Special Needs Forces

Eter Kometan
3 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
23 90580 5 6

Chapter 8
Published 3 years, 3 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence

A massive shitpost story that got out of control and actually started to be more entertaining to write than it was supposed to be. It reads like a broken youtube video script so yeah. You've been warned.

It's about a team of monster hunters going on adventures and stuff

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Smooth Criminal

Tawny was wandering around the backyard of their base in the morning because he needed some fresh air, but unfortunately Lime followed him. She also walked around the yard at the same time and place. She started a conversation and tried to be friendly, but Tawny didn't feel like having any company. In fact, his head started to rumble and he mentally dozed off. When he restarted, he saw that he had unconsciously bit off Lime's arm on autopilot.

"Oh no, sorry, I didn't mean to!" Tawny shouted after he noticed what he had done.

"AAAAA!" Lime screamed again, she screamed before but Tawny didn't notice it. The earlier scream made the team come running to see what happened.

"Oh no Lime!" Shouted Rigel who reacted the fastest to the scream of the lady in distress and rushed to help her "Tawny what the hell did you do?!"

“Uh, I don't know!" Tawny shouted back. Captain Crow also came because she heard the screams and saw that her last teammate had been bitten, so she pulled out a gun and shot Tawny in the leg so he wouldn’t attack the others.

"Crow, what the hell are you doing?" Shouted Biel who came running right after her. Everyone was even more shocked.

”Biel, do you keep a monster in the base of a monster hunting team? Was it your man who killed my people on the last missions?" Crow was really pissed off

"It wasn't me! I mean the first two weren’t me, it's just... I don't know what happened now, it was a reflex"

"Why should I believe you now that you have attacked Lime like a savage" Crow continued shouting

"Crow, calm down, Lime wasn’t killed" Biel said

"But she’s badly injured, all because of that freak you keep on the team!"

Then Frezja came running with Tanager, and she took both Tawny and Lime to med bay to patch them up. Crow came after them to complain that Lime shouldn’t be in the same room with Tawny because he would finish her off and that Tawny shouldn’t be kept in the base at all, but Frezja didn’t listen to Crow's orders because she didn’t want to throw him outside because that would be inhumane. Crow had already started threatening Frezja that she would fire her, but Biel and Lukier started trying to soften the matter, however, the matter was very hard to soften. Then the alarm rang and Biel said he was going to take over for a while because Crow looked too angry to talk right now.

After Melisanda gave them orders, Biel, Lukier, Crow, and Tanager went on the mission and Rigel didn't want to be on a mission while his next crush was in med bay so he stayed and tried to simp to  Lime but Lime told Freezja to kick Rigel out of the room because even she was getting fed up with him.

"How are you feeling?" Frezja asked after she had sewn up Lime's wound.

"I don’t know. Better. But bad. But better than horrible." She said Lime and Tawny felt guilty and would like to apologize to her but he was afraid to speak at all because it was his fault that she didn't have an arm now.

“What happens now that I don't have an arm? Will they fire me? " Lime asked sadly

"No, I don’t think so, we live in futuristic times where we have spaceships that brought people to this planet, we have epic lasers and other technological wonders, I think you will get a new robo-arm from work insurance, which will be better than the old one so there’s no need to cry over spilled milk” Frezja said.

“Now that you say it like that it sounds pretty cool." Lime cheered up and Tawny, who was lying in the same room and hadn't spoken until now, looked at her with disbelief because he didn't think a person could lose their arm and 5 minutes later not be angry at the guy who caused them to lose their arm.

"Um" Tawny finally said "I'm sorry" it was still very awkward but he felt he should say it to make sure Lime wouldn't dislike him, but if she does dislike him, she has a good reason too. Frezja facepalmed because it sounded so awkward as if some child threw their friend down the stairs and then said ‘I'm sorry’ when the other one is on the hospital bed with a broken spine but then Lime spoke up

“No, it’s fine, I’m not angry"

"Really?" both Tawny and Frezja replied

"Well, I also didn’t really respect your personal space and you are infected with some monstrous disease after all, so I understand"

”Wow, honestly, I didn't expect such a turn of events. I thought you'd be mad like Crow"

"Well, at the very moment when you were biting off my arm maybe I was, but to be honest, I don't want to make enemies and Frezja comforted me with a prospect of an epic mechanical arm, so we’re good now"

"Well thanks then, it’s a shame Crow isn’t as friendly as you, I suspect there will be a shitstorm"

“There already is one. I'll do my best to help you keep your job somehow, but I don't know if anything will work” Frezja said

"Actually, thanks for defending me against Crow, I hope you won't get in trouble along with me because Crow is influential." At this moment Tawny felt that he was in a very wholesome team where everyone was nice and he didn’t deserve such treatment after he had 2 and a quarter kills on his account.

