Enchiron's Bulletins

May 2024: Theriad Revelry! 🎉

Posted 29 days, 13 hours ago by Celest



Enchiron is a world made up of seven lands. First, we introduced you to caelians, residing in the Dolsian caverns. Then, you met the ianthina, of the icy waters of Olitskur, and in January, you learned of the masters of the mountaintops: the ignii. This month, the theriads arrive, a people of the fringes, always on the road.

Theriads have no homeland. Many still see them as little more than the descendants of scum, of people so hateful that even the World-Eater itself couldn't bear the sight of them and turned them into monsters, so their outside would match their in. But to far many more, theriads are family. They know the truth: the ancestors of theriads were blessed by the Life-Bringer, given the power to survive, thrive, and see all the wonders the world has to offer.

To this day, many theriads live as nomads. They travel in family clans in carved and painted caravans, and the thrum of their wheels form the pulse of the Heartstone Road, a well-trod path that connects all the countries of Enchiron. These theriads are merchants, messengers, shepherds, and weavers. They live among their flocks, and spin yarns from both wool and words.

Some, though, tire of life on the road. Theriad settlements fill borderlands. Some dare to eke out a living on the wild edges of Kimarel's untamed forests, while others brave the Frozen Wastes side by side with ianthina. No matter where these chimera settle, they make it their own.

Once a year, nomadic theriads celebrate Wealcan's Rest. The holiday is marked by the flight of Faerdem, one of Enchiron's oldest dragons, from her den in the Honeyed Valley. Without the Valley's ferocious guardian, the theriads are given a few weeks to gather and enjoy its bounty. This is the end of all theriad journeys, where they can celebrate each other and be together at last, before the cycle begins anew.

Wealcan's Rest is a time of reunion. Theriad caravans are small and movement between them is a common occurrence, so most theriads have friends, family, and even lovers spread across the land that they finally, finally get to see in person. It's a time of affection, adoration, indulgence, and many, many shared meals. The Honeyed Valley is full of delights for every sense, and resting theriads savor every moment in it.

This year, the highlight of the Rest is Sir Ana's Circus, an entertainment troupe of curiosities and acrobats exploding in popularity. Look for the circus tent in the center of the grounds, and join them for letter writing, bracelet weaving, and performances galore.

#lore heavy
#multi species
welcome myo giveaway

Follow the instructions in the link above to claim a FREE MYO slot to make an Enchiron character.

art writing prompt

The Honeyed Valley is full of every kind of treasure. How does your character indulge?

sale adopt design

Check out the lovely adopt we have for flatsale in the link above! Look here to see what other designs we have on offer.

game mad libs poetry

Legend holds theriads, rulers of romance, invented the love letter. Help bring new life to tired verse in this mad libs game.

game crafting art

Popular among children, these bracelets are said to hold magic in their weaving. Design one for someone you love.

raffle cute free

Suggest an outfit for our little guy to enter this free raffle! Expect more to happen as the month goes on.


This species is a labor of love, and I appreciate each and every one of you who joins us on this adventure!

Icons from FontAwesome 6
Artwork by Shikisei
Species and Lore by Celest

May 2024: Falling Stars

Posted 1 month, 15 days ago by Celest

Theriads Are Coming!

Our final major species launch is nearly here! You can expect theriads to drop in full on May 15th. In the meantime, check out the trait sheet: (open it in full so see all the details!)theriad-traitguidefin.pngTheriads are the most open-traited of the species, and they're quite unique in a number of ways! I'm so excited to share them with you. Join the prelaunch fun to get hyped!

 Prelaunch Thread

Falling Stars Gacha

Memories burning a hole in your pocket? Love a gamble? We have a new long-term event to share with you! The Falling Stars Gacha has over 100 prizes. Prizes range from adopts, customs, MYOs, Memories, and an assortment of items. At a cost of only 3 Memories, every pull is a winner! This gacha will be running until prizes run out, so don't worry if you don't have the Memory yet. You have time!

Keep an eye out for opportunities to earn Memories in our upcoming theriad event, and if you just can't wait, hit up the Training Dojo, or the last year's worth of quests available in the Adventurer's Guild. A link to the gacha has been added to the link directory and shopkeeper's caravan.


Beginner's Guide Rework

If you're looking for it, the Beginner's Guide has been temporarily removed from the sidebar so it can be rewritten and simplified. The Link Directory has everything you should need in the meantime!

