Special Needs Forces

Eter Kometan
3 years, 4 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
23 90580 5 6

Chapter 20
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence

A massive shitpost story that got out of control and actually started to be more entertaining to write than it was supposed to be. It reads like a broken youtube video script so yeah. You've been warned.

It's about a team of monster hunters going on adventures and stuff

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Back to the events from the past, and more precisely to the giant worm and the death of Captain, Captain, when he planted the explosives, ran away through this small corridor in which he planted the charges and returned to the exit of the monster and ran as fast as he could (and he could run quite fast). He paused for a moment to say through the radio that they could prepare the ship for departure and he should catch up with them soon. Once he climbed one of the two steep passages, some singular small monster caught him and he had to punch it and throw it back down the tunnel. This made Captain quite tired, so he sat down on his ass for a moment to catch his breath and noticed that this little bastard tore his sleeve in his favorite jacket and he would have to buy a new one when he got home. As he rested for a moment and was about to get up, he heard on the radio Frezja shouting to Tawny that Ibis was a bastard and tried to kill them, so he got up and quickly ran further down the corridor and some of those small monsters ran after him. When he was halfway to the second steep tunnel, suddenly the monster's back exploded and everything started shaking so Captain fell over and the monsters caught up with him. Then he realized that this smelly Ibis must have stolen the detonator from him back then in the dark and it was true.

One of the monsters jumped on Captain's head and scratched his face and probably scratched his eye out, but Captain didn't have time to think about the state of his health points because the place had exploded and now the monster's insides were falling apart and burning and he was not going to stay here longer than he had to, he punched the monster that was sitting on him, and when it fell to the ground, he crushed his head with his shoe and ran further to the exit, this time a little slower than before because he was not only a bit wounded, but also tired. Once he got to the rope that led to the upper level of the steep tunnel number two, he started going up and at the top he saw the lights of the ship which flew away without him and then the monster started shaking again and Captain fell off the edge and landed at the bottom of the tunnel. At this moment he had an internal debate for a split second whether he should stay in the monster and bleed out or wait until the air in the dead monster ran out, but then he thought he didn’t feel like waiting for death and instead of wasting the time on waiting he could actually try to survive when there’s nothing else to do. So he got up from the ground and climbed the rope again, and then he walked  towards the exit and it was quite a long journey if you walked and not ran, but he didn't have the strength to run because he ran almost the entire length of the monster, hardly resting along the way.


When he was already a few dozen meters from the exit, a horde of monsters started running from the depth of the tunnel and Captain got angry now because what is that supposed to be? He’s trying to survive at any cost, and here fate sends him a horde of monsters when he’s wounded, tired and unarmed. But anyway, he wasn't going to give up without a fight, so he turned around and was about to die in hand-to-hand combat with the horde, but the monsters ignored him and started running outside. At first he was surprised but then he connected the dots and figured they must be running away from the inside of the monster that exploded and that was just what was happening now, because the monster's body began to collapse from the back to the head. At this point, Captain knew that if he didn't get to the exit now, he would die and it would be like passing out right before the finish line in a race, so he started to run with the monsters and reached the monster's mouth from the inside which was closed because the monster was dead but the whole herd of monsters was determined to get out of the dead worm, they opened the monster's mouth together and ran out and Captain ran out with them and immediately fell over and passed out. He was lying on the ground for a while because his team flew to the base and probably assumed he was dead, until suddenly some random passerby noticed Captain and took him home.

Captain woke up in some unfamiliar place, in someone else's bed, with a bandage over his eye, and some stranger was sitting in an armchair in the room reading a newspaper, probably waiting for Captain to wake up.

"Hey you, where’s my hat?" Captain asked

"Oh, so you’re alive"

"Answer me"

"I thought you would ask about things like what happened, where are you, comment on your missing eye or-"

"Okay, quiet now, give me the hat." Captain silenced the guy, to which the guy got up, took Captain's hat and handed it to him, then Captain proudly put it back on his head.

"Okay, now you can continue talking about my current situation" And the guy was a little surprised by Captain's reaction but decided to explain the situation.

”Well, my neighbor Hubert found you in a field with the corpse of a giant monster that was causing us problems in the village, but our village didn’t have the money to pay the monster-catching team to get rid of it. I am the village doctor because all the hospitals are far away so your wounds are disinfected- "

”Oh well that's great, thanks. Can I leave then?"

"Um" The doctor said because he ran out of words because he had never met a man who was so passive about the information that he just lost an eye, "What's your name, young man?" He asked

"Captain" replied Captain

"Your name is Captain?"


"Listen umm, I don't know if you realize but you were badly injured and you lost your eye"

"I know, I can see that. You have a mirror here next to the bed. It still doesn't answer my question if I can leave"

"Well, I won’t keep you here if you’re feeling well..."

"That's great" commented Captain and jumped out of bed. "Where are my things, like radio and phone?"

"All your things are on the kitchen table" answered the doctor and Captain went to the kitchen and there was a cat on the way, so Captain pet the cat and then continued going to the kitchen and looked at the table. There was his armor on the table, some trinkets he carried in his pockets, and the phone broken in half.

"That's all? There was also a radio. And why is my phone broken?"

"You didn't have a radio with you and the phone was like this when you were found" Captain must have dropped the radio inside the monster and the phone probably broke when he fell over several times. Or some villager robbed him but that didn't occur to him right now so he wasn't going to question the doctor's answer.

"Damn, so I can't contact the team to take me home... hmm"

"You can borrow my pho-"

"Doctor, due to the fact that I saved your village from a monster, you probably owe me a favor, right?"

