Basic Info


Octavia Scheele Priestley Lavoisier Oxford




Cis Female






Mostly English, Swedish, French


Around 13.7-13 billion


Celebrated on March 9

Place of Birth



Not known

Significant Other(s)

It's complicated





Big Five

Very high Extraversion, average Openness and Agreeableness, average-to-low Neuroticism, low Conscientiousness


Chaotic Good


“We are actors in a play we never auditioned for. And I’m going to try to play my part.”

Octavia is a girl of fire and water. In her triplet dioxygen state, she is calm if slightly irritable. While she could easily slip into patterns of anger and inappropriate flirting, she has a variety of techniques to keep herself on track. Despite her quite snarky attitude, she is actually very caring, but prefers to show affection in more subtle ways. She is very extroverted and will seek out company whenever possible. Her personality is magnetic and she works to encourage others, for better or for worse. She is very open and will let everyone know exactly how she is feeling. She does not care much for organization: most of her spaces are littered with various objects. She is an out-of-the-box thinker and finds doing things the simple way to be boring. When mildly annoyed she is able to quickly calm down, but when angry she is hard to reason with. Her anger is known to spread to others, not to mention it lights her surroundings on fire. She is more prone to bursts of anger when in her singlet state, ozone form, or as a liquid or solid, so watch out! She meditates regularly and enjoys simple nature walks and extreme activities alike. She loves scuba diving, mountain climbing, skydiving, and taking dangerous hikes. She also builds model rockets and mixed media sculptures. She is reasonably close with almost everyone; her closest relationships are with the other “life essentials”. Most of the Elementals have some sort of romantic feelings for Octavia, and she makes it unclear whether most of those feelings are reciprocal. She dated Hannah when the universe was much younger but they fell apart. She tried for Cecilia but Hannah prevented that relationship. Her relationship with Nettie has been interpreted as more than friends. While Sigrid’s crush on her appeared one-sided in the past, Octavia might actually be interested in her. She seems to want to start a relationship with Allie. Her closest platonic friend outside the life essentials is surprisingly Helga. One metal she does not have a positive relationship with is Ferris, and the two have a “We need to work together but I hate you” dynamic.

Physical Appearance

Short, at 142 cm (4’8”). Thin, with moderate muscle definition, four digits on each hand and foot. Extremely curvy, hourglass figure. Oval face with a pointed chin. Light peach skin tone with red undertones. Blue-violet eyes with short eyelashes. Long thin nose.Two clusters of six blue dots arranged in a vertical line of four dots next to a vertical line of two dots, on her cheeks and running up between her eyes and ears. The lines of two dots point inward. Wavy waist-length red hair with orange streaks and bangs. Usually wears a very light blue long-sleeve shirt with a blue “O” on the right sleeve and a blue “8” on the left sleeve, high-waisted blue jeans with faded patches and four stiches forming “x”s, one on the thigh and one on the knee of both legs, and diagonal stitches on the lower legs, red socks with orange flames on them, and teal sneakers with patches of green and white soles.

Design Notes

Octavia’s design is a combination of circles and triangles, as she is friendly yet snarky. Her red hair and its orange streaks are colors associated with fire, as oxygen is the oxidant in most common combustion reactions. Her bangs are the shape of flames. Her blue-violet eyes are the color of oxygen in a gas discharge tube. Her pale blue valence marks and shirt are the color of liquid oxygen, and in addition to reflecting liquid oxygen, her deep blue pants are the color of the ocean, as water molecules contain oxygen atoms and water contains dissolved oxygen that sustains aquatic life. The four “X” stitches and the two diagonal stitches add up to six, the number of valence electrons that oxygen has. The faded spots on her jeans reflect the bleaching effects of singlet oxygen, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide. The teal on her shoes represents marine organisms such as phytoplankton, and the green splotches represent land plants, which together produce a significant amount of the planet’s oxygen. The white soles represent oxygen as a colorless gas, and snow, as liquid oxygen is a cryogenic liquid. 

-Don't forget her valence marks (on the sides of her face) or the "O" and "8" on her shirt. 

-She has four-fingered hands.

-It's a bit hard to see on her reference, but her valence marks are blue and her eyes are blue-violet. 

-Her hair is wavy. Don't draw it straight!