Basic Info


Nevaeh Ramsay Travers Evans




Cis Female




Aromantic Asexual


English, Scottish, French


Around 13.7-13 billion


Celebrated on July 2

Place of Birth



Not known

Significant Other(s)






Big Five

High Openness and Agreeableness, low Conscientiousness and Extraversion and very low Neuroticism


Neutral Good


“Never underestimate the power of taking a moment to relax.”

Don’t mistake Nevaeh’s (nə-VAY-ə) calm demeanor for asociality; she is the life of the party! It would take the world to make this noble gas upset, and the same can be said of removing her optimistic outlook. Others around her tend to get caught up in her calm, and find it hard to get upset themselves. When her mood does sour, she usually hides away and tries to cheer herself up. While she is quite social, she also needs to spend time recharging after large events. She is often so relaxed that she stops paying attention to her surroundings and becomes forgetful; those who know her personally describe her as being spacey. She loves bright lights, fast music, and dancing! She loves to dress up in bright colors and sing while glowing. This love of parties and music has given her a reputation of being detached from earthly or important matters, and she is chastised for her lack of useful skills. The more reactive Elementals have a saying that Nevaeh hates “everything she (neon lights) stands for”, as she has no interest in sex, romance, recreational drugs, and is surprisingly critical of consumerism (mostly for “ruining her reputation”). She sings and produces music under the name Nevaeh in Heaven. Other interests include the atmosphere and outer space, especially where the two meet. Unfortunately, most of the spaces she hangs in are too light-polluted for any sort of stargazing. She is much more comfortable in the cold than the heat. She is closest to the other noble gases and rarely interacts with anyone else. Among the noble gases she is closest to Helga, as the two both enjoy partying. She is also reasonably close with Nettie due to their shared love for air.

Physical Appearance

Short, at 139 cm (4’7’). Thin, average build, four digits on each hand and foot. No curves, rectangular figure. Oval face with round chin. Pale peach skin tone with red undertones. Wide and round orange eyes with long eyelashes. Small, rounded nose. Two 2x4 rectangles of red dots on her forehead. Wears red lipstick. Chest-length red hair with a low wave, several strands sticking out, and bangs parted into eight sections. Usually wears a red long-sleeve shirt with orange stripes on the sides and on the inside and outside of the sleeves, an orange four-pointed star in the center, an orange “Ne” on the right sleeve and an orange “10” on the left sleeve, red pants with orange stripes on the side, and light red shoes with orange soles and laces. For parties she also wears glasses with orange frames and orange bars across the top and middle.

Design Notes

Nevaeh’s design is all round; even the few pointy elements are rounded. She is the calmest Elemental, without any sort of edge to her personality. Being an extremely unreactive noble gas, she has no curves to speak of. Her eyes are slightly wide, though not as wide as Hannah’s or even Fiona’s. In a gas-discharge tube neon glows a bright red-orange, and Nevaeh’s entire color scheme is based around that. Her hair, lipstick, nail polish, shirt, pants, and shoes are shades of red, while her eyes, her chemical symbol and atomic number, her shirt and pants’ stripes, her shirt’s star, and her shoes’ soles and laces are shades of orange. She wears loose, modest clothes as she is not looking for attention. Her bangs are usually parted into eight sections because neon has eight valence electrons, giving it a complete octet. The loose strands of hair, like similar strands on Helga’s hair, represent neon in the Sun and solar wind. The stripes on her shirt and pants are meant to look like the tubes used in neon signs. The star on her shirt reflects neon being more abundant in space than on Earth. Four laces are visible on each of her shoes for a total of eight, another nod to neon’s electron configuration. 

-Don't forget her valence marks (on her forehead) and the "Ne" and "10" on her shirt. Her valence marks are usually covered by her bangs, but her sketch shows where they are. 

-She has four-fingered hands. 

-Her hair has loose strands.