Anamoli Enigmae



8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Anamoli Ladia Enigmae






Raynbo, Eterniti







Creation Year


Soul Tune

Creation of Hope


Ladia Enigmae (alter), Lord Dalia (alter)


Aminali - Dalindra

Current Home

Bellevue, NE, USA - Taliac


Physical Appearance

  • Hair changes color and length at will; usually long in three pigtails and bright colored (tends to default to magenta)
  • Eye changes color at will, usually matches hair
  • Fair skinned
  • Tall in height
  • Physically fit with a somewhat athletic build
  • Medium sized breasts
  • Somewhat curvy

Clothing Style

Anamoli's style is completely all over the place. There's no one style she always keeps to and she can completely change her outfit theme along with her hair style/color to look like an entirely different person if she desires. Outside of school there's no telling what she might be dressed as. However her style tends to be relatively modest and she'll never wear anything too skimpy or "sexy."

While in school, she tends to be a little more consistent with what she wears and looks like. Typically on a regular day of school with no special events, she'll wear her hair up in her normal three pigtails in magenta, and she tends to wear some kind of long sleeved shirt with a long skirt and flat heeled boots. The particular design of the shirt and skirt vary (although when drawing her on the fly I tend to keep it very plain), but she tends to color coordinate with her hair and eyes. With certain outfits, the clothing is made out of a special weave from Dalindra, so the material will react along with her natural Dalindran ability to change her "color scheme," so if her hair and eyes change, that clothing will also change at will.


Anamoli tends to take on many different personas to match her current outfit and whatever "character" she's playing at the moment, although she never really elaborates or breaks character to acknowledge that she's doing anything of the sort. She'll even talk about her other characters in third person if she's not currently playing them, as if all her characters know each other in the real world.

In general though, Anamoli is most commonly seen as a very energetic and optimistic young lady with a love for the arts, particularly music and dance, but also acting and theater. She has the utmost confidence in herself yet is never arrogant. She tends to be over the top most of the time and is usually referred to as an endearing weirdo. She's a little loud, dynamic with her movements, and usually rather casual and an overall pleasant person in terms of how nice and moral she is. The only time she's ever mean spirited is if it's in the nature of the character she's currently playing as, but it's never excessive or malicious with intent and always tends to have a "theatric villain" type of demeanor.


  • Raynbo rifting - rank 3/5
  • Eterniti rifting - rank 5/5 when linked with either of her alters
  • Mastery over the natural Dalindran color scheme shifting
  • Skilled at playing the alto saxophone
  • Skilled at dancing, particularly for the spontaneous musical numbers that often pop up at school
  • Oddly skilled at impressions and verbal sound effects


  • Confident, optimistic, and moral
  • Bold, theatric, and unabashed
  • Eye for aesthetic, artistic, and creative
  • Excellent at improvising and very adaptable/flexible


  • A little carefree and too whimsical at times
  • Rather eccentric and uncooperative when needed to break character
  • Tends to focus on her own odd goals and is usually in her own world
  • Not very good at explaining things


Anamoli was originally created along with Ladia when Lord Dalia crafted his mortal form. The two were meant to be each others' Dalindran alters, along with being Lord Dalia's mortal alters as well. Although Lord Dalia's "mortal" form is virtually immortal to factors such as illness and aging, Ladia and Anamoli are not, and they go through rebirth cycles each time they reach the end of their lives. They have mostly no memory of their past lives, although certain things can jog their old memories from time to time.

In Anamoli's current incarnation, she is a simple Dalindran that has chosen to grow up in the private school system on Taliac, which is intended for the few Dyric or outsiders on this "supernatural-free" planet who are gifted with rifting abilities. Anamoli lives in an apartment by herself, although she receives money and is checked up on by Lord Dalia's followers that work in the school system. She's currently a junior that enjoys her time with her friends, making music and living life to the fullest. However she does have concerns about her alter, Ladia, who has been captured by the Demriles and currently is serving the resurrected false goddess of death, Shana, as they wage war against Lord Dalia.


  • Anamoli's name is obviously just a tweak on the words anomaly and enigma.
  • She was originally created without the intention of being a Dalindran or related to Ladia and Lord Dalia at all. She was just meant to be a human with the ability to change colors, but I later made her Ladia's alter since Dalindrans just normally change colors anyway.
    • Anamoli should normally have pointed ears like Ladia and Lord Dalia, but she has them disguised as human ears while she is living on Taliac.