maybe she was afraid to give me the helm so that I wouldn't do a kamikaze attack haha.”

After this sentence, there was an awkward silence because Lukier didn’t know if it was a joke or what and if he should laugh at an unfunny joke out of kindness or not, and he chose not to.

“Anyway, I think you should go” Lukier returned to the topic he started so it stops being awkward “You know what happened there best. Besides, maybe you will learn something at the same time and you won't have to stress out so much on official missions when you return to your team.”

“Or rather, I will get a new team, heh. Then they will be stressed.”

Lukier didn’t answer anything because again he did not know what that meant.

"Because I bring bad luck" Ibis added.

Then Captain came with Frezja and they brought a list of possible monsters. The list was still too large for them to identify this particular one by themselves from Ibis’s description, so they asked him if he could point to the right one in the picture. Ibis pointed at one of the monsters and everyone went to research to prepare the right equipment for the fight. Only Lukier remained, because he felt a bit sorry for the traumatized recruit who probably lost the team on his first mission. When the rest of the team dispersed and only Ibis and Lukier remained in the room, Ibis spoke up.

“I don't know if I want to go back there.”

“Well, I won't force you if you do not want to, but you can see that we’d already have a problem at this point if you weren’t here to help us.”

“I heard that you are the worst team in the past two years or so, so I'm not surprised.” said Ibis and Lukier felt offended that some recruit who is afraid of doing his job allows himself to say such words the first time he talks to a member of the team that saved him from certain death. He also thought it was a good thing that Captain was not around anymore because the recruit would have flown out of the window. He himself wanted to throw him out of the window, but he decided not to alienate him in the first hours of the acquaintance, especially since he might really be needed.

“So what will it be, will you help our worst team save the best team?”

“Eh. If you are not afraid to take me on board, I can help. I hope that I will not have to unlearn anything if you teach me wrong.”

“Can you stop telling me so straight to my face that my team sucks?” Lukier was starting to get upset because that boor had no respect at all.

“Heh, nah I understand you, I was in a prestigious team for one day and I was saved by the Special Needs Forces, do you know how I feel?”

“I can't possibly imagine. It must be terribly humiliating.” Lukier replied sarcastically

“It will be funny if they put me in your team if it turns out that all Sixteen did not survive. I guess I fit here.” continued Ibis and Lukier didn't even know if he was trying to insult his team or if he was feeling sorry for himself and the team was getting ricocheted insults.

"How do you even endure so many years with this Captain?" Ibis continued

“What? What do you mean?” Lukier was surprised by the question “He seems like he thinks he knows everything best, he’s bossy and does what he pleases. Same as Crow by the way.”

“That's how being a captain works, I don't know what your problem is.”

“If all captains are like that, I think I'll change my job. The first mission failed, the second one is some kind of self-proclaimed expedition, I didn't sign up for that.”

"You talked to him twice and he only asked for details about your team's situation. Did you expect him to invite you for coffee and cake when his friend and the rest of the team are dying inside a monster?” Lukier was pissed off at this point and Ibis was surprised that someone's natural reaction to his remark might not be to complain about his superiors.

“I wasn't convinced about this whole trip either because it's not our job” Lukier continued ” In general, we do a lot of not-our-job if Captain wants us to. But no one forces us to do so. Nobody forces you either, so instead of whining to me, just tell me where you want to go and we will drop you off on the way.”

Then Captain came in, along with Tawny, Rigel and Frezja who were ready for the rescue mission and had their ship and equipment ready.

"Okay Lukier, take the fresh guy to the ship and let’s go"

"Actually, I was about to say I'd rather stay here" said Ibis

"You have nothing to say, your team is in danger and temporarily I'm your captain, so listen up"

"What's the plan, Captain?" Lukier interrupted them

"We fly to the place of the accident and wait for this world devourer, and when it appears, we'll fly inside and see if Crow is doing well or not so much."

