Flora Plates [The Petals] (Meadow Plate [Lexi])



5 years, 8 months ago


The Bloody Rose

  • True Name Herba
  • Gender Demiboy
  • Mates (s) Agni
  • Called Lexi, Lex, Lex Luthor (Iris)
  • Alignment Chaotic Evil
  • Weapon Staff
  • TYPE Grass
  • Role/Class The Nature Magician/The "Medic"
  • Origin Fallen Imparverse


The world of Fallen Impar is most certainly a different world compared to Pokémon World. As it stands, the world of Impar is one that is not only filled with Pokémon and humans. Oh no. Demons, angels and all kinds of oddities exist within this universe. However, to avoid disturbing the order of the world, these beings keep themselves in realms that rest opposite of Impar, only visiting the realm if they wish to explore the unknown. However, one has to wonder how Impar itself was created. We do know Arceus and Mew were involved in the process, but few are aware of what created this world. There are theories, but most are proven wrong. The answer itself is quite simple.

The plates are how the world was created.

These elemental spirits gave the ingredients needed for a world to be born. Their mere presence inspired the world to adapt to what was needed. They gave Pokemon their type and the legends that once held them the powers they would be known for. However, for decades, many regarded these spirits as nothing more than tools for Rose. They thought that they lacked sentience and the ability to feel human emotions. These mortals were wrong in their assumption. Oh, so wrong.

Here we have Lexi. Lexi is the Meadow Plate and has the title of the Grass Spirit. Don't let his small size fool you. Lexi is not this soft uwu petal that you should be calling cute and what not. This is the type of man that has no problem breaking every bone in your body if you so happen to look at him funny. He takes the energy of a spoiled brat and somehow push it towards almost twisted level. When he isn't busy glaring hard at the closet person near him, Lexi is usually busy watering plants (with the blood of his enemy) and making sure they're well-taken care of. His plants mean more than anything else in the world.


Lexi is one of the more twisted plates. Often bored and cold, Lexi has the affinity for breaking people or doing what he can to satisfy his boredom. He acts superior to most people by pretending them to be insects, filling himself with dignity and boastfulness. He enjoys the fact he's a Petal and encourages the other Petals to feel concept those who aren't plates. He cares so little about non-plate that their deaths have no effect whatsoever on his heart. This is often why he's the one that tend to handle all forms of torture for Rose. He can be extremely arrogant in battle. He quickly resorts to petty taunts and insults against opponents. He is shown to be extremely cruel as noted by how he fights through tearing apart the enemy. Lexi can be selfish and self-absorbed that he refuses to accept from others. This got to the point that Rose has made it clear to Lexi that he has unless he wants to go on punishments.

However, he does have a childish side, often throwing fits if he doesn't get his way. He is very biased, always coming up with excuses to justify his cruel deeds for the sake of not hearing accusations against him or his image. At the same time, this is also the man who has a known pottymouth and often shouts until whoever he's speaking to shuts up. He can be a spiteful as Rose himself and has the tendency to hold a grudge. He does see every plate as his family. While he is mean to Agatha, he does see the female as an older sister he never had. Whenever he is genuinely upset, he would often go to her to feel better. He tries not to admit that he cares that the male though.



Lexi stands at the height of 3'4 ft (101.6 cm) tall. Weighing 36.2 lbs (16.4 kg), Lexi has a slim built with no muscles at all. With tan skin, the male has short, green cat-like ears and a green sprout in the middle of his head within his hair. His eyes are shown to be purple. He has curly, blond hair that comes a bit past his shoulder. Running across his faces are freckles. It should be noted a tattoo of a rose can be found on his back.

Lexi attire consists of brown shorts, a beige poncho with two leaves attached to it, and a beige shirt that he occasionally avoids wearing.

