Flora Plates [The Petals] (Draco Plate [Ryoko])



5 years, 11 months ago


The Domesticated Wyvern

  • True Name Anguis
  • Gender Demigirl (She/They)
  • Mates (s) Jin
  • Called Ryoko, Ryo, Whelp (Samael)
  • Alignment Lawful Neutral
  • Weapon Gauntlets
  • TYPE Dragon
  • Role/Class The Monster Knight
  • Origin Fallen Imparverse


The world of Fallen Impar is most certainly a different world compared to Pokémon World. As it stands, the world of Impar is one that is not only filled with Pokémon and humans. Oh no. Demons, angels and all kinds of oddities exist within this universe. However, to avoid disturbing the order of the world, these beings keep themselves in realms that rest opposite of Impar, only visiting the realm if they wish to explore the unknown. However, one has to wonder how Impar itself was created. We do know Arceus and Mew were involved in the process, but few are aware of what created this world. There are theories, but most are proven wrong. The answer itself is quite simple.

The plates are how the world was created.

These elemental spirits gave the ingredients needed for a world to be born. Their mere presence inspired the world to adapt to what was needed. They gave Pokemon their type and the legends that once held them the powers they would be known for. However, for decades, many regarded these spirits as nothing more than tools for Rose. They thought that they lacked sentience and the ability to feel human emotions. These mortals were wrong in their assumption. Oh, so wrong.

Here we have Ryoko. Ryoko is the Draco Plate and has the title of the Dragon Spirit. Ryoko is a plate that very few get the opportunity to interact with as they rarely care about talking about themselves. It's not because they don't want to. She doesn't see the need to do so. Ryoko is one of the plates that seemed to prioritize getting the job than focusing on those little bonds. It leads to her being one of the hardest plates to build a bond with. However, she has reasons for doing this.


Ryo is secretive and tends to have Jin deal with the whole communicating with others part. When she interacts with others, her conversations are one-sided, with the dragon often speaking briefly before vanishing without giving the other person a chance to reply. The female is a recluse that keeps contact with people to an absolute minimum. She maintains a strong sense of pride. Her recluse (and aloof) behavior relates to her disinterest in learning more about others in fear of getting too close to them. In her eyes, she believes getting close to others can lead her to become emotional. She also sometimes act independently on his own to the point Jin would often joke about what "noble" deed she has done whenever he encounters her after she wanders off somewhere. She shows a degree of humility whenever she's around Jin. It would seem like Jin is one of the few people the female can trust as Ryo is fond of him. One can see this fondness with how protective she can be of the male whenever he gets severely hurt.

In comparison to Samael, Ryo is an intelligent plate, as seen through her ability to pick on things that Neva herself may not be able to notice. She often second-guesses everything placed before her with how analytical she is. She isn't afraid of being wrong. While she may be prideful, she does register that she can be wrong at times. She is also has a dry sense of humor, and she isn't above making sarcastic remarks to people. If pushed, the female can draw upon the unpleasant traits of a stereotypical dragon due to having a soul of a dragon.



Ryo stands at the height of 8'9 ft (266.7 cm) tall. Weighing 286.7 lbs (130 kg), Ryo is slender and athletically built with well-defined muscles. With slightly dark brown skin, the female lower half is entirely draconian, with most of the scales of her body being light purple while her underbelly being white and her nails being black. Completing her draconic appearance are a large pair of bat-like wings and a long, purple tail with black spines along the top. She has black hair with purple tips similar to a pixie cut, resembling a short bob. The iris of her eyes is black. Occasionally, she draws on more draconic elements depending on how much power she use.

The only attire of clothing she honestly wears is a white top with a purple bow and cleavage cutout. Unless she changes her legs into humanoid ones, she will wear the same hakama that Jin wears (as she will generally wear his clothes). She seems perfectly comfortable with what she currently wears. She also wears glasses, but it's unclear if she needs them or not.

