Basic Info


Ariana Gonzalez




Cis Female






Spanish, Italian


Around 13.7-13 billion


Celebrated on July 9

Place of Birth



Not known

Significant Other(s)

It's complicated


"The camera can't lie, but the camera crew can."

[DRAFT] Ariana is very pragmatic, and does things with little hesitation. She may come across as cold and unfeeling, but is actually very sociable. She likes forging connections with others, and is very concerned with status. Though she is sociable, she prefers to associate with fellow precious metals. She's always willing to change her mind in the face of evidence and, (though she hates to admit it), appeals to emotion. She's very concerned about how she is perceived by others, and tries to hide her flaws. She tries to resist temptation, but easily gives in. She prefers to stick to doing things the traditional way, and rarely changes her plans once she has them. In her mind, there is a right way to do everything. Her main passions, when she's not just chilling with the precious metals, are photography and filming. She loves old black-and-white movies. She hates messes and germs, so luckily she has the ability to disinfect surfaces she touches. She is close friends with the other precious metals, is on-again, off-again with the halogens, and has a complex relationship with Sadie. 

Physical Appearance


Design Notes

[DRAFT] Much of Ariana's design is inspired by the chapter on silver in Periodic Tales by Hugh Aldersey-Williams. Silver, as the most reflective and whitest metal, represents purity, symbolism only compounded by silver's weakness to black tarnish. Silver is incomplete, imperfect, contrasted with the perfect, tarnish-free and colored gold. This contrast between the pure white of silver metal and the corrupted black of tarnish is reflected in Ariana's jacket and dress. Her white dress is her outermost layer, the part of herself that she lets people see, and it modestly covers up her body. But beneath that white lies her black dress, her hidden, immodest side. Her outfit and makeup represent a duality: innocent and sultry at the same time. Her skin has bluish undertones, a reference to argyria, a condition caused by silver exposure that stains skin blue-gray. Her leggings are pale yellow like silver iodide. Her shoes are mirrorlike, another reference to silver's high reflectivity. Her necklace has a crescent moon, the alchemical symbol for silver, on it. Her belt is styled like film, with transparent, translucent, and opaque sections, as photography and film relied on silver compounds before the advent of digital photography. Her hair is divided into strips of metal resembling film, wound around her reel-like hair decoration. Her valence marks form a five-pointed star, referencing the concept of movie stars and the Hollywood Walk of Fame.