


4 years, 11 months ago



Agent Three, Three, Dee



16? 17? 15?









Delta is Agent 3 of the Neoteric Sanctuary Syndicate. They are the mechanic and technician of the team, handy with anything mechanical or digital. They prefer tinkering with weapons and gear scavenged or left behind that once belonged to the supernatural residents of the Dead Zone.

Delta takes agent work very seriously, insisting on having color codes and call signs, careful to keep things as professional as possible between all three agents. They seem to be the only one who cares, though. Although they're a hardass when it comes to duty, Delta is incredibly spirited and empathetic to other people's feelings. They have a tendency to overthink and make mistakes under pressure, often requiring others to bail them out of trouble.

Delta takes pride in her work as the technician in the NSS. Her core focus is recovering weapons and devices found in the Dead Zone. She refurbishes or dismantles them altogether, taking their parts for use with her own projects. It isn't uncommon to find something dangerous in the field, where Delta is always the one on the scene to assess it and disarm it properly.









  • Survivalism
  • Tactfulness
  • Intuition


  • Overthinker
  • Low confidence
  • Naïvety

Despite her less than ideal upbringing, Delta tries very hard to see the best in other people. While she has a very skeptic approach to most situations, she can be incredibly trusting and forgiving of anyone she empathizes with. While this has made them a great teammate and listener, they end up putting others first and are too trusting too quickly if someone pulls at their heartstrings. Their overactive mind is responsible for tripping them up and self-sabotaging a well-thought out plan, often leading to mistakes at critical moments. That, coupled with their low self-confidence, makes Delta a very kind friend who still needs some work and experience in the field.



Where Delta came from is unknown, even to her. All she remembers is growing up in the foster care system, being passed around from family to family. Delta never lasted more than a few months in any one home, being labeled a "difficult" child to raise all the way into their teen years. Having had enough of trying to fit in, Delta packed their scarce possessions and escaped from their current foster family, content to walk down the highway until they were too tired to go any farther. After walking for nearly a day straight along the road, Delta came along an abandoned military base located in a desolate valley not far from the Dead Zone. Here they set up their base, finding plenty of work in renovating the old communications hub to become their new home.


A year or so after Delta sets up camp in the canyon, they find they're not the only one who has interest in the torn landscape. After a very tense first meeting with a stranger, Delta is surprised to be met with a job offer almost immediately. The stranger, by the name of Rhea, finds interest in Delta's work with the old tech and offers her a position with a project they're just starting, an organization focused on rehabilitating and cleaning up fallout areas near the Dead Zone. After some convincing and many, many visits from Rhea, Delta relents, and joins the project as the third official member.

It wasn't far from the hub that Delta found Abel. While out surveying the landscape, Delta discovered a body that had been hastily dumped into the thick underbrush, bloodied and unmoving. Upon discovering the person is still alive and breathing, Delta carried the limp body back to the base. After performing rudimentary first aid on the stranger, they slowly come to. It takes a little, but after recovering he declares himself to be Abel, his first name being the only thing he remembers. Delta remains by Abel's side as he continues to heal, the older boy insisting he'd love to stay to help with their project.


After witnessing a brilliant light on the horizon one night, Delta leaves the safety of their home to cautiously explore the source of the light. Stumbling across a disoriented body, the stranger claims to be from another dimension, having travelled through a portal unintentionally. Suspicious at first, Delta agrees to aid the stranger but is dismayed they can't bring her back to the base for worry of a paradox. The stranger introduces himself as Ari, agreeing to supply the young agent with technology and knowledge of the future in return for safe travel back to his home.


  • Stuck with her braces for the time being as she never found an opportunity to get them off.
  • Thinks Abel and Rhea would make a cute couple and tries to get them together.
  • Calls Rhea "boss." Abel does not have a nickname (though he wants one).
  • Isn't sure where they picked up their interest in technology ━ always been good with it.
  • Scavenged most of her gear except for her goggles. Doesn't let anyone touch them.


Abel [ friend ]

Delta feels a special attachment to Abel, still being proud of having rescued the young man and aided him with his recovery. The two confide in each other when Rhea isn't around, and after noticing Abel's budding crush on Rhea, Delta now constantly attempts to push the two of them into a relationship together, much to Abel's embarrassment and Rhea's annoyance.

Rhea [ friend / boss ]

Despite knowing Rhea first, Delta is still incredibly shy and serious around her, often treating her more like a superior than a friend. Delta respets Rhea a lot for what she's done for them and the NSS, and hopes to be able to pay her back someday.

Ari [ mentor / friend? ]

It wasn't long after meeting Ari that he offered to train and mentor Delta to be a stronger fighter and survivalist, given Delta's upbringing and current home. The stranger has been training Delta in secret since, trading upgrades to their equipment with stories from their home dimension, even promising to take Delta there someday.