Basic Info


Selena Berzelius Endo




Cis Female








Around 13.7-13 billion


Celebrated on February 9

Place of Birth



Not known

Significant Other(s)



“Nature is the flowers and the thorns. Nature is the sunshine and the thunderstorms. Even prey defend themselves.” 

Selena protects and serves the greater good by any means necessary. Normally friendly and willing to help, Selena always finds time to support her fellow Elementals and the community. When she’s in a good mood, she is patient yet fiercely defends her friends. She’ll talk out any conflicts. She’s an expert problem solver, able to reason out solutions that work for everyone. In a bad mood, she’s easily angered, and will pick fights with anyone who stands in her way. Though she still defends the people she cares about, she doesn’t even try to reason with her enemies. On a good day she doesn’t consider herself to have enemies, yet on a bad day anyone who isn’t a friend is someone to be despised. She annoys people to get them to do what she wants. In addition to her “good” and “bad” days, she’s more social during the daytime than the nighttime. During the daytime, she not only craves being with others, but never tires out no matter how much time she spends with them. During the night, even the smallest social interactions wipe her out, and she prefers to be alone. No matter her mood or the time of day or night, she’s always nice to human children, and never shows them a bad attitude. She takes great pride in her appearance, especially her hair. Unfortunately, she frequently suffers from telogen effluvium when she gets stressed or has too many bad days in a row, which causes her to lose hair. Luckily, her Elemental regeneration allows the hair to grow back quickly when the stress ends. She likes photography and glassmaking, and makes glass creations for both practical and artistic purposes. In all her art she loves working with reds, but cannot stand greens and yellows. Fittingly, much of her outfit is red. She eats healthy and loves seafood, but her favorite food by far is Brazil nuts. She’ll eat far more nuts than would be safe for a human to consume. Selena is a big upholder of the life schism, and in the past she would fight the toxic metals, not caring if any life got hurt or killed in the process. The Essential Elementals called her, jokingly or not, the “Life Warrior”. She would have public showdowns with the toxic Elementals just to send a warning, making use of her bad moods. Her number one enemy was, and is still is, Hermione. Even though they two share science- and tech-based passions, they cannot see eye-to-eye. Yet even she seems interested in breaking the schism. She admires fellow artist Cassandra and might even have feelings for her, not caring what kind of message a toxic and essential Elemental getting together would send. 

Physical Appearance


Design Notes

[DRAFT] Selena's ballerina-like design conveys elegance and grace, yet the bright colors imply boldness and action. Both red and black can imply danger and warnings, or the red can be the positive to the black's negative. Selenium and its supplements are all the rage these days, and among the tidal wave of singing selenium's praises, its toxicity has become a footnote. Yet selenium is both essential and deadly, all depending on the dose. Her color scheme comes from the different allotropes of selenium: red, black, and gray. Crescents and butterfly-like-bows line her design. The crescents represent selenium's namesake, and can be found on her dress and in the shape of her valence mark clusters. Two of her four clusters are on her neck, marking the location of the thyroid gland. The thyroid, vaguely butterfly-shaped, explains the butterfly-shaped bows on her belt and in her hair. In addition, butterflies are beautiful, yet many are toxic. Her bag appears to be made of red-tinted glass (it's actually plastic), to represent the use of selenium in glassmaking.