Unbleeders's Bulletins


Citizens, workers, and Unbleeders who support our company, we'd like to thank you and offer a warm congratulations!
Through your tireless efforts and the positive voices you've surrounded us with, we have achieved massive strides forward in terms of our Corporation's ability to give back to you, our community!

As such, we are pleased to announce the opening of a new Llawes store, where you too can purchase the inserts you need to join the immortal ranks of the Calon Ddi-waed, as well as many of our other products.

This store will be run by our lead researcher, Dr Kostas Hasapi! You may know her as the scientist who cracked the process of resurrection through insertion, and any Unbleeders out there will undoubtedly have encountered him at some point during your transitory period.

You can access this store right here!

Current prices are as follows (please click through to the store for details):

🫀 4 credits: Trait Upgrade Ticket
🫀 8 credits: Slot Upgrade Ticket
🫀 12 credits: Predetermined MYO
🫀 15 credits: Free-choice Common MYO

You'll be able to earn credits through our various upcoming events - and Dr Hasapi will be running the first of those!

47347909_Slcp9Kws4mmBAXP.png"Hello there, future and current Unbleeders! The Corp asked me to make this as 'springtime' themed as I could, so here's my best attempt at that.
Spring is, as we all know, a time of new growth - of rebirth! So, I'll be conducting interviews with existing and soon-to-be Calon Ddi-waed, regarding your experiences with, or your concerns regarding, your own rebirth! I want to know exactly what it felt like, for you, going through the process I devised - or what you're worried about, so I can reassure you that you'll be just fine.
Looking forward to seeing you in my lab, and in our new store!"


As much as we are pleased with the results of the previous month, we here at Llawes must unfortunately also issue a warning regarding a threat to the peaceful lives of those of you who live everyday, innocent lives simply supporting a Corporation that exists to protect and provide for you.

The terrorist group of so-called 'rebels' who refer to themselves as the Concerned Citizens have lately been receiving a fair amount of vocal support even as they escalate the violent and disruptive nature of their actions. On top of this, it seems they have appointed a leader, a figurehead who has been rallying forth members of this dangerous group and encouraging further violence against both people and property.

This leader's identity has not yet been confirmed, but they have been identified in security footage of various incidents of vandalism in many scattered locations.


If you have any information about this person, please call our hotli--




hi there

no need to worry about me, im no-one. i guess you can call me odysseus? haha. that's a joke.

anyway - just in case you were wondering, at least two of those pictures they showed aren't even me. or are they? i'll never tell. but the point is llawes isn't going to be able to do anything about me.

i'm  - we're - here to stay. vocally critical of the corp and doing our best to get in the way of them hurting and oppressing people. rescuing unbleeders who wanna get out and giving people the option to reach that immortality without paying llawes a lifetime's worth of cash or being  literally owned by the corp

so  i'm calling on you. yeah, you, that's right. a revolution starts with the small things, the small people, and gets reaaaal big over time. so: i  want you to show off the things you do towards revolution. i don't care if that's a big thing, a direct fuck you to llawes, or if that's just a  little, personal revolution in your own life. whatever makes a difference for you, or those around you.

or you can come meet up with me. with us, the concerned citizens, who really do actually care, unlike llawes. there's flyers around. you can  find other members of our little group. it's not so hard to attend our  perfectly legal meetings.

and they are legal, by the way, even if some of our members might do less-than-legal things to show their displeasure with the company.

i mean, i encourage you to do whatever it takes. and i'll keep encouraging you.

if that pisses them off, so be it. like i said, they can't stop me. i'm literally broadcasting this from inside their building.

and having said that, i should leave.

this is no-one, reporting for the people! over and out



Congratulations to those of you who supported Llawes in our March event ! MYOs have been distributed!

We've also set up a store, as linked above, and a bank (here) where you can track your species currency - Llawes Credits and items from the store! If you earned an upgrade ticket in the previous event, it should be listed in there. Let us know if it's not!