"It's madness. You can’t be serious,”said Ibis again,“Crow and the rest of the team are probably dead anyway and you're going to sacrifice your entire team plus me as food for the monster? No offense, but I don't know how you even became a captain "

"No offencse, but I don't know how you became a recruit" said Frezja, who was standing next to Captain "If you talked to your trainers like that, I am surprised they hired you at all" this was actually what Lukier wanted to say for a long time now, but he didn't want to be rude. The only strange thing was that the Captain himself didn't reply with a retort, but perhaps he just did not want to waste his breath at some inexperienced guy who thinks he is allowed to do whatever he wants because he joined the team with a poor reputation in the background.

Anyway, the whole team, except for Tanager who stayed at home, got into the ship and flew away and talked about things in the meantime.

"Lukier, are you sure you don’t want to stay? You still have permission for a health break with that cut arm” Frezja asked

“No, it's nothing. It almost doesn’t hurt anymore"

" ‘Almost’ isn't enough. We're not far from base and we can still get you back home"

"No, I want to be on this mission, I'll be fine"

"Pff," said Ibis. "It's strange that your captain allows it. I mean sending a wounded man on a mission. And even weirder that the team medic also doesn't mind "

"Can you finally shut your mouth dude? I think it's very inappropriate that you spit in our face when we go save your team's ass even if we don't have to"

"Frezja, calm down, he's just a recruit," said Lukier

"By the way I wonder why Frezja is taking Captain’s role today, usually it’s him who yells at people" added Rigel

"Well, excuse me, I have a lot of patience but this kind of talking pisses me off" she replied.

"Captain?" Lukier prodded Captain and it turned out that Captain was pensive and did not listen to their conversation at all

"Uh what?"

"Actually, I was just checking if you’re listening to our conversation, but since I got your attention now, tell me if hypothetically, Crow’s team will turn out to be dead, will we get Ibis added to our team or...?"

"Crow’s team must be alive" Captain said indignantly. “If Crow was going to die, she would have done it in some badass way, and she wouldn't have been eaten by some oversized worm that popped out of the ground like a dolphin. It's like dying slipping on a banana peel."

"Well I understand but you still haven't answered my question"

"Once we find Crow, we will give her the whippersnapper back"

“Now you've motivated me, Captain” Frezja said

They continued flying and then they got there and landed and waited a very long time and nothing happened. Captain was getting impatient and the others thought that the monster just went to dig a hole in the ground somewhere else, but then Captain got off the ship, took his shotgun and started shooting at the ground and cursing the monster and it was another idiotic idea that had no right to work but it worked because the ground started to tremble and after a while a giant worm emerged from it. The shotgun bullets didn’t do anything to it because it had a hard skin and was as big as a building and it was just it’s head. Captain quickly ran back to the ship and the monster made a sound like a shout of the damned and then swallowed the ship whole. The ship was able to fit inside the monster because the monster was not only large and long but also wide.

“Ugh okay. Vore is not a good kink" commented Rigel as they all looked through the windshield. At first they saw a few rows of teeth and then some internal spikes and other unidentified inner monstery gut things and that was probably one of the grossest places they had ever been as a monster hunting team. Once the ship was entirely swallowed, it landed in some large chamber which probably should be the monster's stomach, but this monster didn't seem to have normal organs as all other life forms because it looked more like some fleshy biome in a horror game. Tawny fired up the ship and flew to land on some island that had no stomach acid or anything else to keep the ship from dissolving.

"Okay, I did not expect that" said Lukier because he didn't know what he expected from being inside the monster, but certainly not an entire biome in which there was even some strange grass growing. It was not really grass, but it’s less gross to think about it by simplifying it for grass. There were also some glowing worms flying in the monster which was nasty but all in all cool because every light is good. As for the light, everyone took a flashlight and a gun. Captain took the explosives he was going to blow up the monster with, although he had no idea where the hell to put them. So they walked deeper into the monster and suddenly noticed that something was moving somewhere in the back

"Damn I got flashbacks from that tunnel where Tawny died" said Rigel and Captain ignored him and started calling at full volume

"Croow? is that you? we are here to save you!"

