Shake-Shack's Bulletins


  • There are 4 prompts. You have until the end of the month to create and submit entries for the prompt bonus.
  • Completing these prompts will get you +3028122973_xl6d45Y9EuU9La1.png per completed prompt!
  • Make sure to say it's for the January Prompts when you fill out the form, and remember to add it to prompt folder in the group if you're submitting to DA
  • Completing all 4 prompts with also earn you a small token prize

  • Does your Milki take down their holiday decorations immediately the day after the holidays, or are they a holiday enthusiast and keep it up for months or even an entire year? Perhaps they're a little lazy and decide to leave it up. For this prompt, draw your Milki putting away their holiday decorations or choosing to leave it all up. 

  • Some Milkis thoroughly enjoy winter activities such as snowboarding, skiing, hockey, and much more! Draw your Milki in their winter sport gear or participate in one of the activities! Is it something new they're trying or are they experienced in the activity?

  • Some Milkis are determined to start a new years resolution when the new year comes, and some don't at all. Does your Milki make a new years resolution? If so, do they follow through with it or give up? For this prompt, show off your Milki's new years resolution either by having them try to fulfill this task, or giving up on it.

  • During winter, wild ice cream cyclops bunnies come out more often. Does your Milki own an ice cream cyclops bunny of their own? Or perhaps they enjoy saying hello to the wild bunnies. For this prompt, draw your Milki with an ice cream cyclops bunny, either their own or a wild one. (edited)

 January's Pop Up Shoppe is now open! Seasonal winter mutations will be available over here until the 15th.

Lastly, we have a raffle! This month's raffle has been designed by Mushiri .
You can enter the raffle over here.


Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by r0adkyll
  • Unlike previous years, there are 4 prompts. You have until the end of the month to create and submit entries for the prompt bonus.
  • Completing these prompts will get you +3028122973_xl6d45Y9EuU9La1.png per completed prompt!
  • Make sure to say it's for the November Prompts when you fill out the form, and remember to add it to prompt folder in the group if you're submitting to DA
  • Completing all 4 prompts with also earn you a small token prize

  • In need of some inspiration? Design a Milki or create an illustration based off of a song of your choosing! 

  • For some, November is a month where family gets together. Draw your Milki with their family, or a big ol' family portrait they took with them in the past! 

  • November is also the month where some Milki begin to celebrate the winter holidays. Is your Milki an early decorator for the holiday, or are they the kind of person who becomes irritated when they see Christmas decorations in stores on November 1st?

  • It's also the season to do more inside activities! What is your milki's favorite indoor passtime? Are they a bookworm, consuming several books in an hour? Do they do arts and crafts? Do they sew? Knit? Bake? Draw your Milki doing something fun inside! 


Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by r0adkyll
  • Unlike previous years, there are 4 prompts. You have until the end of the month to create and submit entries for the prompt bonus.
  • Completing these prompts will get you +3028122973_xl6d45Y9EuU9La1.png per completed prompt!
  • Make sure to say it's for the September Prompts when you fill out the form, and remember to add it to prompt folder in the group if you're submitting to DA
  • Completing all 4 prompts with also earn you a small token prize


For the month of October, our admin nonkie constructed a daily art challenge centered around milki! You are not obligated to participate in every single day, nor must the prompts be completed linearly. 

Check out the list of prompts here!

Additionally, there are four usual prompts that you can complete as well. If all four are completed, you earn a token prize! 

- Make a spooky milki or give an existing one a pet
- Give your milki a spooky outfit or costume.
- Draw your milki giving toppings to other milkis
- Draw your milki celebrating Halloween! Whether it's preparing for the day, like carving pumpkins or putting up decorations, or already embracing the full festivities in costume at a Halloween party or touring a haunted house!

Finally, we have a monthly raffle for October! Also designed by nonkie !

You can view the details of how to enter, as well as the design here!

Have a good spooky season, yall! 


Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by r0adkyll
  • Unlike previous years, there are 4 prompts. You have until the end of the month to create and submit entries for the prompt bonus.
  • Completing these prompts will get you +3028122973_xl6d45Y9EuU9La1.png per completed prompt!
  • Make sure to say it's for the September Prompts when you fill out the form, and remember to add it to prompt folder in the group if you're submitting to DA
  • Completing all 4 prompts with also earn you a small token prize

  • The young Milki are all back in school! Are any of them participating in extra curriculars? Sports? Art club? Chess Club? Theatre? Draw your Milki participating in an after school activity! 

  • What if your Milki was actually a dessert or some other type of food? Try to turn one of your Milki's into an appealing dessert! .. Or a gross one. Whatever suits you. 