This month's theme is Rebirth and Revolution, and we have three different events you can take part in to earn LC!


1. Rebirth:

Dr Hasapi's event asks that you draw or write about the resurrection event for an Unbleeder.

Minimum 500 words for writing, flat colours for art.
Each entry is worth 1 LC, with +1 bonus LC for including Dr. Hasapi.

2. Revolution:

N01's event is about either large- or small-scale revolution, with a lot of openness for interpretation!

Minimum 500 words for writing, flat colours for art.
Each entry is worth 1 LC, with +1 bonus LC for including N01.

3. Mini-event - NPC submission!

Until May 1st, we want to invite you to design and submit a non-unbleeder, human NPC to exist within the Unbleeder lore. We'll be accepting a selection to become 'official' NPCs.

Minimum requirements are one full-body, and a bio of at least 150 words.
All entries, regardless of whether they're accepted as official, will earn 2 LC. One entry per entrant please.

4. Upcoming GAcha:

We'll have special adopts themed for this event releasing on the 30th of April, with further details to come. The main claim bulletin will be up on the toyhouse world.


Event Ending Soon..!

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by gutter

Just a few more days left on our Allegiance Event! 

Don't forget, you can get a free MYO slot just for participating! 

Details here: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/687173.march-announcements-prompt-legendary-adopt

Guest Artist Adopt!

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by gutter

The fields are abuzz with news of an Unbeeder! 

This one is from our guest artist Terryfik_  with two legendary traits and a beerry sweet theme.  

It's an individual OTA with details on the TH profile: https://toyhou.se/15535471.honey-bee-unbleeder-ota-

(Spoiler for honeycomb and bee image) 



ML Updates!

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by unbleeders

Masterlist Link
To better keep track of Unbleeder characters and transfers in ownership, we are making an official Master List with the account. You can still submit your UBs to the world - they will be sorted appropriately and considered as their toyhouse profile where you can put your lore and other character building tidbits. The masterlist serves as a record of ownership, official approval, trait listing, and archival purposes.

 For members that have an approved MYO unbleeder and do not see themselves on the account master list, please DM this account with your UB's TH profile + an image for the ML.

For those with slots, you can approve your UBs by DMing gutter , unbleeders , or through the approval channel in the discord. Your UB will automatically be uploaded to the ML. If you use a slot before this Free MYO event (January launch, first myo sale) your ML number will be the same as the slot number! Transferring of ownership must be written in the comments of the UB's ML profile. Unused slots 1-125 (from the launch MYO event and the first sale) can be transferred without commenting.

For any questions and inquiries, feel free to ask in the comments or in the discord.

side note: if you're subscribed to  i do recommend turning off notifications while we upload characters and profiles 


Discord Server and Free MYO Event !

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by gutter

After much demand and a lot of help from our new mod, jjeju, Unbleeders finally have a dedicated discord server

You can join here: https://discord.gg/eDauF9UJGE !! 

As an opening celebration mini-event, we're giving away free common MYO slots ! 

To get your slot, all you have to do is join the discord within the next five days, ending March 31st! That's it!

You can also earn one uncommon trait by making a bulletin linking back to this one, or by tagging at least two people in a comment replying here! If you do both of those things, your common slot can come with either two uncommon traits or one rare trait! 

Slots will be sent in the discord server itself, to make sure that at least the major requirement is definitely met 

Important side note: we're going to be changing how our masterlist and MYO slots work - after Unbleeder #125 we will be shifting to a new system using the masterlist account unbleeders, and doing our best to shift the previously existing Unbleeders and myo slots to the new system, too! All previous slots will remain as they are for now, and will keep their current assigned numbers no matter what. It'll be mostly me doing it, so I'll have to ask for your patience with stuff getting shifted over - it'll be slow going, but it should be a lot easier to work with from now on!

