Cain/Beetull Island (Khostlee Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameLitore Exspiravit
DietPlankton, Small fish
PowerWater manipulation,
WeaknessElectricity, Ice, Dryness


Khostlees are members of the Magic Power class, and have a strong affinity with water. They're able to move fair amounts of water by using a gravitational pull cast by their moon shaped heart. They can transport the water around and shape it to their own will. The possibilities for what they can do with the water is almost limitless, but it takes take up energy, and eventually they need rest and rehydrate themselves. If they're dried out, they can't even float in air.


Khostlees are slightly transparent blue ghosts, with a blow hole, and teardrop shaped tails. They look deceptively simple like a basic ghost you'd find on a dark moonlit night.  They have flippers for hands that can grab hold of tools as well.


Khostlees belong to the Specter social class, and have a very unique way of living out their civilization. They all appear as ghouls and express their feelings like one, its common to hear the wailing song of a group of Khostlees at night while near the beach, and if you so happen to travel to the Asterion Plains, Burnt Woods, or even Wailing Coast, you may even hear an orchestra of these wailing ghosts. Khostlees themselves are usually very creative, supporting works of song, poetry, and especially art, all of which help them express repressed feelings that they find hard to show. Khostlees also have an interesting way of hunting prey. Males are usually sent out for hunting since their black eyes help them remain unseen in the dark ocean waters, and come to be known as "Sharkfins". Meanwhile females will be known as "Beacons" since their bright white eyes serve as both a way of signalling Khostlees how close they are to home, or as a way to lure in prey as well, much like an angler fish.


Khostlees live a very secretive life, abstaining interacting with any of the other races on Cain island. Its said that Khostlees were once spirits from the Noull who drowned in the sea one way or the other, whether it was murder or accident. Like vengimes these lost souls drag themselves back to the world of the living, but now their bodies have warped into these fish like ghosts. Their power for water manipulation comes from intense feelings of grief and longing that they can channel through their magic. Most if not all khostlees have no recollection of their previous lives. Sometimes traits from their previous lives eventually surface such as a hobby or skill they are profiecient in. Other times these khostlees just sulk and lay in the water to continue to grieve and wail. Khostlee populations are notoriously small and this is merely because escaping the Noull is no easy feat. The journey to the escape that realm can take decades and by then its strange energy can already both warp your mind and body until you don't even resemble what you used to be, only how you died. Since drowning is such a common death, many spirits in the Noull are theorized to look like or share some physical traits with Khostlees.


● Notable Khostlees include Khorull and her hybrid daughter, Lyely.

● a "Khommon" tradition of the Khostlees is to use "Kho" instead of "Co". For example, Come becomes Khome, cold becomes khold, coat becomes khoat, etc.

● The blowhole on a Khostlee can spray water 3 feet into the air. Since khostlees don't need to breath air, its main function is to release emergency water for the khostlee to rehydrate its skin.

● If a Khostlee remains dehydrated for too long they can dry out and crumble into a withered paper-like state.

● The water Khostlees use with their power can mix with dyes, sugars, and anything normal water can.

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