Special Needs Forces

Eter Kometan
3 years, 4 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
23 90580 5 6

Chapter 21
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence

A massive shitpost story that got out of control and actually started to be more entertaining to write than it was supposed to be. It reads like a broken youtube video script so yeah. You've been warned.

It's about a team of monster hunters going on adventures and stuff

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After sleeping for a long time, Captain was woken up again by Melisanda who slammed into his room and it pissed him off and he asked directly why she was still here in the base and not on the aircraft carrier. It turned out then that Melisadna just wanted to be included in the plot more, but no one felt comfortable with her, so Captain told her to move out if she didn't have to live here because it was weird. It wasn't nice, but there was no better way to put it into words. Anyway, when Captain got up, he went to Frezja because Frezja told him to come after he went to sleep and woke up.

"How are you, Captain?"

”Better than sleeping on the ground. You told me to come when I get up, so here I am"

"Well, about that, I can see that you have a health impairment"

"Oh, yeah. Don't worry about it, that good village doc said he disinfected the wound"

"Okay, I believe he did a good job but I figured you might want to know that you qualify for more serious injury and you can use job insurance to get a surgery or something."

"I don't know..."

"I fumbled in the insurance offers a bit and you have the option to for example get an eye with a built-in night vision"

"Oh, I’ll take it"

"You got convinced quickly"

"Well, who wouldn’t if you can get upgrades for insurance money" Captain replied and Frezja signed him up for surgery sometime in the near future. Then Captain walked down the corridor and encountered Lawenda. Yesterday night, Lawenda came to listen to the story because the whole team was gathered, so she came too, but she didn’t have the opportunity to talk to Captain alone, and standing in the corridor was a good time to talk.

"So you are the friend of Lukier he cried about for a week?" Lawenda asked

"Lukier was crying for me? Aw” Captain replied 

"By the way, I'm Lawenda and I was assigned to your team because you needed one more medic when Crow was here at the base"

"Oh, right, Crow. How is she?"

"Well .. she will get new teammates and a new leg and go back to work. She was sent back to her base "

"I must finally talk to her because the universe does not want us to meet as you can see"

"Oh well, good luck"

And then Captain walked into the living room and Rigel and Lukier were there and they were talking about something, and then Lukier saw that the Captain was already awake

"Oh, hello Captain!" Lukier greeted him

"Hey uhh- am I still officially the captain or did my rank automatically deteriorate when Biel came back?"

"Don’t tell me you’re not relieved about going back to being an ordinary crew member, Rigel" said Lukier

"Nah, I'm not saying anything but I think that I was starting to do well"

"I don't think so" commented Lukier and Captain sat down on the couch and then Lawenda also came because she wanted to talk to Lukier for some time but she didn't have the opportunity earlier because he was depressed and now the depression has been removed. Rigel, Lukier, and Lawenda were talking about something and the Captain contacted the base to report that he didn’t actually die and after he hung up he remembered again that he wanted to talk to Crow

"Hey people" said Captain who, up until this point, has not interfered with their conversation so everyone looked at him "who wants to see Crow and her team?"

"I would, why not" said Lukier

"Well, I can too" said Rigel "and I think Tawny and Frezja might be up for that too"

"Amazing, we’ll pay them a visit as a whole family" Captain said and Lawenda was abashed she was not on the same page as the team and didn’t know what to do. But fortunately for her Lukier noticed

"Lawenda, you too come, you’re now a part of the team after all" Lukier said and Lawenda smiled that she was also invited to a private teams meeting

The team gathered and went outside to enter the ship and then they noticed that there was only the saddle left from the horse which Captain left at the window because Puszymir was set loose from the garage in the morning and people forgot that the horse was in the yard. Captain felt sad for the horse, but oh well. Anyways, they flew to the 16th region and went to Crow’s base. When they knocked on the door, Gloster, the new sniper in the Crow’s team opened them

"Oh, Gloster, what a surprise!" exclaimed Captain who was standing in front of the group which by the way stood at the door like carol singers

"Captain Biel! there were rumors that you were dead. Crow was about to get us ready for a mission, but she'll probably be glad you're okay” Gloster said and let them in. Crow was indeed getting ready to go on a mission

“Biel?! You are alive!"

"Indeed, it is nice to finally see you in a situation that does not threaten anyone's life or health"

"You look... like a pirate with that eye patch" commented Crow

“And you look like a pirate with that metal leg"

"It's true, it looks like we're back to the starting point of the off-screen pirate conversation."

"Exactly. As for the conversation, I have been wanting to talk for some time and this thread has been going on for so long that I actually forgot what I wanted to talk about and now it is bothering me"

“Actually, if you still want to talk, I'll be happy to know how you survived over a glass of rum as it befits pirates, but probably not today because I have a mission to do"

"Wait, maybe there’s a way to go around finishing the mission, because knowing life you will die before there is another chance to talk"

"No, the mission has been accepted and I have to complete it now"

"What if I lend you my teammates to this mission with your teammates?"

"Uh, Captain don't do that plz" said Lukier who frankly was a bit jealous that his BFF would have told him to go on a mission so he could talk to a girl that disliked him for a long time

"Actually, it can work" said Crow and told Lime to take command for this single mission and take two of her new teammates, and Biel lended Tanager and Rigel for a single mission, while the rest of the team stayed at this supposedly unexpected house party.

