


2 years, 1 month ago


Name: Jason Katt

Series: Animals

Age: 19 (12 in the first story arc and 19 in the last)

Gender: Male (he/his/himself)

Species: Racket Cat

Favorite Food: Catfish

Element: Darkness

Powers: Racket paw attack, shadow energy attack, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Stop telling people I don't exist."

Likes: Not being perceived.

Dislikes: The weird rumors his siblings spread about him.

Personality: Unlike his siblings, who seem to go wherever they want whenever they want, Jason is rarely seen anywhere, not even at the school that he supposedly attends. When he finally does appear, he appears to be rather annoyed by the bizarre rumors his siblings have spread about him.

Home: Animal Planet: Miniman Town

History: Jason grew up in Miniman Town, and has two younger siblings named Kitty and Racket. While his siblings talk about him throughout the story, he is never seen and is always mysteriously not present in situations where he should be such as school.

Current-Bio: Jason finally appears at the very end of the story, shocking the other characters with his mere existence.

Meta-History: Jason was created to be the older brother of Kitty and Racket, and that's about it for his character. He lacks the bandana over his eyes that his siblings wear and doesn't have much going on. The only real bit that his character plays is the fact that he's mentioned by his siblings but is never seen by anyone else, leaving the other characters to believe that he doesn't actually exist. idk why I made that his main thing but I'm also unsure why I felt the Racket Twins needed an older brother in the first place. Also I could have sworn his name was "Jimmy", but then I discovered that I had previously called him "Jason" in Kitty and Racket's bios. Now I'm confused on which one it's supposed to be, so for now he's "Jason" but maybe he'll be "Jimmy" later...idk I can't find anything I wrote about him prior to Kitty's bio.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Kitty: Jason finds his sister to be strange.

Racket: Jason finds his brother to be strange.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.