


2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Jace Expree

Series: Animals

Age: 14 (7 in the first story arc and 14 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Chaos Puff

Favorite Food: Spicy curry

Element: Chaos/Fire

Powers: Fireball, fire-kick, firework blast, chaos kick, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "By the way, you have to see the size of this firework I found."

Likes: Fireworks, explosions, spicy foods, sparkly things, action movies, fighting games, and dancing.

Dislikes: Having her fireworks taken away, rainstorms, super sweet foods, calm music, and reading.

Personality: Jace is a kind and friendly girl who is a bit of a social butterfly. It's quite possible that Jace has over one-hundred friends from her charisma alone. However, she's known to become overly excited when fireworks are involved, and will occasionally light some off indoors or somehow obtains ridiculously giant fireworks from a mysterious seller. She never one seems to notice or realize the danger of her obsession, but thankfully no one ever gets hurt. She's also not always aware that the other characters don't share her obsession. Not much scares her, and she instead tends to be fascinated by bizarre things.

Home: Animal Planet

History: Jace is the youngest sibling in her family, and she has two older twin brothers Expert and Ex. She's cousins with Sketches, Dark, and Light on their dad's side of the family, and is very close to them due to seeing them a lot while growing up. Jace is particularly close to Sketches, being one of the first people outside of his immediate family that he socialized with. As a young child, Jace's family took her to a fireworks show that awed her, and she developed an obsession with fireworks as a result.

Jace first appears in the story when she and her brothers visit Sketches and his siblings for the holidays. She and her siblings proceed to make appearances afterwards, occasionally getting involved with the problem of the week.

Current-Bio: Jace currently lives in the town next to Miniman Town, and thus goes to a different school than the main characters. She often drops by on her own to visit her cousins, often bringing new fireworks with her to try out. She occasionally joins Sketches and Lightning on their adventures.

Meta-History: Jace was created much later than my original Chaos Puff characters, but earlier than newer ones like Jade. Her existence is a strange one because there's no artwork of her outside of a DA Muro drawing that I made in 2013 muro doodles where I was trying to actually give her a design. She's just existed in my head for most of her existence and sadly didn't have an official design until recently, which was based off of the one in the muro drawing. For years the only element of her design that I was certain about is that she'd have a purple theme. While many of the Chaos Puff characters were based around the Chao from the Sonic Adventure games, Jace has no direct inspiration due to being created and designed so late, so she is instead designed to look similar to her brothers. Her actual creation was inspired by the character Farina from the comic strip Pearls Before Swine, as Farina was Rat's love interest and for some reason I used to compare him and my character Lightning, so I made him a one-sided love interest in the form of Sketches' cousin Jace (Farina was Pig's cousin in Pearls, but Sketches isn't similar to him idk). Jace was originally a germaphobe like Farina, but I decided to drop this characterization since I don't want therm to be similar. Instead Jace was developed to be one of the few people Sketches socialized with before meeting Lightning, and for some reason I also made her a bit of a pyromaniac. Also don't worry, she's not actually Lightning's love interest. >:U It's one-sided 5ever.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: Jace and Sketches are close due to being close in age. She loves to show Sketches her (often illegal) fireworks that she somehow obtains much to his horror.

Lightning: Jace is unaware of Lightning's feelings for her, but she is kind and friendly towards him. She has an unintentional habit of introducing him to her latest boyfriend or girlfriend, leaving him claiming he's happy for her despite his obvious tears.

Light: Jace and Light get along very well.

Dark: Jace and Dark get along very well.

Expert: Jace is close to her brother and sometimes joins his competitions.

Ex: Jace is close to her brother.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.