Cain/Beetull Island (Fortitash Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameLentis Cinis
DietSoil, rocks
PowerShapeshifting, Solidification
WeaknessFractures to the head gem


Fortitashes belong to the Morph Power class. They can shape-shift at will, and solidify their ashy bodies to stone freely as well. this can range from turning their entire body into a stone block, to just hardening their hands for rock hard fists. This power has earned the Fortitashes the title as one of Personalia's most defensive Emotibeasts.


The Fortitash species appear as black ghosts. Their body is composed of ashes, with two glowing eyes, and a ruby embedded into their head. Their form varies due to shape-shifting, but the gem will always be present. They have somewhat bouncy hairstyles to them as well.


Fortitashes belong to the Specter Social class, They have incredible courage for Emotibeasts who look so plain and would gladly sacrifice themselves for a friend, even if they were a beggar. They're also hardworking, and together made their own little kingdom that peacefully co exists with all of the neighboring races of Cain Island. If a part of their ashy body is damaged, they can repair it through eating.


The fortitashes are spirits that first arrived to Personalia from the Noull. They are virtuous and protective by nature. Fortitashes follow a single family's rule, the Rubash family. Each Rubash holds formidable power, but chooses to protect rather than attack. With each passing family member their ashes were made into a brick that was used to make a large castle, Castle Rubash. The residual spiritual energy from these bricks caused the castle to become sentient and thus it became a guardian of the Fortitash people.


● Notable fortitashes include Queen Ashla and her hybrid daughter, Lyely.

● Fortitashes have one of the most advanced civilizations on their island thanks to generations of hard work.

● When they pass on they become a brick. They are honored by becoming part of the castle's walls.

● A broken ruby means death for a fortitash.

● Fortitashes perform many crafting services, for cheap prices as well.

profile html by Hukiolukio