Open Adopts

This ianthina has 5 days left on raffle!



These adopts remain available for adoption! Comment on the profiles to arrange a claim! 



77094481_VcfNTRaka.png 1qGKNmvfiiREPRPg1zz4J5QZcrLFWyju4.png

OTA | $45


$40 | $22 | $22 | $22 | $22

64314159_PGDUqotbZaVNmYT.png  59501004_NTjAiBr4JEQ2duy.png70391873_V5vwF9kKvsIX0eZ.png

$20 | $30 | $20


$30 | $30 | $30

We also have these eight in the Shelter!


April 2024: Artists and Artisans

Posted 2 months, 11 days ago by Celest

What are you most excited about?

1 Votes Anatomy Update: Ianthina
0 Votes New Monthly Quest: Market Emergency
1 Votes New Ianthina Base
1 Votes Revamped Link Directory
0 Votes Coming Soon: Falling Stars Gatcha
0 Votes Featured Journals
2 Votes Lore Updates
1 Votes New Raffle

Anatomy Update: Ianthina

Sorry to do this to y’all so late after release, but I’m updating the anatomy for ianthina. They just weren’t fishy enough, so they have to have photorealistic fish faces now. I think the new look really suits them. 

As apology for the trouble, I’ll be happy to update yalls refs for you, just drop them in the requests channel in the discord.

See the new look here: 


... Just kidding! Happy April Fool's!

New Monthly Quest: Market Emergency

A nightmare has befallen the organizer of your local market: the people have been complaining. While they love the big sellers and the  regulars, they're craving something fresh, something new, but no one can  agree on what that something is. The organizer has been  pulling their hair out trying to bring in vendors from all walks of  life, and that's how they've ended up on your doorstep. Their proposition is this: just for this one week, run a table at the market. Bring anything you think is fit to sell: crafts, hobbies, strange  plants, poetry, anything you think is unique or might capture people's attention. Do this, and you'll be rewarded handsomely.

(Although, as the organizer talks, you think you could find a way out of it if you wanted to...)

This quest will remain live until May 7th. Completion of this quest earns you Memories and the Market Tokens trinket. 


Submit Entries Here

New Ianthina Base

We've got a new, fully layered ianthina base for you to use and play with! It has expressions, all traits, and a few basic options for the more flexible traits. The old chibi one has been removed from the world, but you can still find it on the Enchiron account.


Revamped Link Directory

The Link Directory has been updated! Navigation should now be a lot more intuitive, and other links that were a bit harder to find were added. Feel free to leave a comment if anything's confusing or missing.

Coming Soon: Falling Stars Gatcha

We all love gatcha games, right? Riiiight? Of course we do! That's why Shikisei and DreamAngelflight have prepared a very special gatcha for you. There will be over 100 prizes, ranging from items to premades to custom work. There's just one requirement to play: each pull will cost 3 Memories. To raise the coin, we encourage you to check out the Adventurer's Guild and train at the Dojo or try out a monthly quest!


Featured Journals

For those new to this group, we have a special system known as Journals. They are a way to help record the journeys your characters undergo, share it with others, earn rewards, and keep up to date with the activities and relationships between other characters. This month, we're featuring a whole entire family! Click their links to learn more about them.

Welcome to Enchiron, SteelRhodes, and the Cairn Keeper.


Lore Updates

Over the past month, the lore has been steadily growing. This batch of updates contains:

If there's any lore topic you want to see more on sooner, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Open Adopts

I am opening up this ianthina for this month's raffle!



These adopts remain available for adoption! Comment on the profiles to arrange a claim! 



77094481_VcfNTRaka.png 1qGKNmvfiiREPRPg1zz4J5QZcrLFWyju4.png

OTA | $45


$40 | $22 | $22 | $22 | $22

64314159_PGDUqotbZaVNmYT.png  59501004_NTjAiBr4JEQ2duy.png70391873_V5vwF9kKvsIX0eZ.png

$20 | $30 | $20


$30 | $30 | $30

We also have these eight in the Shelter!


March 2024: The Ides Have It

Posted 3 months, 13 days ago by Celest


Raffle: Guessing Game

This little mischievous one wants to play a game with you! They're well  on their way to becoming a skilled warrior--look, see, they're tailless,  just like all the other most powerfulest warriors of Coronus--and they're already the quickest in the class. Their question for you is, what weapon is their specialty?