The other part of the team had a very tense atmosphere on the mission all the time, but it seemed to help them focus more on not dying than on the injured team member. When they got back, Biel tried to talk to Crow about what had happened but instead he was yelled at and Lukier felt sorry for Ex-Captain that he had to bother with her. Then Lime was released from med bay with a bandage in the place where the arm should be and Rigel was waiting for her at the door and when she left he started asking her a million questions and it slowly started annoying her. Lime went to Crow's room and asked Biel, who was trying to talk to Crow, to leave. Biel gladly left but didn't know what was up. Lukier approached Biel and they both non-verbally agreed that they would eavesdrop on their conversation at the door.

"Lime, I can see you are holding up somehow." Said Crow

"Yes. I wanted to ask you not to be so hard on Team Thirteen..."

"You may not understand the seriousness of the situation but you just lost your arm and you are clearly shocked" Crow said angrily because she apparently cared more for her teammates than the ones from Region 13.

"Maybe I am, but I don't want any conflict. Nowadays you can just attach a new arm, and that guy- you’ve seen him, he looks like he needs medical care at this point, so he probably counts as insane and should not be responsible like a normal healthy person is"

”Why is she defending us? Why is she defending Tawny? " Lukier whispered to Biel as they both listened to the conversation at the door, but Biel said ‘shhh'. After a short pause, they heard Crow's reply

"They should’ve put him in the med bay long ago."

“I just want to remind you that he was already infected when you took over here, Crow. Your orders said nothing to put him in solitary"
“Are you now against me too? Are you saying it's my fault? " Crow got angry

"No, nothing like that. I'm just saying you shouldn't blame their team because you didn't notice what was going on either. It’s nobody’s fault."

“Then you’re telling me it's not that freak's fault either?"

“As I said, he is sick and in such a condition he probably shouldn’t take responsibility for his actions"

Lukier and Biel were a little surprised that Lime was on their side. After a short pause, they heard another reply from Crow

"Ugh, okay. You have a point, if we report it, they'll get in trouble and take us down with them. Leave me alone for now, I'll think about it and I'll call a meeting tomorrow if I come up with any idea how to solve it."

After Lukier and Biel heard this, Lime opened the door and nearly tripped over Biel and Lukier, after an awkward few seconds they quickly ran off without a word before Crow noticed they had been eavesdropping at the door.

Lime was allowed to go back to her room but Tawny was not, Tawny was locked in solitary confinement so he wouldn't bite anyone at night. Rigel left Lime alone for today, because she clearly let him know she had had enough of him, and also because he remembered that Tawny infected him with the parasite as he asked. That meant Rigel might also have some bloodlust reflexes and he was a little afraid to admit he was infected as well.

Meanwhile in med bay Frezja saw that the gunshot wound on Tawny's leg had already disappeared and she didn't have to stitch it or anything, but there was still the problem with Tawny being infected and unknowingly biting people so they had to focus on looking for an antidote because it couldn't be clearer now that the matter is serious and they need to react. She and Tawny knew that looking for the monster that infected Tawny would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, but it was better than sitting on their asses in the base and doing nothing. Once they had the monster samples, the scientists would probably have more ideas on how to fix Tawny than the idiots from Region Thirteen. Frezja told Tawny to stay in med bay so that Crow wouldn't shoot him again, and she went to report the situation to Biel.

"Cap- I mean, Biel... listen, we have to do something about this transformation of Tawny because if he starts to bite people again it won’t be good"

"You don’t say," said Biel, "But what are we going to do with it?"

"I don't know exactly, but I think a good start would be finding that unidentified monster that infected him. It's not in the database so it’s impossible to check if there’s any medicine for it until we bring it to the laboratory"

"Hm, discovering a new monster would be worth a lot of respect points in the rankings"

“Biel, come on, don’t think about that for now, our teammate is in a bad condition... or you know what? If it helps you focus on the mission of looking for the monster, keep thinking about it"

"Let's just go look for it where we last saw it, in the underground tunnel. It’s probably not there anymore, but it’s a starting point"

”Okay, but there's one more thing. Crow can report this to headquarters and then we'll be screwed up "

“Leave it to me." said Biel, and went to talk to Crow, who was already somewhat convinced by Lime who for some unknown reason really didn’t want Tawny and his team fired for the incident. There, Biel used his charisma skill to convince Crow not to report the incident, or at least not yet. Eventually, Biel and Lime teamed up and gave Crow enough arguments to make her agree to turn a blind eye to it, provided that Tawny was locked in med bay and couldn't wander the base wherever he wanted. She also gave the team permission to fly around looking for that particular monster in between assignments because she hoped that if they got higher in the rankings, she would be able to leave this fucked up team and come back home.