Design NOTES

  • Ryoko has three forms: Anthro, Feral and her Symbiosis Form with Jin.
    • You will rarely see her in her Feral form as she has difficulties controlling it. As such, the only time you will see her in it is whenever she's feeling distressed or unable to control her emotions.
    • As a note, her Symbiosis form is not her fusion form as the form is not a separate entity. At its core, Jin is the one in control of the body. Their fused form is something they would eventually unlock. It can be seen here: The Dragon Warrior.
  • After admitting her feelings for Jin, this specific symbol appears on the palm of her hand.
    • This mark symbolize her bond with Jin. This symbol is Jin's personally crafted symbol.
  • Her choice of garb is a tad lacking due to the female feeling that there's no point in wearing elaborate clothing with her battle style causing them to be ripped apart during battle.
  • As mentioned previously, she can shift her legs into more humanoid ones. She only does this whenever she has to go undercover and can't get comfortable with her draconic legs. She can do the same with her tail and wings. However, she typically finds a way around putting those away by wrapping them around herself.
  • Don't be fooled by her reference off to the side. Ryoko is a heavily scarred gal, with most of her scars primarily seen on her arms and legs. It's no surprise that she is very scarred with her battle style. This fact doesn't bother her all that much as she sees them as a trophy of some sort.
  • Between Rose's and Damian's plates, Ryoko is one of the tallest plates. Even without her draconic legs, she still maintains that specific title.
  • You would rarely see Ryoko with long hair as she feels it's a chore to maintain and a determinant during battle. As such, she has Jin or Rose cut her hair for her if it ends up getting too long.


Health 68%

Attack 88%

Defense 80%

Magic Attack 70%

Magic Defense 50%

Speed 70%

Stamina 70%

Luck 51%

Draconic Energy Manipulation

With the blood of a dragon coursing through her beings, Ryo has Draconic Energy Manipulation. This power allows Ryo to create, shape, and manipulate draconic energy, spiritual energy that constitutes the life force that flows within all dragons and through multiple known dragon worlds. Drawing on this energy allows Ryo to call upon the strength of all those draconic into battle. This power lets the female change her stats on the fly. For example, if she calls upon the strength of Garchomp, she boosts her attack to a level similar to that Pokemon.

Dragon Soul

Ryo has the soul of a dragon. A Dragon Soul allows one to draw draconian energy or morph into a dragon. In the case of Ryo, it's the latter. With her Dragon Soul, the female generates parts of a dragon. Wings and tails are two of the various body parts that Ryoko can generate. Her favorite part to create would be his Dragon Arm as a punch from it can rival a punch from Griffin. When pushed, the female can transform into a full-blown dragon, but let's hope that one doesn't happen. The female does lose control when in that form.

Dragon Symbiosis (Jin)

There are a few reasons that Jin and Ryo are together with the main being Dragon Symbiosis. With this, Jin can gain powers by hosting draconic beings in one's body. In this case, the draconic being in question is Ryo. It's not necessary a fusion as Jin himself is still partially in control. With this, the male can use both his and Ryo's abilities. This combination turns the male into a powerhouse that can take a hit from Bruce and Mi combined. Ryo herself can take control of this form but doing so can lead to the female unintentionally harming the male due to how emotionally she can be when fused with Jin. It's one of the reasons why Jin has some of the scars he currently has.

Dragon Moves

Being the Draco plate, Ryo has access to dragon moves. The female doesn't have access to most signature based/z-moves dragon moves. The female favorite dragon move is "Dragon Hammer". It makes sense considering the female default's weapon of choice and how much damage she can cause with it. An interesting thing to note is the fact most of her moveset consist of physical-based moves and a few moves that boost that.


  • Training. It's a nice way for Ryo to release whatever stress she felt built up over the course of a day.
  • Meat. Only a real dragon will consume large qualities of food at a given time. Hmph.
  • Other dragons. Being the presence of other dragon types does excite and brings her some form of peace.


  • Lord Samael. She's not quite a fan of the other Draco plate espesically with his attitude.
  • Giving in to her emotions. Most of the time that happens, bad things usually occur as a result.
  • Anyone hurting Jin. While she doesn't want to admit it, she does care deeply for him and will lash out on anyone that hurts him.


  • Ryo is meant to serve as the polar opposite of Samael with some similar traits here and there.
  • Ryo is aware that Jin has feelings for her. She's afraid of accepting them in fear that she may hurt him.
  • If she had a canon voice, she would sound like this but a tad bit deeper.
  • Some bits of her design was based on Bayonetta.

Code by AviCode