This raffle ends March 31st.


Join the Raffle

New Monthly Quest: Any Tool is a Weapon, If You Hold it Right

The world of Enchiron can be a dangerous place, and few know that  better than the Trade Guardians of Olitskur. Nkiru was a born protector,  she may as well have held that spear at birth, but she's not a warrior.  The thrill of battle brings her no joy, and the spear is a weight upon  her back as much as it's a treasured comfort. That said, each battle is a  burden she'll gladly bear for the joy of seeing her people return home  safely. Homecoming is what makes it all worth it.

For a reward of Memories, draw or write your answer to the following prompt: 

Has your character ever been in a fight? Did they win? If they're some kind of warrior or adventurer, do they have a signature weapon?

Submit Entries Here

Adventurer's Guild: Now Open 

The Training Dojo is a set of permanent, repeatable prompts designed to challenge you as an artist, writer, and character creator. They are springboards meant to reward you for exploring your character and pushing your limits as an artist, exploring new mediums and forms of art as you deepen your character's story. 

Work hard with our new NPC Keiko at the Dojo, and you'll be able to earn a Discipline Crest. For every five different prompts completed (including monthly ones), you'll be able to earn a Discipline Crest. Discipline Crests will be able to be spent at an upcoming shop for rare and special prizes and to increase your character's Adventuring Rank.

We have also created a place for you to find collaborators here on TH, and there is now a channel/role in the discord.


Featured Journals

For those new to this group, we have a special system known as Journals. They are a way to help record the journeys your characters undergo, share it with others, earn rewards, and keep up to date with the activities and relationships between other characters. This month, we're featuring a whole entire family! Click their links to learn more about them.

Welcome to Enchiron, RayleighCoriolis, and Cirrus.


Lore Updates

Over the past month, the lore has been steadily growing. This batch of updates contains:

If there's any lore topic you want to see more on sooner, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Open Adopts

This month's adopt was made by PA Shikisei!



These adopts remain available for adoption! Comment on the profiles to arrange a claim! 

77094481_VcfNTRaka.png 1qGKNmvfiiREPRPg1zz4J5QZcrLFWyju4.png

OTA | $45


$40 | $22 | $22 | $22 | $22

64314159_PGDUqotbZaVNmYT.png  59501004_NTjAiBr4JEQ2duy.png70391873_V5vwF9kKvsIX0eZ.png

$20 | $30 | $20


$30 | $30 | $30

We also have these seven in the Shelter!


February 2024: New Feature Release!

Posted 3 months, 23 days ago by Celest




Adventurer's Guild: Now Open

This is our last surprise for the anniversary: the Monthly Prompts forum has now been fully converted into the Adventurer's Guild! This is the start of a robust feature: coming up, you can look forward to a Quest System, Adventurer Ranks, special prizes, and more, but today, we're starting with the Training Dojo

The Training Dojo is a set of permanent, repeatable prompts designed to challenge you as an artist, writer, and character creator. They are springboards meant to reward you for exploring your character and pushing your limits as an artist, exploring new mediums and forms of art as you deepen your character's story. 

Work hard with our new NPC Keiko at the Dojo, and you'll be able to earn a Discipline Crest. For every five different prompts completed (including monthly ones), you'll be able to earn a Discipline Crest. Discipline Crests will be able to be spent at an upcoming shop for rare and special prizes and to increase your character's Adventuring Rank.



Happy anniversary! We've reached the final Anniversary Raffle, and a lovely lady makes her debut.

This raffle ends March 3rd.


Join the Raffle

The Waiting Wife

Ennis and Nkiru are a loving couple, deeply dedicated to each other, but there's one more person in the relationship you all don't know about: the wife that waits at home, patient while they leave for the markets. She has a secret, however, and that's... up to you all!

This is a build-an-NPC event, where you all contribute ideas; the community votes on which they want; and I bring the concept to life! This initial ideas phase will be open until February 29th.

(We have no entries for this yet, so the deadline has been extended!)

Looking for Feedback

With Fumir celebrations over at last, I'd love to hear what you thought of the event! This is your opportunity to tell me what you thought of the event and give feedback on the species as a whole. Should you choose to leave your username, you get 1 Memory for answering the first question, and 2 more if you fill out the entire form. This form will be open until the end of the month.