Okay so. we are. a little way into March already. Some might say exactly halfway. But here I am with a bulletin! Hi! How's your month going?

First off, a brief announcement for upcoming changes: I'm working with a new mod, jjeju, to sort out setting up a discord! Should be opening within the week, and we'll probably have a little free MYO event to celebrate that. Additionally, in April, we'll be looking for a few guest artists! Keep an eye out for that.

Next up - got another adoptable Unbleeder up ! With a legendary Cor that I'm quite fond of.


And, finally - here's a fun little prompt event anyone can participate in ! 

It's time to show your allegiance ! Pick a side for your Unbleeder, and draw or write something about them and their connection to that side!

starts immediately, ends April 15th! 

Your clearest options are:

Llawes Corporation - the company who likely granted your immortality and great power, who may well have saved or at least improved your life and the lives of those around you, protecting the places that you live and work, but who are said to exploit those under their rule, making you pay either a great deal of money or a great deal of service to them for your inserts - and who are certainly gathering unkillable soldiers for one reason or another.

Concerned Citizens - a somewhat oddly-named guerilla organisation who speak out about the wrongdoings of Llawes, working to liberate the oppressed and protect and support the common people under the corporation's thumb, though their leader is unknown and faceless at this point and encourages dangerous behaviour - for Llawes, sure, but also the people who work for them, and anyone in the general vicinity.

But there's a third option, too - you can always set yourself firmly into a neutral viewpoint. Whether that means you don't want to get involved at all, or if you have your own goals outside of the other two options, not allying with either is always a valid choice!

If your Unbleeder doesn't fit this prompt, or you don't have one yet, not to worry! Ari is the face of Llawes, always happy to run off a spiel about how grand and great and helpful the Corporation is. Coin is truly neutral, having paid enough for their inserts to be left alone post-resurrection. And - well, it's always fun to theorise about a mysterious faceless somebody like the Concerned Citizen leader, isn't it?


Link your piece in a reply to this post!

Each piece is worth one point! Much like a certain yearly event, we'll add up the totals, and see which faction won! If you include multiple sides in your piece, or have separate pieces for different sides, I'll ask that you mention in your post which side your points are going towards, to avoid too much confusion on my part lol.

Regardless of results, every participant will receive either a Common MYO slot, or an upgrade ticket allowing one trait of a rarity above your slot! 

Members of the winning team will receive an Uncommon MYO slot and an upgrade ticket !

made an faq !

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by gutter

here it is - mostly lore-related stuff so far! please feel free to ask anything else youre curious about and ill do my best to answer !

happy february!

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by gutter

our linking event was a looooot of fun ! id love to hear ideas any of you have for future events, too <3 

and since were in a new month ive put together another selection of unbleeders for bidding upon, all with at least one rare trait - PLUS an uncommon unbleeder for a raffle! all you have to do is comment <3 

BTA: #118 / #119 / #120


RAFFLE: #121


oh, almost forgot : happy lunar new year, too! 🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🏮💖💖

love you all ! 


Mini-Event ! 🔗LINKING UP🔗

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by gutter

Just a fun and lowkey thing as our first in-community event!

All you have to do is create a link between your Unbleeder and someone else's! This means talking to the other person, of course, and making sure you both agree on the relationship there. Of course, that also means you both need to have an approved Unbleeder design by the end of the event on Feb 1st!

Then make something depicting that link! Whether it's art or writing, even just a description of the connection between your Unbleeders, it all counts, as long as you put at least a little effort into it. You could even collab with the other person involved if you like!

Comment on this bulletin with a link to the creation to enter <3

Every world member who participates will earn one (1) Upgrade Ticket bound to your toyhouse username which will allow you to use one (1) trait above the rarity of a MYO slot you own, OR one (1) common MYO slot that can't be traded or sold.

And just for the record, my own Unbleeders are absolutely open for links, in case you're nervous or unsure about approaching others ! <3

Event running from January 15th to February 1st.