Design NOTES

  • It's not uncommon for Lexi to be mistaken as a Leafeon Gijinka due to his appearance almost resembling one. It does annoy Lexi a tad when that happens.
  • While Lexi isn't a fan of wearing shoes, he is willing to wear sandals if he absolutely has to. Most of the time, he doesn't have to worry about that since he's usually carried by his plants.
    • On the that same note, good luck convincing him to wear a shirt. If he doesn't put one on himself, he will not be convinced to wear it. He hates wearing shirts since he feels it's restricting.
  • Lexi isn't a fan of anyone mentioning his freckles. He's espesically not a fan of anyone calling them cute in any way. The only ones who is allowed to compliment them are Rose and Agni.
  • When Lexi consumes blood, his eyes become a bright yellow, and the rose tattoo on his back evolve into having vines with thorns along them. The more blood he consumes, the more animalistic he starts to look.
  • Lexi keeps most of his plants in a smaller size within the pouches in the inside of his poncho. Occasionally, he may store a few in a pocket dimension that Usagi made for him.
  • Flowers go grow on the green sprout found on the middle of his head. Speaking of which, this sprout does react based on what Lexi feels at the moment.
  • When it comes to other clothes that he's willing to wear, he's perfectly fine with wearing anything akin to overalls or what makes it easier for him to take care of his plants.
  • Found on the back of right ankle is this symbol right here.
    • This symbol is meant to symbolize his bond with Agni. This is Agni's personal mark.


Health 77%

Attack 71%

Defense 66%

Magic Attack 75%

Magic Defense 60%

Speed 61%

Stamina 66%

Luck 55%

Nature Manipulation

As the grass plate, Lexi has access to Nature Manipulation. With this, Lexi can manipulate, tap into, blend and/or become elements of nature. With this, Lexi is able to control plants and mimic their abilities and forms. With his ability to communicate with nature, he becomes quickly familiar with their surroundings. The user can purify, heal and influence the health of nature, and considering the fact that he's helping the environment, plants and animals act favorably towards Lexi. It should be noted that nature reacts to Lexi's emotions and cause things Lexi may not be able to control if he becomes too upset. This is a fact that Rose does warn the male about.

Chlorokinetic Creature Creation

Thanks to his nature manipulation, Lexi does have access to Chlorokinetic Creature Creation. With this, Lexi is able to create beings of plants or shape existing plants into wanted shapes and purposes. He can grant the beings varying levels of independence and existence and delete the creature once they are done with them. This power is similar to Mea's Plant Manipulation. These plants that allow for Lexi to engaged in combat without actually fighting it. Lexi is able to strengthen these plants and even mutate them as a means to make them stronger. It should be noted that Lexi is protective of all of his plants.

Blood Empowerment

Lexi and his plants have Blood Empowerment. This allows them to becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they drink blood. The blood does carry various uses such as offensive, defensive, or regenerative purposes. Lexi mostly uses it to heal him and his plant's wounds as well as agumate their power. It should be noted that the more blood he ingests, the more violent he comes. It has gotten to the point that Rose himself has banned the male from relying on it when he's not in the area as Lexi can lose control if he's not careful.

Grass Moves

Being the grass plate, Lexi has accessed to grass moves. Lexi doesn't have access to legendary signature moves and grass z-moves. Lexi doesn't really have a favorite move. He does like Spiky Shield, but he wouldn't say it's his favorite of all time. Lexi doesn't have a preference in terms of moves. While he certainly doesn't like using physical moves, this is not to say he prefers special moves. Then again, the male's plant usually does most of the fighting and support with Lexi in the background, making sure everything is going well.


  • Blood. He both loves drinking it and giving it to his parents. He always state that blood helps build strong bones!
  • Being held. Please hold him. He likes being held and it makes him feel safe.
  • Ve. Ve is his best friend and he will hurt anyone that hurts her! (Seriously. He would)


  • Being called out. Like...excuse you??? You're not allowed to do that! That's illegal.
  • Cold. He hates it more than the heat. He refuse to go in a cold area without Rose or anyone he can cuddle with.
  • Lecter. He called him a Faker and was super rude to him >:C He'll try his hardest to beat him up!


  • He is based off the concept of "Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon" TV Trope.
  • Lexi does cling to Rose whenever he's upset. He will most likely fight anyone who would dare cling to his 'Old Man' while he's clinging on him >:C
  • Lexi has quite the pottymouth.
  • If Lexi had a canon voice, it would sound like this but a tad bit younger.

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