Feedback Form

Looking for Staff

Amid all this celebration, I have to admit: running a species is hard work! Over the past year, some of our staff have left to pursue other passions, and so we're on the lookout for more hands to help out. Please review the Staff Expectations, then we'd love to see your app! Applications will be open until the end of the month.

Apply for Staff

Looking for Affiliates

We're also looking for new affiliates! If you know a species you think would be a good match for us (or run a species yourself), then please, drop us a line! I'd love to do more cooperative events in the future. Affiliates are open indefinitely.

Apply for Affiliates

Open Adopts

This month's adorable adopt was made by GA Lyssanah!




These designs remain available for adoption! Comment on the profiles to arrange a claim! 


$40 | $22 | $22 | $22 | $22

64314159_PGDUqotbZaVNmYT.png  59501004_NTjAiBr4JEQ2duy.png70391873_V5vwF9kKvsIX0eZ.png

$20 | $30 | $20


$30 | $30 | $30

We also have these nine in the Shelter!


February 2024: Happy Valentine's Day!

Posted 4 months, 3 days ago by Celest

Have a treat!

6 Votes Take something sweet.
6 Votes Take something toxic.

Crossbreed Collab Batch 

We have teamed up with Kyrlicht to bring you one very special batch of adopts! Everyone worked super hard on this, even the launch video is amazing. Have a little something sweet... if you dare.



Happy anniversary! We're having raffles all month in celebration. Next up, we have a pretty-in-purple ianthina!

This raffle ends February 21st.


Join the Raffle

The Waiting Wife

Ennis and Nkiru are a loving couple, deeply dedicated to each other, but there's one more person in the relationship you all don't know about: the wife that waits at home, patient while they leave for the markets. She has a secret, however, and that's... up to you all!

This is a build-an-NPC event, where you all contribute ideas; the community votes on which they want; and I bring the concept to life! This initial ideas phase will be open until February 29th.

(We have no entries for this yet, so the deadline has been extended!)

Looking for Feedback

With Fumir celebrations over at last, I'd love to hear what you thought of the event! This is your opportunity to tell me what you thought of the event and give feedback on the species as a whole. Should you choose to leave your username, you get 1 Memory for answering the first question, and 2 more if you fill out the entire form. This form will be open until the end of the month.

Feedback Form

Looking for Staff

Amid all this celebration, I have to admit: running a species is hard work! Over the past year, some of our staff have left to pursue other passions, and so we're on the lookout for more hands to help out. Please review the Staff Expectations, then we'd love to see your app! Applications will be open until the end of the month.

Apply for Staff

Looking for Affiliates

We're also looking for new affiliates! If you know a species you think would be a good match for us (or run a species yourself), then please, drop us a line! I'd love to do more cooperative events in the future. Affiliates are open indefinitely.

Apply for Affiliates

Monthly Prompt: New Friends

With so many new folks populating Enchiron, now's the time to get out there and meet people! For a reward of Memories, draw or write your answer to the following prompt: 

What new friends has your character made lately? Is there anyone they hope to befriend in the future?

Monthly Prompt

Open Adopts

This month's adorable adopt was made by GA Lyssanah!



These designs remain available for adoption! Comment on the profiles to arrange a claim! 


$40 | $22 | $22 | $22 | $22

64314159_PGDUqotbZaVNmYT.png  59501004_NTjAiBr4JEQ2duy.png70391873_V5vwF9kKvsIX0eZ.png

$20 | $30 | $20


$30 | $30 | $30

We also have these eight in the Shelter!


We have something very special coming up... Collaborating with our affiliate Kyrlicht, we part of a crossbreed Valentine's batch! Let me tell you, everyone's designs are absolutely stunning, everyone went so hard for this batch. Please enjoy this preview!


February 2024: Anniversary Celebrations Continue!

Posted 4 months, 9 days ago by Celest

Pop a cracker!

6 Votes Pop!


Happy anniversary! We're having raffles all month in celebration. Next up, we have a lonely lovergirl, just in time for Valentine's Day! 

This raffle ends February 14th.


Join the Raffle

Server Games

Hey, did you know we have server minigames? We have two versions of Draw the Person Above You: one for finished art, and one for doodles! More games will be coming in the future!

Join the Discord (16+)

The Waiting Wife

Ennis and Nkiru are a loving couple, deeply dedicated to each other, but there's one more person in the relationship you all don't know about: the wife that waits at home, patient while they leave for the markets. She has a secret, however, and that's... up to you all!

