Cain/Beetull Island (Primoa Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameRegium Fullonum
DietCoconuts, Olives, Water, Lavandins
PowerMagic Bubbles, Enhanced lung filtering
WeaknessFilth, Sickness, Ice, Heat


Primoas belong to the Magic Power class, and their power is both a supportive one, and a fast attacking one. Their body naturally supplies them with a soapy liquid they can use to make into magical bubbles. How these bubbles turns out depends on how the Primoa will them. They can either be a healing bubble capable of healing wounds or illnesses. The alternative is a rapid firing bubble attack that causing damage with each popped bubble. This attack is very similar to the pistol shrimp minus the power, but with more speed like an airsoft bullet. These magic bubbles change based on how the Primoa breathes with its lungs. The lungs themselves are the magical source of the Primoa's bubble. An energy within them decides if the bubble will be the damaging kind, or the healing kind


Primoa are blue humanoid figures with long bubble wand shaped tails. They're covered in glossy fur that makes them look like a tuxedo wearing cat. They are known for loud pompous hairstyles brimming with style. They have four whiskers like a cat and small feline ears. They have three toed paws for their hands and feet, but no claws.


Belonging to the Humanoid Social class, Primoa are responsible for most of Beetull Island's clothes. They excel at crafting clothes, gels, soaps, rugs, and even medicines, which, they themselves use a lot since they have poor immune systems. Primoas also like to stay in areas that get plenty of hydration, but tend to meticulously keep their clothes and hair nice and dry. To them, presentation is everything, in negotiation, in battle, everything depends on how you present yourself.


Primoa may be fancy, but luckily are not snotty, They were known to be a peaceful style savvy race, and even would offer their clothes to foreigners. Primoas quickly became a beloved race among the islanders, though some evidence suggest otherwise. Located near the Primoa village is a crater the size of a castle. Its theorized that this is what was leftover from an ancient battle with the Rubash Royal family of the fortitash people. This seems likely due to Fortitashes and Primoas having a silent dislike for one another, since one prides itself on cleanliness, and the other is made of soot and ash. Its unknown what sparked this conflict, since both races refuse to validate that there even was a battle..


● A notable Primoa is the Hybrid Ed

● Most of the leftovers of food Primoa eat have their oils taken for later use

● Primoa immune systems are so frail, that having the common cold can be deadly

● The clothing made by Primoa is made with donated furs and feathers, courtesy of allied races like Savapians, Serivians, Plushimps, and Pixids.

● Primoas  bubbles are weak to fire, the heat makes the bubbles pop prematurely 

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