But no one answered. I mean no human answered, but the horde of something replied with some screeching almost like turkeys when you shout gulugulugulu in the pen and they answer, and it didn't mean any good. In a short time the horde came and it was terrible because it was dark and you could not see much with the flashlights when everyone is half panicking and some unidentified little monsters are jumping in front of your eyes and trying to bite off your limbs. After about a minute, the team probably managed to shoot them all and a lot of shots flew in all directions and got stuck in the fleshy walls, which probably hurt the monster because it started to move and caused an earthquake.

"Damn, we have to try not to shoot at the walls because if this monster starts to move more we will fall into the acid and die" said Tawny

"So how are we supposed to fight this crap?!" asked Rigel who was still a bit stunned by these creatures that live inside the monster

"Maybe try to hit the target"

"Well thanks, it's easy for you to say when you can see everything without a flashlight"

"Actually, he's right," said Lukier

"Come on, you too?”

"No, I'm saying that Tawny, Frezja and you can see in the dark, you can approach these creatures in stealth and somehow eliminate them before they activate the horde mode. Just saying."

Meanwhile, Frezja inspected the corpse of one of the little monsters and when it wasn’t moving she could see that they looked like scaly monkeys with huge claws and tried to find them in the electronic monster book but they were not listed. Understandable, because they are probably the first (well, maybe the second) team to discover the biome inside the monster and the monsters inside the monster. Unfortunately, everything indicated that these little monsters could be venomous, but there was no way to check it to be 100% sure, because they wouldn’t want to inject themselves with the monster's saliva to find out. Either way, they walked on and on quite a distance, avoiding some more acid puddles, and there wasn't much of a sign of either Crow or her team.

"Maybe we haven't found them yet because her ship was damaged and therefore the monster swallowed it deeper or something" Frezja tried to comfort Captain

"Maybe we should finally go back because they’re probably already dead if we even find them. It's dangerous here ” Ibis complained

"Normally, I would say the same.." said Rigel, who was glad that it wasn’t him who looked like a coward this time "..but in this case we have the equipment, we are prepared and we are freaking monster hunters and this is our job to save people from monsters. "

Ibis then started mumbling some sounds of dissatisfaction or something, I don't know. Nobody listened to him anyway. After a while, they found a corpse half melted in acid and it was clearly the corpse of some member of Crow’s team because he had scraps of armor and a broken weapon next to him. This worried Captain a bit, because now he knew quite well that acid was killing people and at least one Crow’s men was dead.

They continued looking for Crow, and suddenly the corridor seemed to slide down a very steep, almost vertical way. But this time the team was well prepared so they took a rope and tied it to some anchor point and it worked and they went down the tunnel. There were more of these small monsters down there, but they managed to take them out somehow partially by avoiding them and partially by hitting the target like Tawny said earlier. As they walked down with no enemies around, they saw the wreck of Crow’s ship, which was also partially corroded by acid. They walked over to it and opened the door and saw Lime sitting there and aiming her gun at them because she got scared.

"I thought you were those monsters, what are you doing here?" asked Lime, who looked like something was wrong with her

"Captain noticed inconsistencies on the radar and organized a rescue mission for you" Rigel said

"Are you okay?" Frezja asked and went to Lime to check if she was bitten by monsters

"I'm fine ... I mean, I think so" One of these bastards bit me and I was feeling lightheaded and Crow told me to go back to the flyer and then I woke up and everyone was gone, and now you came."

"So Crow went somewhere with the rest of the team?" Captain asked "Why?"

"Our flyer crashed so there was no way out, she went to do some tactical reconnaissance... but I don't even know how long she’s been gone"

"Then we go deeper until we find her." the Captain said to himself

"Captain, from what Lime says these little bastards are seriously poisonous, I think we should leave her and Tawny in the ship"

"I can do it, you need someone who can see in the dark" protested Tawny

”Tawny listen up, because in this situation you are dying of a single hit. Take Lime and escort her to the ship, ”said the Captain

”What about Frezja and Rigel? They’re also sensitive to poison"

"We will just not get bitten" Frezja said "and if we get bitten, there is a chance we’ll survive."