This is a build-an-NPC event, where you all contribute ideas; the community votes on which they want; and I bring the concept to life! This initial ideas phase will be open until February 14th.

Fashion Meet-and-Greet

The Drape and Design Soiree has reached its conclusion! The winner is... DreamAngelflight! To celebrate, check out the profile to tour the entries, and enter the raffle for a chance to win art of your OC with our fashion superstar. This raffle is open until February 10th.

There are no entrants yet, so you stand a good chance of winning this raffle! Filling our our feedback form (linked below) will earn you enough Memories to enter!


Looking for Feedback

With Fumir celebrations over at last, I'd love to hear what you thought of the event! This is your opportunity to tell me what you thought of the event and give feedback on the species as a whole. Should you choose to leave your username, you get 1 Memory for answering the first question, and 2 more if you fill out the entire form. This form will be open until the end of the month.

Feedback Form

Looking for Staff

Amid all this celebration, I have to admit: running a species is hard work! Over the past year, some of our staff have left to pursue other passions, and so we're on the lookout for more hands to help out. Please review the Staff Expectations, then we'd love to see your app! Applications will be open until the end of the month.

Apply for Staff

Looking for Affiliates

We're also looking for new affiliates! If you know a species you think would be a good match for us (or run a species yourself), then please, drop us a line! I'd love to do more cooperative events in the future. Affiliates are open indefinitely.

Apply for Affiliates

Monthly Prompt: New Friends

With so many new folks populating Enchiron, now's the time to get out there and meet people! For a reward of Memories, draw or write your answer to the following prompt: 

What new friends has your character made lately? Is there anyone they hope to befriend in the future?

Monthly Prompt

Open Adopts

This month's adorable adopt was made by GA Lyssanah!



These designs remain available for adoption! Comment on the profiles to arrange a claim! 




$22 | $22 | $22 | $22

64314159_PGDUqotbZaVNmYT.png  59501004_NTjAiBr4JEQ2duy.png70391873_V5vwF9kKvsIX0eZ.png

$20 | $30 | $20


$30 | $30 | $30

We also have these seven in the Shelter!


February 2024: Anniversary Celebrations!

Posted 4 months, 15 days ago by Celest

Happy anniversary!

13 Votes Set off another firework! (+1)


Happy Anniversary!

I can't believe it's been a whole entire year since we launched! Enchiron's been a project I've had kicking around since 2014 (it's the 10-year anniversary of the world, and the 1-year anniversary of the species!), and I'm awed by how far it's come. There are officially 141 of you! You all have motivated me to create so much more for this world than I ever have before, and I'm so proud of everything we've made, together! We have launched three of our planned species: there are now 55 caelians, 72 ianthina, 27 ignii, 3 humans, and 1 hybrid! This brings us to over 150 designs so far! That's AMAZING. 

Each and every one still sparks so much joy, and even more than that I love seeing the stories you guys have made for your characters. Your stories are what have brought this world to life. I am honored you've chosen to spend your time with this world, and I'm looking forward to what we make together.


Which brings us to our celebrations! We'll be having a raffle every week--all ianthina, in honor of their place as our beta species--and at the end of the month, you can look forward to a new major feature that'll be coming out!

This first ianthina, designed by fuddlestars, is very special: they're sporting a major mutation that turns their antennae into feathered seabunny rhinophores! The raffle ends February 7th.


Join the Raffle

The Waiting Wife

Ennis and Nkiru are a loving couple, deeply dedicated to each other, but there's one more person in the relationship you all don't know about: the wife that waits at home, patient while they leave for the markets. She has a secret, however, and that's... up to you all!

This is a build-an-NPC event, where you all contribute ideas; the community votes on which they want; and I bring the concept to life! This initial ideas phase will be open until February 14th.

Fashion Meet-and-Greet

The Drape and Design Soiree has reached its conclusion! The winner is... DreamAngelflight! To celebrate, check out the profile to tour the entries, and enter the raffle for a chance to win art of your OC with our fashion superstar. This raffle is open until February 10th.


Looking for Feedback

With Fumir celebrations over at last, I'd love to hear what you thought of the event! This is your opportunity to tell me what you thought of the event and give feedback on the species as a whole. Should you choose to leave your username, you get 1 Memory for answering the first question, and 2 more if you fill out the entire form. This form will be open until the end of the month.

