Cain/Beetull Island (Trickja Species)



5 years, 11 months ago



Yo is that updog?


Scientific NameNequita Fumus
DietBamboo, Fish, Vegetables
PowerSmokescreen breath, Propeller tail, Hair hands
WeaknessFire, Ice


Trickjas are a jack of all trades among Bio Power class emotibeasts. They have 3 very useful abilities to help with their mischief, Hair hands, Smokescreen, and Propeller tails. Their mouths can shoot out a thick smokescreen that can block out most light, allowing them to escape. They all tend to grow very long hair, but their hair is still made of living cells, and so they can move it around, and use it as extra hands. Finally, Trickjas have their unique tails. The end of it can spin so fast it actually lifts the Trickja off the ground, serving as a propeller for hovering.


Trickjas are very small dark blue humanoid figures. They have a long tail that has a shuriken shape at the end with black and white sections. They have long blue hair that look like hands, and they have eyes within their mouth, which itself resembles a hood opening. Their bodies are mostly covered completely in fur and have small pudgy feet and hands like a doll.  


Trickjas belong to the Humanoid social class, but are still on thin ice with other Humanoids. Trickjas absolutely love to pull pranks and tell jokes, their quite skilled at it, whether its the updog joke, a banana peel slip, or ever dunked with bucket water, Trickjas will do it. It brings them lots of joy, and its truly just in good fun with them, but of course, other races see it differently. When they sleep they curl up and resemble a blue bush. 


Trickjas are said to be descendants of ancient warriors. What led these fearsome warriors to become tiny tricksters is unknown to everyone, but none the less, Trickjas still hold some virtues of the past. They still believe in the art of stealth, since it still plays a big part in their pranks. They also believe in regular physical training, "Some pranks dont just happen because you think its gonna be funny".


● Notable Trickjas include the hybrid Roni.

● When a Trickja is about to deliver a punch line, their eyes flare up in brightness

● Trickjas can hover up to 5 feet!

● The Length of Trickja hair is usually the length of their body sometimes longer. However there are short haired trickjas as well, but they lack the dexterity that normal trickjas get from their hair hands.

● Trickjas see Plushimps as "mischief rivals"

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