"Uh okay" said Tawny as he helped Lime up

"Hey, you won't bite my other arm off this time, will you?" Lime said half-jokingly

"I'll try not to" replied Tawny and they started to walk, but when Lime got out of her flyer and saw Ibis she yelled at him that it was his fault that they’re in this situation and he should step in an acid puddle with socks on and Tawny calmed her down because when she started waving that metal arm she could hurt someone or herself

"What's that supposed to mean?" Captain looked at Ibis with a very angry look

"I don't know why you’re listening to some injured girl who may have a brain damage or something"

"To me it sounded like you were part of the problem"

”Okay, maybe it might have happened that instead of obeying the order I decided to escape from the flyer which was being eaten by the monster, happy? I just have a self-preservation instinct"

"Jesus, Ibis" Lukier shaked his head "Not to be rude but you screwed up"

"You can see what the situation looks like now, if I stayed in the flyer then I probably would’ve died like them!"

"Stop whining, not all of them died and if you did what the captain tells you to do, even fewer people would have to die. I'll get you in the reports when we get home you ugly invertebrate” said Captain and the Ibis looked like he had a mental tear between some pissed off child who gets detention and a scared dog who ripped the pillow to shreds and knows he did wrong

"Anyway, it's time to go" Rigel reminded and he was right so they went on and the road was covered with some garbage that the monster probably ate earlier, there were some vehicles, debris, beer cans, remains of other monsters and another corpse of one of Crow’s crew members, but this one wasn’t dissolved in acid and looked fresh and half eaten by the small monsters, most likely. The team climbed to the top of the trash pile and it turned out that behind it there was another tunnel leading downhill and the monster seemed to have no end. Then the radio rang, it was Tawny informing them that they reached the ship and asking how the mission was going and it wasn't going well because they still haven’t found everyone. After descending into the next tunnel, they were surprised by another horde of the small monsters and Ibis (unsure if) accidentally shot Captain but Captain had armor so he was fine. "What the hell are you doing you noob?" Captain shouted

"What happened?" Lukier shouted because he didn't know what happened because it was dark

"He shot at me" explained Captain

"Are you hurt?" Frezja asked

"No, I have armor. But then what the hell was that?"

"It's dark, I couldn’t see!" Ibis explained "it was by accident and you stood in my line of fire"

"I’m not in your line of fire, you’re just clinging to me like you’re afraid of the dark. Did you ever step back to target the monsters?"

"Captain, let's leave him" Frezja got angry "he looks like some kind of psycho sabotaging the team"

"In fact..."

"Captain wait..." said Lukier "Frezja is right but it would be inappropriate of us to leave him here. I mean, it stinks to me too and I also would prefer if he didn’t hang around us but even then it's a bit cruel"

"Why are we even talking about this? No matter what we decide he’ll just follow us" commented Rigel and it was a fair remark because it was true. So they went on and on and encountered more monsters. It was getting boring because it was a linear path with waves of enemies and if they weren't in danger from one suspicious teammate it would be totally boring for them. Captain finally decided to disregard the fact that monsters will come if he yells and started calling for Crow again.

"Crooow? If you're there, speak to me, I don't want to crawl inside the monster anymore come ooon" and there was silence for a moment.

"I think if we don't find her in the next 15 minutes, we should turn back" said Lukier but Captain didn't listen to him

"Crow, come on!" Captain shouted louder and there was echo and then silence once again. But after a while they heard something.

"Biel?" It sounded like Crow. Or they misheard. And they most likely didn’t mishear it because immediately after that they heard gunshots and then silence again.

"Oh hell, it really is her after all! Good thing you don't give up sometimes, Captain” shouted Rigel who would have probably given up 2 hours earlier.

