Naeris (Jin Kuijun)



1 year, 6 months ago


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Naeris (Jin Kuijun)

edited Jun.1.2024

Jīn Kuíjùn
Personal Information
Current alias
Half-Elf (High Elf, Jian Human)
5’5” (165.1 cm)
112 lb (50.8 kg)
16 years
696 AG
712 AG; Mount Ardor, Mazhi (died briefly)
Metal Snake
Crown Prince (deposed)
  • Kill his uncle
  • Reclaim the throne
  • Destroy the Houyi Palace sect
  • Expand Zhao's territory into Dojong
Crown Prince of the Zhao Dynasty
696 AG - 710 AG
Crown Prince _
Names & Titles
Milk name
Given name
Princely name
Posthumous name
Crown Prince Youshang
Official rank
Crown Prince
Other titles
  • The Sorrowfully Missing Son of Zhao
Imperial House of Jin
Zhao Dynasty
  • Jin Wenyu, Emperor Xianlong (uncle)
  • 2 living aunts
  • 1 dead aunt
  • 1 living uncle
  • 1 dead uncle
  • 4 cousins (children of Jin Wenyu)
  • 3 cousins (not from Jin Wenyu)
Current Status
  • Two and Two Half-Men
  • Zhao Imperial Court (former)
Allies & Acquaintances

"It's none of your business what my relationship to Zhao is."

Jin Kuijun, known to his party as Naeris, is the heir to the Zhao Empire's throne. Forced to flee the country after his uncle assumed power and arranged an assassination attempt, he has spent the past two years traveling away from home.

Though open about his background of luxury, he is reluctant to disclose his exact status and country of origin. He goes by an elfen name to prevent his uncle from tracking him down.


Naeris is a half-elf of average height with pale bronze skin and green eyes. His hair is black with a white forelock that falls over his forehead. He has a slim build, and clearly is accustomed to a life indoors in spite of his years of travel.

He has a mixture of elven and human facial features; he inherited the eye and nose shape of his human father, and the high cheekbones of his elf mother. As with most half-elves, Naeris' ears are pointed.



As the son of the Empress Consort, the title of Crown Prince was bestowed upon Naeris at birth, though he had an older half-brother, Jin Kuijie, who would go on to become Prince Ren of Shou. Naeris's mother Namys Garadiir, Empress Consort Zhang, taught him foreign magic. A physically weak and somewhat fragile child, Naeris spent his early years indoors. Even when his constitution improved, Naeris continued to dislike physical activity.

His formal tutelage included subjects meant to make him a wise and virtuous leader. He was tutored in history, literature, languages, military strategy, foreign relations/diplomacy, calligraphy, art, philosophy, poetry, astronomy, cartography, magical creatures, and qi-based mystic arts.

Naeris and his older half-brother were very close, regularly enjoying each other's company. His brother took after their father, Jin Wenzheng, Emperor Chun; he was outgoing, honest, and charismatic.

Naeris, on the other hand, was a bookish and reclusive child. He was quiet and spent most of his time studying, wanting to exceed the expectations of his tutors. He took quiet pride in his sharp mind and artistic ability. In spite of this, Naeris maintained an air of humility. He was generally considered to be a level-headed and filial prince. Over time, he began developing grand visions for the country's future, which he shared only with his mother and brother.

When Naeris was twelve years old, a long-standing border dispute with Dojong drew his parents and older brother into battle. Two years later, his parents and older half-brother were dead. The Imperial Council appointed Naeris' uncle, Jin Wenyu, then the Prince of Yang, as regent until Naeris' 20th birthday, despite previous emperors having ascended to the throne even younger than Naeris.

Leaving Zhao

After the death of his parents and brother, Naeris became more reserved and guarded. Acting on a hunch, he had a trusted servant investigate his uncle. He confirmed his suspicions — his uncle had been responsible for the death of his parents and for the Imperial Council's decision. Before he could act on this information, two assassination attempts were made in quick succession.

The night of the second assassination attempt, Naeris fled the country. He knew that his uncle had support of the Imperial Council and far more experience in the games of deception and the Court than he. For the next two years, Naeris traveled, training to become stronger and searching for allies so he could someday depose his uncle. Naeris studies necromancy rather than evocation as his mother did.

During his travels, Naeris taught himself the art of disguise to further prevent his uncle from tracking him down. He also made sure to learn about poisons, just in case.




prepared, intellectual, orderly cold, distant, paranoid






Five factor personality metric

As a result of his uncle's betrayal, Naeris developed a jaded attitude toward the world; power and self-interest seem absolute. He's convinced that everyone is only ever looking out for their own best interests, and expects alliances and friendships to only last as long as they are beneficial. He's always looking over his shoulder, waiting for the next disaster.

Naeris enjoys the finer things in life and vastly prefers the company of educated, intellectual individuals to that of commoners.


One of several personal seals owned by Naeris ("Crown Prince Xianmin").


  • Wealth
  • Power
  • Studying
  • Moonlit walks
  • Admiration from his people


  • Insubordination
  • Getting dirty
  • Failure
  • Lazy people
  • His traitorous uncle


  • The white forelock is from stress (it turned white after his departure from Zhao).
  • His favorite food is tangyuan, a traditional dessert of glutinous rice balls in boiling water.
  • Like other members of the Imperial Court, Naeris spent his leisure time playing board games, practicing painting and calligraphy, and attending live performances of music and dramas.
  • Naeris was given a posthumous name by the court historians, though some people believe that he is still alive; they call him "The Sorrowfully Missing Son of Zhao".


Character, date.

After their initial "friendly" competition and squabbling had faded and it became clear the two made a decent team, Naeris had begun to consider sharing more of his past. Unfortunately, periods of truce and conflict with Bronson remained cyclic, resulting in a wary avoidance on Naeris's part. After the Zhao Military Ship Incident and discovering Bronson's heritage, Naeris's paranoia was positioned firmly in the driver's seat.

Character, date.

Naeris initially didn't think much of Max, though he has come to recognize that Max has useful strengths. Naeris sees Max as a useful ally, though his tendency to side with Bronson makes his company less palatable than he otherwise could be. Max's aiding Bronson during the Zhao Military Ship Incident did not help.

Character, date.

Absolute loathing. Beyond the deaths of his parents and the attempted assassinations, Naeris feels a more generalized sense of blame for everything that's wrong with his life. He despises his uncle and, prior to meeting his current adventuring party, would curse his uncle for every inconvenience and misery encountered. Naeris is looking forward to returning to Zhao and killing his uncle.