Crow took out the rum and Captain went to tell her how he survived and the rest of the team already knew the story so they had time to do whatever they wanted and tour Crow’s base because they were there for the first time and it was a very nice base, prettier than their own. Crow did not have a base on a hill, more in a clearing, and had a nicely built building and a large garden with flowers because Lime liked to do gardening things in her spare time or something.

The team of four admired this garden and suddenly Gloster came to them, who did not go on this particular mission because they did not need a sniper this time.

"Hi there, old team. How’s life?" Gloster began. When Lukier saw him, his mood deteriorated and Lawenda noticed it

"Hello Gloster" Frezja replied

 "I see that you have two new additions to the team"

"I'm not a new addition, we were on the team together before they transferred you" said Tawny because it was partially him that Gloster was talking about.

"No wonder Gloster doesn't remember you Tawny, not only that they added you about a week before they moved Gloster elsewhere, but you also looked a little different" said Frezja

"Oh, you're the one who spent most of his time in his room and wasn’t very social" Gloster remembered

"Uh, I'm new though! so I don't really know what you're talking about" said Lawenda

"Where are my manners? I should have introduced myself." You probably caught my name by now, but I'm Gloster, I've been in Region 13 for about 3 years. Unfortunately, I didn't have much to do there because the 13th is not famous for its stealth and there weren't many cases in which they needed a sniper. Most of the time I sat in the base so I asked them to move me elsewhere" Gloster said in the same smug tone in which he was saying everything, and that last sentence sounded like he had reproached the old team that he had nothing to do. “Lukier, why are you so quiet? you haven't even said hello. It's a bit out of your style "

"Get lost Gloster" said Lukier, which seriously was not his style and it surprised Tawny a bit because it was the first time that he saw Lukier being openly rude to someone

"Er.. Okay, did I miss something? What's wrong with Lukier?" Tawny asked Frezja but the question was more or less audible to the entire crowd

"Lukier’s first girlfriend cheated on him with Gloster before she died in the cave" Frezja explained and it was also audible for the whole team, although it was not supposed to be

"Oh, come on, Lukier" said Gloster when he heard it "Are you really holding a grudge after so many years?"

"It was my favorite girlfriend" Lukier got offended

"Mine too" commented Gloster and it was a very inappropriate comment because Lukier got more offended

"Damn it, are you trying to be spiteful?"

"Me, spiteful? Nah "

”That totally sounds like sarcasm. And you’re still bold enough to blame me that I am holding a grudge "

"It wasn't my fault, you know. Maybe Jackdew just liked taller guys or something"

"Stop it." Lukier was seriously pissed off now and it looked like they were about to start throwing hands so Frezja got in their way

"Hey, hey, take it easy. The two of you should go in opposite directions of this garden "

"You know what, with pleasure" said Lukier, and he left them and started walking in a different direction

"Well, at least I can talk to some old friends and get to know new friends better" said Gloster and looked at Lawenda as if he was checking her out and Lukier heard it as he was walking away and then quickly returned.

"Uh, Lawenda come with me to that side of the garden" said Lukier and took Lawenda with him looking over his shoulder in disgust at Gloster who was a bit like Rigel only worse because Gloster was actually good at flirting. Lukier took Lawenda with him mostly because he didn't want to give her to Gloster, not because he liked her. But Lawenda saw it as an invitation to a date on the other side of the garden and she didn't mind.

Meanwhile, Gloster joined Frezja and Tawny on the opposite side of the garden than Lukier and Lawenda and he talked mostly to Frezja because he didn't care much for Tawny. To be honest it made Tawny feel a bit like a third wheel. He was beginning to think it would be less awkward if Captain had lent him to Crow for that mission where Rigel and Tanager are now, but on the other hand, he was also curious about Gloster's relationship with teammates who had been on the team before him. By eavesdropping on the conversation without contributing anything to it, he found out that Gloster was nice and friendly to everyone and now he was also nice when talking to Frezja. He was like a friend she hadn't seen for a long time, because that's exactly the case. From his perspective it seemed like Gloster was 70% Lukier and 30% Rigel personality wise, and he wasn't surprised that everyone automatically liked him (well, maybe except Lukier for obvious reasons) but it also gave him mixed feelings. He was also put off by the fact that Gloster had a bit of a tendency to brag about how well his work was doing, but on the other hand Thirteen also had a lot of heroic feats to tell to somehow neutralize Gloster’s narcissistic overtone.

After a few hours, the team of half Crow and half Captain's men returned from the mission with a monster kill on their account and then Tawny left Frezja and Gloster because he had enough of hearing about the good old days when he was not on the team yet and went to talk to Lime and Tanager, and Rigel went to join Lukier and Lawenda who just as good conversation as Gloster and Frezja, and now Rigel felt a bit like a third wheel but he was not like Tawny, and instead of letting go and leaving he cut into the conversation which made everyone feel a little uncomfortable.

When the meeting was over and it was time to go home, everyone was satisfied with the visit except for Tawny and Rigel who had their favorite people taken by other people for the entire duration of the meeting. But Crow herself, in general, stopped having a stick up her ass and began to be a friend of the 13th team and even gave them permission to visit as they please, but preferably with some warning message first so that it would not be like today that they came when Crow was to leave. And Crow also got permission from Captain to visit too if she wanted to, although he doubted she would. Captain still didn't remember what exactly he wanted to talk about before, but he wanted to be friends with her team anyway, so he was successful and he could sleep well now. Plus, now he could get enough sleep because he sent Melisanda back to the carrier and no one was going to bother him in the morning.