
3 months, 29 days ago


Tau is a Field Medic as a part of Force Squad Eta, they serve as a character within the Syamo Fanon

General Info
Name: Tau
Nicknames: ???
Creation Date: February 2nd 2024
BirthplaceXarros (The Red City
Species: Xarron
GenderNonbinary (They/Them)
Height: 5'4

Current Residence: The Red City
Force Squad Eta's Healer
Social status: 
Previously a denizen of the lower city, now able to serve the Xarros Military and live outside of the Lower City

Distinguishing features
Tau is a shorter red Xarron with more "cute" features, they are always seen with their red scarf and usually have their Field Medic uniform on, consisting of dark grey chest play and shoulder guards, accentuated with their field medic pack that wraps around their whole body, connected in the front by a small unit. As well the uniform comes with a fauld that covers down to their knees. They as well have a short hair cut and two perky horns that point near straight upward, their eyes are as red as most Xarrons and their pupils are just as white as any other.

Likes: Sleeping, Dragons, Wyrms, Fauna
Dislikes: Feeling inferior, Long nights,
Fears: The Upper City
Hobbies/past times: Napping, Eating, Reading
Guilty pleasures: Teasing others for their short comings, Making fun of others
Pet peeves: Being called cute, Being called short, Others showing off
Personal goals: Be better.
Religious values: Loyal to Spectral
General intelligence: Average
General sociability: Average

Tau acts like an entitled, stuck up, annoying, and frustrating xarron, they tend to always try to get themselves above anyone else they can even their own teammates, causing them to abandon the healer role out of boredom or overall neglect. They seem to want to be anywhere but wherever they are most of the time and focus on building themselves up whenever possible, but oftentimes there is a bitterness to their comments lowering others. Oddly outside of group settings Tau can usually be found reading or highly focused in on whatever they can find learning wise, though if approached they will immediately return to their rude and abrasive self.

Xarron Manifest/Array - Directional healing
Tau can use their staff to direct their manifest by bounding a majority of their array through the staff, when using the manifest array Tau forms a tether to an individual and directly heals the individual they are tethered to. The only other use is when needed they can send this tether into the ground to provide a buff that surrounds tau in a circle motion, as long as they stay within that circle a form of buff can be give to Tau's allies.

The most basic thing Tau will do, often just using their staff to provide a steady stream of healing to their allies but at a rate that seems ill caring for those they are healing.

Via their staff they can provide buffs to their allies such as higher attack, defense agility, or range. These buffs last a limited amount of time and only show up with Tau really feels like it

Healer Role
Alone Tau is quite weak, they can provide buffs and healing to teammates as well as themselves but it can be hard for them to actually do a lot of the fighting other then hitting people with their staff


Force Squad Eta
Sekai -
Sugar Plum -
Nellie -


Growing up in the lower levels of the city they always wanted more and envied those on the upper levels, it wasn't helped by the affliction they saw spreading around them constantly. Eventually when they were of age Tau joined into the Xarros' military forces where they took up the job of healer despite thinking very low of the position itself

Other Details