Feedback Form

Looking for Staff

Amid all this celebration, I have to admit: running a species is hard work! Over the past year, some of our staff have left to pursue other passions, and so we're on the lookout for more hands to help out. Please review the Staff Expectations, then we'd love to see your app! Applications will be open until the end of the month.

Apply for Staff

Looking for Affiliates

We're also looking for new affiliates! If you know a species you think would be a good match for us (or run a species yourself), then please, drop us a line! I'd love to do more cooperative events in the future. Affiliates are open indefinitely.

Apply for Affiliates

New Monthly Prompt: New Friends

With so many new folks populating Enchiron, now's the time to get out there and meet people! For a reward of Memories, draw or write your answer to the following prompt: 

What new friends has your character made lately? Is there anyone they hope to befriend in the future?

Monthly Prompt

Featured Journals

For those new to this group, we have a special system known as Journals. They are a way to help record the journeys your characters undergo, share it with others, earn rewards, and keep up to date with the activities and relationships between other characters. This time, we're featuring updates to two old Journals.

Click through the links to learn more about what Lucian and Alaric have been up to!


Lore Updates

Over the past month, the lore has been steadily growing. There is a plethora of new information about Olitskur:

If there's any lore topic you want to see more on sooner, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Open Adopts

This month's adorable adopt was made by GA Lyssanah!



These designs remain available for adoption! Comment on the profiles to arrange a claim! 


$40 | 15 Memories


$22 | $22 | $22 | $22

64314159_PGDUqotbZaVNmYT.png  59501004_NTjAiBr4JEQ2duy.png70391873_V5vwF9kKvsIX0eZ.png

$20 | $30 | $20


$30 | $30 | $30

We also have these seven in the Shelter!



Map Process Video

Did you know we have an official map? It's always visible on the Places page! But just recently, our fantastic mapmaker released a process video. Check out the speedpaint of our map! It's amazing to see how it all comes together.

Watch Here

Little Tweaks

There is now a Memory bonus for turning designs in to the Shelter. Simple designs are worth 5 Memories, and Complex designs worth 10. For people who like making designs for fun, this is a fun little bonus for y'all!

There are now examples of ignii mutations on the Mutationspage!

Ongoing Events

Fumir celebrations continue, and the Coronus mountains are all alight! Ignii are now open to make: we have a free myo event, a prompt, new adopts, a cooking contest, and a compliment game! Prizes include Memories, MYOs, and even a custom. These so much to see, join in the fun! All events end January 31st!

January's theme for the Drape and Design Soiree is: Roses Come In Many Colours. Aristocratic lifestyles are all the rage on the shores this month, and everyone's bringing their classiest looks to the finest restaurants. Silver accessories are trending.

For more details, view the submission form. This event will remain open until January 31st. This is the final month for this event!

December's prompt is still open for full rewards, but this month, we have a double feature. As one year ends and a new begins, people all over Enchiron are sending off their new year wishes into the night. For a reward of Memories, draw or write your answer to the following prompt: 

What're your character's new year's resolutions? What goals do they have? 

January Prompt

Featured Journals

For those new to this group, we have a special system known as Journals. They are a way to help record the journeys your characters undergo, share it with others, earn rewards, and keep up to date with the activities and relationships between other characters. This time, we're featuring four new journals.

Welcome to Enchiron, Florian, Thorne, Phaedra, and Hesper!
Click through the links to learn more about these characters.


Ignii for Hire!

This very special ignii has journeyed all the way to Dolsia, determined to find work! They hope to be a bodyguard, or maybe just any guard?  They're hoping any employer will offer accommodation, and they're  willing to help out with chores. Pretty please? 

They will accept no less than 15 coin, but they're willing to take a look at any offer that comes their way!


New Adopts + Free Raffle

Our lovely PAs Shikisei and Bewilderduck, and this month's GA NaitoReine have designed these adopts for you all! This first one is a very special semi-custom raffle, then we have ignii for flatsale. Raffle closes on January 31st.




$40 | $15 | 15 Memories


$22 | $22 | $22 | $22

Open Adopts

These adopts remain available for adoption! Comment on the profiles to arrange a claim! 

64314159_PGDUqotbZaVNmYT.png  59501004_NTjAiBr4JEQ2duy.png70391873_V5vwF9kKvsIX0eZ.png

$20 | $30 | $20


$30 | $30 | $30

We also have these seven in the Shelter!
