


3 months, 21 days ago


"He loved us! He made of our pride a study! And savages who have endured, who sharpened the sword of his defeat, has done the same! I will take up this hammer, and when I am paired to my true shape. I WILL MEET THEM ON THE BLADED PATH!!"



Xordun'Mei is a Xarron Officer under the Apostle of Conquest she serves Xarros within the Syamo Fanon

General Info
Name: Xordun'Mei
Nickname: Mei
Age: 31
Creation Date: Feburary 9th 2024
Birthplace: The Red City (Xarros)
Species: Xarron
Gender: Female
Height: 6'5

Distinguishing features

Mei is a fair sized tall red Xarron, she has pitch black sclera and piercing yellow eyes, she has 4 prominent horns that extend upward out from her head, as well she has fairly prominent side spikes on her sides and on her arms, her tail has a fan like pattern as well as a gradient that gets lighter as she goes down her limbs. She has a yellow scarf with a duplicated pattern that reaches her legs, and is often seen wielding a massive 7 foot hammer. Her hair is left in 1 long bang that extends off her head as well she has a prominent and long ponytail.

Likes: Focus, Being the center of attention,
Dislikes: Water based abilities
Fears:  Failure
Hobbies/past times: Training, Hammer upkeep
Guilty pleasures: Being right
Pet peeves: Insubordination, Disrespect
Personal goals: Prove her way correct
Religious values: Loyal to Spectral
General intelligence: Average
General sociability: Extroverted 

Mei loves the light and loves spectacle like no other, she acts like she is performing when fighting, her ego allows her to fully exist within her role and acts to convince those she is fighting she is their dear friend, just to backstab them and revel in their pain. Though she does not let this ego find its way into her official military role and citizen behavior, she wants to not rely on the name she was given and still be able to serve Spectral by her own hands.



Xordun'Gaal - She respects and honors her father no matter what, she was heavily inspired by him and hopes to grow up into someone he would be proud of, his death was something that shocked her and emboldened her to continue on her bladed path, his death was something that changed her.
Xordun'Rubiko - She loved her dear sister, despite their disagreements over their ideologies she loves and cherishes her sister, the time they had together and the skills her sister were able to perform are like no other to her. Her death sent shockwaves though her, a 2nd death in her family. Her death should've been a key into how correct her ideology was but she couldn't believe that her sister was weak so her own gets fractured, just as Rubiko had called it false, she too learned it was false.


NovateamThose who took her father and her sister away, she hates them like no other. This fire burns within her and brings intense rage that will be sent upon this group



Manifest Array: Convincing Shroud
Mei uses this Array to trick her opponents into believing she is a friend or relative or someone close to them, she uses this to get close to them before attacking them with her massive hammer, either using an energy accelerated point of a hammer or a blast through the flat side of the mallet.

Manifest: Smoke
Mei uses and controls the movement of smoke at her most basic manifest


Other Details