


4 years, 11 months ago


Rhea Santana

Agent Four, Four, Boss






Social worker / Leader






Rhea is Agent 4 and the founder of the Neoteric Sanctuary Syndicate. She is the leading coordinator and planner, focusing primarily on rehabilitating and aiding those who desire a way out of the Dead Zone, both human and supernatural residents.

Growing up, Rhea never got to experience a life where they were recognized and accepted, instead having to make way for their more popular friends and siblings. Since becoming a social worker, Rhea discovered a sense of purpose, this purpose manifesting into founding the NSS. While he enjoys aiding and assisting people in need, deep down he wishes to be praised and lauded for his generosity and charitable work.

The NSS is Rhea's moonlighting job ━ by day, they work in shelters and rehabilitation organizations across town, saving money and networking. When she has time, she is working with Delta and Abel, supplying them with food and supplies for carrying out their work in the Dead Zone. Upon encountering those who wish to leave the Dead Zone, Rhea has always been able to relocate them safely and give them enough support to get back on their feet again.









  • Generous
  • Compassionate
  • Athletic


  • Prideful
  • Stubborn
  • Repressed

While Rhea appears quiet and withdrawn at first, they have a lot of pent up energy and are constantly seeking out opportunities to express it. Rhea grew up in a large family where her siblings were always clamoring for attention, with Rhea unintentionally fading into the background. Growing up this way left Rhea desperate for validation and a need to prove himself, a need that persists to this day. Rhea can get frustrated quickly over small things and can be a harsh critic without meaning to, even to the people she cares about. This combined with her innate stubbornness has led to her having difficulty making friends in her adult life.



Having grown up in a large family, Rhea got comfortable with letting their siblings take the spotlight. She mostly stuck to herself and the siblings she had around her age range, tolerating her role until she moved out. Upon leaving her childhood home and the people she had grown up with, Rhea found herself drawn to volunteer positions and charity organizations. Eventually striking gold with a well-paying social worker position in the heart of the city, Rhea began putting aside money for their unknown future. After coming into contact with a few supernatural beings who had come from the Dead Zone and desired to integrate into society outside of it, Rhea had an idea. With the few thousand she had set aside, Rhea purchased a small, abandoned building close to the border of the Dead Zone and founded the Neoteric Sanctuary Syndicate.


Upon visiting her brand-new property meant to be the NSS hub, Rhea is startled (but not surprised) to find someone else living there. The kid, though incredibly suspicious and wary of Rhea at first, is eventually convinced Rhea means no harm, and is able to talk the kid into her cause. They hesitantly give their name as Delta and offer their skills as a mechanic and technician who has tinkered with plenty of dangerous supernatural devices and weapons. Delta warms up to Rhea in time, especially after Rhea comes offering supplies and materials to the junior engineer. Although Delta can still be painfully formal and quite reclusive, Rhea can tell she currently holds a fondness for Rhea, and the two have a mutual respect for each other.

During a lengthy stretch where Rhea had been unable to visit the NSS hub, Rhea comes back to a stranger on bedrest, being tended to by Delta. He introduces himself as Abel, having suffered a nasty fall and being unable to recover his memory. Overjoyed to have company, Delta insisted Abel should stay and help them with the NSS, the boy enthusiastically agreeing. Relenting almost immediately, Rhea got to work preparing a space for Abel and designating their role in the NSS.


Rhea keeps up both her work as a social worker and as the leader and coordinator of the NSS to this day. No matter how much they enjoy their jobs, Rhea's double workload takes a toll on them. He comes home to his apartment and roommate at odd hours, often looking wrecked and sleeping through alarms. She still remains unsatisfied with herself and her day to day life when shes not working, never really bothering to make any friends or connections outside of work besides Delta and Abel.


  • Heavily superstitious - 4 is her lucky number, and why she chose to go with Agent 4 instead of Agent 1.
  • Would never admit to wanting praise for his work and feels both guilty and bitter over it.
  • Tries to accompany Abel and Delta on fieldwork and recon as much as she can, hoping to gain experience and knowledge of the Dead Zone.
  • Pretty remote and offline generally, only really keeps up with media that involves her sister Stevie Santana.
  • Has run into Cain, albeit unknowingly.


Delta [ friend ]

Being the first person to treat Delta like a real human, Delta has lot of respect and fondness for Rhea. Rhea keeps their distance as an adult but still feels a sense of protectiveness over the kid, promising to find a stable home for her someday. He doesn't much appreciate Delta trying to get Abel and him together, though.

Abel [ friend ]

Most of the time Rhea and Abel get along just fine, especially around Delta and when working together, Rhea happy to have a friend closer to their own age. Unfortunately, some things about Abel get on Rhea's nerves. Abel's reckless streak can often put them and the other agents at risk, and she finds their puppy-dog act around her annoying, unaware the other agent is crushing on her.

Kitty [ roommate ]

Rhea barely knows her roommate ━ their schedules and interests don't overlap, and their communication needs to be worked on. Still, Rhea finds herself lingering around Kitty's presence, content to just be in the same room with her and reciprocate conversation, provided Kitty is the one to initiate it.