In order to get your trade/sell journal accepted into the Marketplace,
  • Provide proof of ownership of the slot or premade design
  • Journal content must include a mention of either owning Worcimex for trade/sell, OR of looking for Worcimex
  • Journal title isn’t required to mention Worcimex, but it is recommended (abbreviated to Worci is ok)
  • Journal title isn’t required to have “open” / “closed”, but it is recommended
When ownership changes, be sure to update the slot tracker / masterlist post as soon as possible


A one (1) week cooldown is in place whenever you:
  • Buy a MYO slot from an official sale
  • Acquire an official or permanent/temporary guest artist adopt as the first owner of said design
If you’re unsure if your design/slot has a cooldown, double check the slot tracker or masterlist post for the design, as cooldown timelines will be provided

During cooldowns, you may NOT trade, resell, or gift. This includes advertising about seeking trades/resells during that time.


*Note, this set of rules is subject to change depending on the outcomes of said rules

MYOs (including slots) and premades can be resold/vouched, regardless of if they have been traded to you or to someone else
  • The highest you can resell MYOs/premades for is the “maximum worth”
  • The maximum worth will be listed within the Masterlist description. If there isn’t any, then assume base worth is the maximum worth
  • You may sell for lower than the maximum worth, but it will not change the maximum worth
  • If a design is to be resold with extra art, you MUST receive an official appraisal by the group before reselling
  • Appraisals (info still coming) can raise the maximum worth of a design

MYOs and premades that have been gifted cannot be resold/vouched
  • For premades only: This resale constraint will stay until the design has been traded/resold to 4 unique owners via trade


  • Gifted slots and designs becomes TRADE ONLY
  • You may trade a gifted slot or design as long as the gifter gives confirmation
  • People seeking to trade gifts are encouraged to state that it is gifted to them in their adverts
  • People seeking these trades in turn are encouraged to research and look into the method of acquisition before offering