
3 years, 3 months ago




name Donovan Jagger

gender Trans boy (he/him)

age 22

ethnicity White

sexuality Bisexual

occupation Bassist

height 6'1

voiceclaim Gerard Way


DJ is a bassist for a local rock band, Cherry Blue. He has a laid back, cynical personality, although his temper is quick to flare up. He comes off as a dude too cool to care about anything other than money and fame, and is frequently called the most mysterious and secretive member of the band by fans.

Although he knows his band members Kid, Cerise, and Petra well, he is unwilling to open up himself and let anyone see him for who he truly is, a damaged boy trying to hide his sensitive qualities and surprisingly big heart.


DJ grew up a sheltered youngster in a small backwater town made up of outcasts from mainstream society. Being the youngest surrounded by bitter and hardened adults, DJ was picked on for being a weak runt. After taking too much of their bullying, he packed as much as he could and ran away to a nearby town to start anew. While society there was more accepting than DJ was raised to believe they would be, DJ was naïve and ended up in a relationship with another young man who took advantage of him being vulnerable with no life experience.

After years of being taken advantage of by his manipulative partner, DJ snapped and broke up with them. Overnight, he stole multiple things from them, including much of his partners drug supply, which he framed them for stealing, and ran away again to start fresh in a bigger city. There, he began selling his ex's possessions one by one to get back on his feet, until he realized the drugs he stole would be incredibly more valuable if he sold them instead of using them like he previously planned to.

Now set up as a drug dealer with no loose ends or past ties, DJ befriended a contact of his, an girl named Reagan. He crashes in an abandoned apartment on the outskirts of the city, content to make enough money as he wants selling as much as he can until something goes wrong and he's forced to run again.



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