Cain/Beetull Island (Vengime Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameVindicta Limus
PowerToxic and Acidic body, 
WeaknessFire, Electricity, Ice


Vengimes are a toxic member of the Morph Power class. Their bodies are a melting slime that can change shape and stick to most surfaces, like ceilings and walls. This body also naturally secretes a very acidic slime, and is the Vengime's main method of both defense and offense. The slime coats their entire body and is very poisonous to the touch and able to leave quite the nasty burn on flesh. Vengimes can control just how acidic the slime is with their will.


Vengimes have no standard shape to their slimy bodies. Its always changing slightly, like a river flowing. Vengimes will come in various lengths, as well as colors. Many emotibeasts are familiar with the standard  purple and green colration, but their slime can be influenced by a number of different conditions, some of which include the habitat they grow on. The color of their body can also be a reflection of their soul. More violent vengimes will take on violent colors and vice versa for docile vengimes. A majority of them have a soul that gives them the purple coloration.


Vengimes are known to hold grudges, some for years or such trivial things like name calling. If faced with a Vengime its easier to just apologize and leave it alone, not trying to escalate anything. This is not a guaranteed method though since some Vengimes will go directly for the kill without giving you a chance, making them a dangerous member of the Specter Social class.


The legend goes that Vengimes were the result of lost souls becoming reincarnated as creatures focused solely on revenge. The first generation of Vengimes were supposedly formerly warriors in a past life, all who perished all at once, creating an intense spark of hatred, so powerful, the souls clung to it and reincarnated as these slimey creatures fixated on revenge. The swamp they reside in is indeed recognized as the former battleground of an ancient war, so the legend may not be too far off.


● A notable Vengime is the hybrid Whopper.

● Vengimes dislike cold places, it makes them much slower movement wise

● Vengime reproduction is complicated, They lack any reproductive organs, so to reproduce they will merge together for an entire day then separate, and if the session is good, a baby Vengime will be left behind upon separation. The baby vengime will also be a reincarnation of a lost soul.

● Vengimes are usually very weary of relationships, finding one "favorite person" is enough for most of them.

● Vengimes not only stick to their grudges, but will also always hang onto their dreams and wishes

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