"Okay, let's follow the sound of the gunshots" said Captain and everyone ran towards the noise in the distance. But not Ibis. Ibis ran in the opposite direction, but at first no one even noticed his disappearance, and when they did, they thought he must have decided to part with the group, and to be honest, they didn't give a shit. When they got to Crow, it turned out she was lying on the ground and some very large piece of metal that the monster had eaten earlier collapsed on her leg and she couldn't get out. And being trapped on the ground, she shot more than 10 of these small monsters whose bodies lay scattered around. They were also lying next to the corpse of her companion who had apparently been bitten and bled out.

"What are you doing here, Biel?" asked Crow who, even if she was glad that the rescue came, still had the default pissed off look on her face. Or maybe it was a pain because her leg was crushed, who knows.

"I was going to come to visit you and I see I’m on time"

"Save your stupid jokes for another day"

”No, it wasn't a joke, I mean it. It’s just that when I was going to come over to talk to you, it turned out that you were eaten by a monster, so I came to the monster"

"Ugh. What a shitty situation” Crow sighed to herself. “How is it that whenever you turn up my team is doing so badly? But nevertheless I’m glad you’re here, I ran out of ammo" then Frezja checked if the corpse of Crow’s crewmate was dead and they were dead.

"I can see most of your people are dead, but if it cheers you up, we found Lime in one piece and Tawny escorted her to a safe place." Frezja said

"Why would he help her, he is a threat"

"Jeez, take the stick out of your ass and chill finally. Tawny regrets it and he was the first to come to your rescue after Captain."

"And Captain himself behaves friendly and to be honest I don't know why you keep being rude to us" added Lukier

"Fine. We can have a less professional relationship but I think it would be a good idea to get me out of the debris first” said Crow and the whole team was reminded that they were going to save her and then all of them together tried to pick up the metal but they failed.

"Damn, maybe if you called Lime, Tawny and that new guy, we would pick it up"

"I doubt it will move, it would still be 7 people against tons of junk" said Rigel

"New guy?" Crow asked

"Your recruit actually. We found him by the monster and took him with us. We heard he didn't obey an order?" Lukier explained

“Oh Ibis, that bastard” commented Crow

"Yeah, we figured you didn't like each other"

”Our flyer was knocked down and the pilot banged his head on the glass and passed out. I told Ibis to take the wheel and run away because he was a pilot and this idiot grabbed a parachute and jumped out as soon as the monster picked up the vehicle and started eating it"

"Son of a bitch" commented Captain "he didn't want to get along with me either. No wonder that he ran away now instead of coming to help you"

"Speaking of help" Frezja began "I have an idea but it might not be a good one"

"Go ahead" said Crow

"Well, we can cut off the leg and you will be free, but the problem will be that you won't have a leg anymore"

Crow didn’t answer and thought for a while but they started to hear the sound of those small monsters in the background and it meant they were running out of time and they were also running out of ammo.

“Okay, now you don't have much choice, I doubt we'll be able to do anything else, especially because there are a lot of these monsters and we have limited ammo" added Frezja

"Fine... then do what you have to do" said Crow and Frezja took out some combat medic's first aid kit and took out a bone saw.

"By the way, I think we should get rid of this monster while we’re here. I mean, I still have explosives I don’t know what to do with ”said Captain

"We should find something like, I don't know, heart? brain? Something that will stop its vital actions if it explodes” said Lukier

"Uh, I think I know where that could be" said Rigel and they both looked at him and Rigel was just looking at a hole in the ceiling and that was the only hole he saw because he often looked at the ceiling before.

"I have no idea how the anatomy of this monster works, but I think on the upper level of the guts I can find something worth exploding" said Captain. By this time, Frezja finished amputating and stitching Crow's leg so she wouldn't bleed out on the way.

"Hey, we're gonna need help getting Crow back to the ship" Frezja said, helping Crow to her feet. Although Crow was conscious, she had little mobility and there were two steep places on the way back so as many people as possible were needed to help.