"Uhh... well, yes, but if you ask for money, we don't have enough..."

"Give me a horse. I need a mean of transport to go home" It was a very strange request, especially after the doctor offered him to borrow a phone but it was true that Captain did a lot for this village so the doctor contacted the neighbor who had horses in the yard and gave Captain a horse and an eye patch too so that he wouldn’t look like he escaped from a hospital. Captain then thanked them for the nice gifts, mounted the horse and the horse ran in the opposite direction that Captain wanted it to go because he couldn't ride a horse, but now it was too late to withdraw.

After a few hours of riding the horse in the wrong direction and by trial and error, Captain managed to somehow direct the animal to go where he told it to go, so it was half the battle. Worse, Captain had no idea where the hell he was now because from a terrestrial point of view the roads looked more complicated than in a flyer that flies straight to the destination. Due to the broken phone, he didn't have a GPS, so he had to ask passers-by for directions and passers-by were very surprised when a pirate on a white horse approached them and asked out of the blue how to get to the base of the monster hunters in region 13, but some of them replied with legitimate answers, so he was slowly beginning to grasp the situation.

After two days of journey home, he became hungry and had no food, and only now did he think it would've been cool to ask the villagers to give him some food for the road, but back then he didn’t expect the house to be so far away. So he stopped in a village on the way and parked his horse in the parking lot next to a few cars and entered some random bar like a cowboy. Everyone looked at him with interest because he looked like some weary wanderer looking for quests in a nearby inn or something like that. Then Captain walked over to the bartender and spoke.

"Hey, do you have mac and cheese?" He asked. This very clearly confused the bartender

"Uh... you looked like someone who would come and ask for whiskey or something"

"Well, if you give it, I'll take it, but right now I'm mainly hungry"

"Then it will be 35 coins"

"What the hell? It's an awful lot. Unless you charged me for a whole bottle of that whiskey"

"If you don't like it, get out" said the bartender and Captain, with a pissed expression on his face, reached for the wallet and... it turned out that he did not have a wallet. Now he realized the villagers did rob him and he was pissed off.

"Actually, I think I’ll go to the competing bar on the other side of the street" Captain said out of spite

"Go ahead and try, the other one is a gay bar" and the bartender laughed at him, but Captain had a perfect plan. He went inside and asked the first guy if he would pay for the best striptease on the planet and the guy said yes, he would pay for the best striptease on the planet. This way, Captain got quite a lot of gold and went to buy a gun from the store next door, then went back to get his horse and rode it into the forest to hunt a boar for dinner. Once he found and slaughtered and roasted the boar on a campfire, it was another evening and Captain thought that he would like to be at home because his team probably has a great time sleeping in bed instead of on the grass, eating avocado salad for breakfast and going on fun missions to kill monsters and he has to deal with the map he drew with a piece of coal on a napkin he took from that first bar to be able to get home.

For the next few days on the road, Captain had enough food not to have to pay for the expensive fast foods, and that saved a lot of time and he could focus on going back to base with little breaks for the horse to eat grass. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to the house and it was obvious that he was getting closer and closer to the house because you could see their mountain on which the base was built and Captain even saw them fly out by ship and fly around the city in a very strange pattern, but no one noticed Captain on land on horseback because who would be looking down while flying a ship. After 5 days of riding the horse, he reached the city and when he was riding his horse through the city, everyone was looking at him strangely. So he stopped a car and asked if the driver wanted to exchange vehicles, but to no avail. He asked a few other car owners but no one wanted to agree to Captain's offer and he was sad, but he thought he'd better stop asking and just go to the base by horse because it was close. And it was a relative term, because it took him another two days to reach the base.

Captain arrived at 4 am. He parked his horse in front of the gate and went inside and then he wanted to open the door with the keys, but it turned out that he didn't have the keys with him either. Now he was definitely convinced that the villagers had robbed him, but oh well. The only thing that mattered at the moment was that he was finally home where a bed was waiting for him, and he wasn’t planning to wait until the morning for someone to open the door for him, so he walked around the base and noticed what he was looking for, i.e. an open window. It was in Lukier’s room and Captain didn't want to wake up his friend, but waking up a friend was less bad than sleeping on the grass another night. Captain tried to jump to the window, but it didn't work out because the window was quite high, so he returned to get the horse he left in front of the gate and put it under the window. From its back, he managed to open the window all the way and walk through it. He wouldn’t even wake Lukier up if not for the fact that his room was messy and there were colorful things scattered everywhere like in kindergarten. Even a cat would have a problem walking on the floor without stepping on anything, let alone Captain who didn't have the strength to try to avoid litter lying on the ground. He stepped on a rubber chicken as soon as he put his foot on the carpet, and the rubber chicken made a loud "UUUUUUUUUUUUU" which woke up Lukier, then Lukier looked at what was happening and made a loud "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa" which probably woke up the other people on the team as well.

"Shut up Lukier it’s late" said Captain

"But- what? Are you a ghost?! Am I hallucinating?" Lukier panicked and screamed and then Frezja barged into his room because her room was the closest to Lukier’s and she looked at the situation and became speechless.

"See Lukier? You woke people up" said Captain as if he didn’t just rise from the dead in their eyes. Then the rest of the team also came and everyone was surprised that Captain was alive because he had been dead for a week. Then there was a very big confusion in the middle of the night and Captain had to explain until the morning why he was dead and tell  the whole story and the whole team was glad that Captain came back and the most pleased was Lukier, who didn't have to be depressed anymore and could return to normal.