Cain/Beetull Island (Pixid Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameRadix Infans
DietSoil, Water
PowerBioluminescence, Flora-tongue 
WeaknessVery small and very light


Pixids belong to the Magic power class, and have the magical power known as Flora-tongue. This allows them to talk to plants, and in turn teaches them how to effectively cultivate them to help them grow into their best forms. Because of this, Pixids like to stay in areas with lots of plant life. Pixids are also bioluminescent meaning they naturally give off light.


Pixids are one of the smallest Emotibeasts ever. You can fit one in the palm of your hand. They are known for a leafy collar around their neck and green roots for arms and legs. They have yellow eyes and yellow wings that flap like an insect. Another notable feature is that they have large ears proportional to their size.


Pixids are very timid creatures, belonging to the Specter Social class. They scare easy and will usually retreat into meadows and forests for safety. If that fails, they'll use their bioluminescence to create a quick blinding flash of light to make a quick escape while they can. They're also very light so just blowing on one is enough to send it flying with the feeble air current. They will root themselves into soil not only to feed, but to also keep themselves from being blown away.


Pixids are considered to be both the rarest, and also the oldest members of the Cain Island. They're said to serve as ambassadors of peace, not having an ill bone in their entire bodies. Other races of Cain island treat Pixids with great respect, when they see them of course. They're so shy that many races consider seeing one a sign of good luck to come. Pixids are also responsible for a lot of the plant life on the island. They're able to use their power to influence nature's overgrowth and bring new flora to areas lacking it. It's rumored that the pixid population is hiding out in sanctuary meadow, however the land known as Thorn Valley cuts it off from most emotibeasts. A giant grove of thorns and brambles wraps around the entire meadow and the spaces are too small for most emotibeasts to fit through.


● Notable Pixids include the hybrid Viceroy.

● The sight of blood physically makes Pixids feel ill

● The Pixid is the lightest Emotibeast.

● Pixids can dig their roots into the ground to siphon nutrients from the soil, just like a plant

● Pixids also have incredible hearing, which makes being yelled at all the worse

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