"Alright, Lukier and Rigel, go back to the ship with Crow and Frezja I'll just quickly plant the explosives, I'll catch up with you soon" said Captain

"But- are you sure you want to go? What if something happens to you? Maybe you'd better send me or Rigel” said Lukier

"You don't have to worry, I’ve haven’t died yet" said Captain, and Lukier lifted him to the hole in the ceiling. And then the monster horde started running and Captain knew the rest of the team had wounded Crow and low ammo so he shouted at the monsters to get their attention and got their attention and the monsters followed him instead of the rest of the team. Due to the fact that the monsters were climbing up through the hole one by one, the Captain shot them like sitting ducks until he ran out of ammunition when there was only one monster left. Luckily he realized it quickly and hit the last monster in the head with his gun and the monster fell down. Then Captain began to run down a tighter corridor and after a while he found something. It didn't look like the heart or any other organ he was looking for, but it looked like something important that would trigger a health problem if it exploded. Captain wasn't going to be picky about it and he just planted the explosives around it and turned around to leave.

“Explosives are planted, get ready to take off" said Captain over the walkie-talkie The team almost reached the ship, but Ibis stood in their way with an evil grin.

“Ibis, where the hell did you go when we needed help helping Crow?” Lukier yelled

"I have no reason to help you. You're all mean to me, and especially you Lukier, a two-faced dangerous looking villain"

"What?? How do I look dangerous to you? "

"Because you have a mohawk"

"What about it? Are you scared you’ll cut yourself on my hair?" and then the inside of the monster started shaking again, and that wasn't a good sign

"Okay, let's go to the ship, time to bail," said Rigel, who was also holding Crow, who was now almost unconscious. Ibis, hearing that, ran to the ship in front of them and when he was a bit ahead of them, he turned and started shooting at them, but he missed because he was a noob.

"What the hell is he doing?" Frezja yelled and grabbed the radio "Tawny, watch out for Ibis, he's crazy and wants to kill us" she said, to which Tawny left the ship and almost ran into Ibis who was already standing at the entrance with a gun pointed at him. Tawny, unfazed, simply slapped him with a tentacle which made Ibis drop the gun and fall over 2 meters away. Then the team reached the ship and Rigel and Frezja put Crow inside, Tawny was starting the ship and Lukier stood over Ibis for a last chat.

“What the hell is wrong with you, you psycho?"

“Both of these teams are rude to me and I don't like you at all and I shouldn't be helping you. This Captain of yours even threatened me with detention. I could get fired because of him! He’ll pay for it! "

"Now you’ll get fired for sure, you attacked your people own more than once and it’s not hard to notice you’re fucked in the head"

"They won’t fire me if I’m the only survivor again and back to square one" said Ibis and took out the detonator he earlier stole from Captain's pocket when it was dark.

"Is that- HOW DID YOU GET THAT? You stole it from Captain, you lemon rind"

"Haha, yes" and Ibis, without hesitating a moment, clicked the button and there was a big explosion somewhere in the back of the monster and everything started shaking again”

"Captain could've been there, you could have killed him!"

"I hope so, and you'll be next" said Ibis, and reached for the gun he dropped earlier, he fired at Lukier but didn't hit any internal organs. And Lukier shot at Ibis in self-defense and hit a lot of his internal organs and then fell over. Rigel, seeing what happened, was so shocked that he was speechless and then ran out of the ship and dragged Lukier aboard where Frezja could stop the bleeding. Then the monster popped its head out of the ground and started screaming its last scream and Tawny figured it was the only chance to fly out without crashing, so he took off. Only when he was outside did he realize that Captain wasn't with them. He also wasn’t responding on the radio. Due to the fact that they had 2 wounded people who needed immediate medical care and 1 person intoxicated with some substance from the monster, they concluded there was no time to look for Captain in an infinitely long monster that had just burst from the inside. They assumed the chances of survival were very low overall when you are in an exploding monster, so they flew to the hospital to patch up the injured, and in the meantime Rigel called the headquarters to send a team to these coordinates to look for the missing person. Everything indicated that Rigel was now the new captain of the team and honestly he thought the promotion would be more enjoyable than whatever it was that just happened. But the good news is that those who are not dead survived.