  • Apples are beginning to fall off of trees in orchards and in the wild alot. Time to go apple picking! Draw your milki out picking up some apples, or maybe attempting to bake a pie with some they've already collected. Or, perhaps, for the more creative Milki, draw a Milki using some natural apples as some temporary toppings! 

  • The weather is finally starting to go from scorching heat to cooler temperatures- its time to start thinking about clothes for the cooler season! What sorts of fall/winter fashion does your milki enjoy wearing? Are they going to try any new styles this year, or is it same old same old? Draw your Milki wearing an outfit perfect for Fall! 


Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by r0adkyll
  • Unlike previous years, there are 4 prompts. You have until the end of the month to create and submit entries for the prompt bonus.
  • Completing these prompts will get you +3028122973_xl6d45Y9EuU9La1.png per completed prompt!
  • Make sure to say it's for the August Prompts when you fill out the form, and remember to add it to prompt folder in the group if you're submitting to DA
  • Completing all 4 prompts with also earn you a small token prize

  • National Dog Day is on August 26th! Does your Milki have any sort of canine companion? If so, draw them with their pet! If not, design a dog companion for one of your Milki! We have official dog breeds such as Pudding Pugs and a new species: Cotton Candy Dogs (Info) ! (designed and created by nonkie

  • Before the summer season ends, does your Milki have any last minute plans? Camping is a bit unorthodox for Milki due to the heat, but some daring Milki love to attempt it anyway! Draw your Milki braving the blistering hot wilderness, either chilling in a tent or running away from an angry bear. Whatever your mind thinks of! 

  • Alongside national dog day, National Friendship Day is also in August! Who is your Milki's bestest friend? What kinds of activities do they do together? Do they make fun friendship bracelets or anklets that have charms of eachother's toppings?  

  • Back to School, Back to School. Milki old and young alike all have to learn! What's your Milki's favorite school subject? Why is it their favorite subject? Draw your Milki participating in their favorite subject! 


Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by r0adkyll


  • Unlike previous years, there are 4 prompts. You have until the end of the month to create and submit entries for the prompt bonus.
  • Completing these prompts will get you +3028122973_xl6d45Y9EuU9La1.png per completed prompt!
  • Make sure to say it's for the July Prompts when you fill out the form, and remember to add it to prompt folder in the group if you're submitting to DA
  • Completing all 4 prompts with also earn you a small token prize

  • As the summer drags on, the weather during the day gets hot and dangerous for milki! A lot of Milki tend to stay inside during the hot summer days. Draw your Milki either combatting the summer heat or staying inside to avoid the sun!

  • Other Milki stay up late until the sun goes down. In the cool evenings, many milki during the summer engage in nightly activities like catching fireflies or stargazing-- or, for more social milki, going to a rave? Draw your Milki doing some sort of night activity! 

  • Flavorswap! What if your milki was a completely different flavor? What toppings would they have? Would they switch up their fashion style to match their new aesthetic? 

  • Videogame prompt! Draw an AU version of your milki in a video game universe. (ex. Stardew Valley, Fallout, Resident Evil, etc). 

  • BONUS PROMPT: Attack someone on Art Fight with a drawing of their Milki! 

LF: Moderators and Contributors!

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by r0adkyll

Moderator/Contributor Apps are now Open!

Apply by following this Link: 

Please only apply if you have the time to do so! If you apply, please have a Discord account linked in the form and join the server! It's much easier to communicate that way ^^


If you are curious about what each position will include, you can read through these documents:

Mod Doc:

Contributor Doc:


Posted 3 years, 2 days ago by r0adkyll


  • Unlike previous years, there are 4 prompts. You have until the end of the month to create and submit entries for the prompt bonus.
  • Completing these prompts will get you +3028122973_xl6d45Y9EuU9La1.png per completed prompt!
  • Make sure to say it's for the June Prompts when you fill out the form, and remember to add it to prompt folder in the group if you're submitting to DA
  • Completing all 4 prompts with also earn you a small token prize

  • It's officially summer! Are any of your Milki going on vacation? Where to? Draw your Milki going on the vacation of their dreams! 

  • Happy Pride! For Pride Month, draw your Milki expressing their identity!

  • For your Milki staying at home for the summer, draw them doing a summer hobby! Visiting a milk pool, or perhaps going on a picnic with friends? Draw your milki doing something for the summer! 

  • RPG Prompt! Draw your Milki as a bard, cleric, paladin, rogue, etc-- or make up a class of your own! 


Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by r0adkyll


  • Unlike previous years, there are 4 prompts. You have until the end of the month to create and submit entries for the prompt bonus.
  • Completing these prompts will get you +3028122973_xl6d45Y9EuU9La1.png per completed prompt!
  • Make sure to say it's for the May Prompts when you fill out the form, and remember to add it to prompt folder in the group if you're submitting to DA
  • Completing all 4 prompts with also earn you a small token prize

  • Mother's day is right around the corner! What does your Milki's parents look like? How many do they have? For this prompt, either design one of your Milki's parents, or draw a big ol' family portrait! Or, are your milkis parents? Draw them with their children if this is the case!

  • In spring, there's a lot of baby animals! Draw your Milki interacting with some! 

  • In our world, flowers have all sorts of symbolism attached to them. For example, bluebells are symbolic of Loyalty, constancy, humility & gratitude! What sort of flowers or plants could symbolism your Milki? What does it say about them? 

  • For this last prompt, grab a buddy or two and design a hypothetical child between your Milki and theirs! This is all for fun, of course-- just to see what sorts of crazy combinations could come from already existing Milki! Note: If designing a hypokid between your Milki and someone elses, make sure everyone involved is completely okay with the design being made! 



WELCOME to the Mermay Advent!

Every day for the month of May, a milkmaid design based on an aquatic creature will be posted! Each design was created by either one of the admins, a contributor, or one of our guest artists (you can see who designed what below).

On their reveal date, the design will be posted along with their method of purchase (auction, flatsale, etc).

There is no pre-claiming for this event!

The designs for this event were designed by











You can view the list of designs and who designed each day on the DeviantART post!

We hope you guys enjoy this event! <3


Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by r0adkyll


  • Unlike previous years, there are 4 prompts. You have until the end of the month to create and submit entries for the prompt bonus.
  • Completing these prompts will get you +3028122973_xl6d45Y9EuU9La1.png per completed prompt!
  • Make sure to say it's for the April Prompts when you fill out the form, and remember to add it to prompt folder in the group if you're submitting to DA
  • Completing all 4 prompts with also earn you a small token prize

  • April Showers bring May flowers! April is a very rainy month, even for Milkis! For this prompt, design some raingear (raincoat, rubber boots, umbrella..?) for your Milki! If they have a pet, maybe you could design them some matching rain gear...

  • More outdoor activities! What spring sports does your Milki like to play? Or, are they a more relaxed type-- perhaps preferring a laid back picnic with friends? Draw your Milki doing something outside! 

  • When people think of Easter, they often think of bunnies and baby chickens, and other small, cute animals! Does your Milki like animals? Do they have a pet of their own? For this prompt, draw your Milki with their pet! If they don't have one, now's as good as ever to design one! 

  • Ever thought of what your Milki would look like as a human? How would they look? How would their toppings/accessories translate over to a human? For this prompt, draw your Milki as a human! Go crazy with fashion! 

Like always, our monthly raffle is also posted! You can view the designs details and how to enter over on DeviantART, or below!
!! This Milki features the new trait, Puppy Ears, as well as a mutation that will be featured in the next Pop-Up Shop!

Spoon Headpieces
Waist Height Glass
Puppy Ears (Milkshake Texture)
Milkshake Tail (Whipped Cream End)
Glass Covered Hands
[!] Color Changing Glass Mutation
Blue Glass in Colder Temperatures, Pink in Warmer Temperatures!
Marshmallow Ducks, Glazed Doughnuts


How to Enter: 
With the introduction of the Toyhouse World, raffles will be looking a little different! To join and get one ticket, all you have to do is fill out this form. Your number will then be recorded on a spreadsheet to easier keep track of the Toyhouse and DeviantART entries!

To Gain MORE Tickets, you can:
-Join the groups [TH or DA] or be in the groups already for an additional ticket (+1)

-Tag 2 friends for an additional ticket (can be done up to 3 times, +1 ticket per two friends)

-Make a journal/status/ poll and link it for an additional ticket (+1)

This means you can get six tickets total! Don't worry about doing it all at once, you can come back later if you decide to get more tickets.


This raffle ends on APRIL 30thYou have until then to enter. The winner will be drawn publicly on our Discord the following day.

If you win:
* Credit wh1zzers the first time you draw the design!
* You can regift/trade the design away. But you cannot sell them! (Just let wh1zzers know if you do)

Milki are free to make; but not free to make adoptables out of! Only ADMINS, CONTRIBUTORS, AND GUEST ARTISTS can make adopts!  You can learn more about the species by visiting our group page, the Toyhouse World, or by joining our community on Discord