Cain/Beetull Island (Temperilla Species)



6 years, 2 months ago





Scientific NameIngenium Catus
DietCoal, Magma, Lava, Coconuts, Bananas 
PowerExploding spheres, limb retraction, Iron tough body
WeaknessWater, Electricity


Temperillas belong to the Magic Power class, and have a very volatile power. By highly compressing the air near their palms, they can ignite it and create a fiery sphere. They then chuck this sphere, and when it makes contact it creates a fiery explosion. It might be basic, but it gets the job done. The explosions vary in force, but the average level of force is that of a grenade.


Temperillas can be described as having a short roundish body covered in steel plating. They have red markings around their bodies and red eyes as well. They also have gorilla-like canines protruding from their lower jaw. Their ears are white and resemble bomb fuses. They have spherical hands and feet with three toes on each. Despite their stringy limbs, they have ape level strength.


Temperillas are very easy to anger. They may try their best to stay calm, but if one thing goes wrong, they go into a wild tantrum. Despite their attitude, Temperillas are capable of sophisticated thought, and thus earned themselves a rank of Humanoid Social class. When angered, a Temperilla will pound its chest and yell, followed by the chucking of explosive spheres. The best way to calm a Temperilla is by offering it food. One way they show dominance or intimidate a foe is by pounding their steel chests.


Temperillas have inhabited the area of Cain Island for as long as the Serivians have, and have some ancient traditions, similar to them. They inhabit a nearby smaller island, which, during low tide, opens up a sprawl of sand that connects it to the mainland. Their island has a volcano that's frequently active. The Temperillas celebrate its eruptions and refuse to make any man made thing at all anywhere around the volcano, limiting their village to the beach and jungle surrounding the Volcano. Temperillas are allowed to go up the volcano, as the volcano's lava serves as a natural food source for them. Once they reach the top and get their fill, they tuck in their limbs and roll down the volcano back into the forest. Climbing the volcano and getting that precious drink of lava is considered a rite of passage for Temperillas. Lava is considered the blood of their guardian, Kuheart, and ingesting it is said to make the Temperilla more powerful.


● A notable Temperilla is the Hybrid Pericles

● Temperillas love small animals like cats, bunnies, and dogs

● Temperilla skin can withstand both magma and lava

● if a Temperilla is wet, they cant use their power until they dry

● Temperillas are very parental, and quick to protect their young

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