Have you found mistakes in the group’s deviantArt, toyhouse, or discord information or layout? Or perhaps there is something that went awry on the Masterlist, whether it be a missing entry, misspelled usernames, or incorrect value marks--

If there’s anything that you find that needs to be corrected or that we may have missed when doing uploads and arrangements for the group, then feel free to fill out the form and note it @worcimex or send a private message to xcrowe on toyhouse.


(Can be filled out multiple times in one note)

What: What is it that needs to be fixed?

Where: A direct link to where the issue is, or a screenshot if it’s on a image that provides information


The correction form is NOT for providing feedback on the group as a whole, whether it be for rule sets, community improvements, concerns, or other miscellaneous topics. If you wish to provide feedback, you can use our anonymous feedback box OR send a direct message of your feedback/concerns to one of the moderators / group owner.