i. Vampires



Milki Vampires are another subspecies but they need to drink milki milkshake in order to survive, toppings and grown food don't give them nutrients like an averange milki can get. This is due to them asborbing the food differently. In order to survive, the vampire requires more than just the regular amount of licks that milki take from each other, so the vampires are seen as strange. Some without self restraint can go as far as to bite entire chunks out of themselves or other milki. They are know for their sharp fangs and quick of melting in the sun and long lifespans. Some can even have outdated flavours to have them stand out.

For a normal milki to become a vampire milki, they have to consume a vampire milkis milkshake or a certain amount of their toppings but it depends on the vampire, have a higher chance of turning if consuming from a pureblood than with a turned.


  • Ears: Regular Milki ears, +Bat ears
  • Nose: Regular Milki noses, +Bat nose
  • Teeth: Fanged



Pureblood vs Turned

Milki vampires can be from pureblood to turned and both equally need to consume milki milkshake in order to survive. The difference of a pureblood and turned can't be seen in appearance but abilities are very apparent. Purebloods can live up to 450 while turned can live to 300. Pureblood can pass on their pure genes to their children such as turning into bats and have special powers, while turned vampires can only have a chance of having a pureblood child but its pretty uncommon. Both vampires can turn other milkis into vampires but for turned ones have a harder time.

Purebloods ability of turning into a bat is specially unique to them. The appearance of the bat form is small and the body is covered fully in glass, their features much similar to a bat but their headpiece still noticeable. Their flavours do not change and they can't feed in this form.



The length of a Vampire milki's fangs deteremines how much control they have over themselves when they have a need to feed. Vampires will feed differently off of their victims depending on how hungry or desperate they are. While taking bites is most common, some are able to drink the flavor out of the victim which can cause them to turn pale and be a bit loopy and disorientated for a day or two. Depending on how hungry the vampire is, it can range from just sucking out the flavor to eating whole limbs.


Bat Traits

Milki vampires are able to have bat ears and bat noses of any species since given their relations to bats. It has been said those with these traits are more likely have closer connections to ancestor milki vampires and more pureblooded. With such traits, they have higher senses of smell or hearing!


Magic Locks (Pureblood)

When vampire milkis were greatly mistrusted and even hunted down by vampire hunters, they made a way to protect themselves when they hid away in shelters called Blood Lock. They are able to make magical locks on doors when touched which can be only opened by the milki who made the lock.


Hypnosis (Pureblood)

Pureblooded vampires are able to put other milkis into a trance-like state in order to feed from them easier. All it takes is for them to make eye contact with the individual and just like that they're under their spell, the victim will feel sleepy and won't remember a thing once the hypnosis ends. This power can be blocked if one wears eyewear or has a really strong willpower.