Flora Plates [The Petals] (Pixie Plate [Orin])



5 years, 11 months ago


The Melodious Fay

  • True Name Mediocris
  • Gender Demiboy
  • Mates (s) Raiden
  • Called Orin, Ori, The Fae (His Fans)
  • Alignment Chaotic Neutral/Evil
  • Weapon Guitar
  • TYPE Fairy
  • Role/Class The The Bard/The Dancer
  • Origin Fallen Imparverse


The world of Fallen Impar is most certainly a different world compared to Pokémon World. As it stands, the world of Impar is one that is not only filled with Pokémon and humans. Oh no. Demons, angels and all kinds of oddities exist within this universe. However, to avoid disturbing the order of the world, these beings keep themselves in realms that rest opposite of Impar, only visiting the realm if they wish to explore the unknown. However, one has to wonder how Impar itself was created. We do know Arceus and Mew were involved in the process, but few are aware of what created this world. There are theories, but most are proven wrong. The answer itself is quite simple.

The plates are how the world was created.

These elemental spirits gave the ingredients needed for a world to be born. Their mere presence inspired the world to adapt to what was needed. They gave Pokemon their type and the legends that once held them the powers they would be known for. However, for decades, many regarded these spirits as nothing more than tools for Rose. They thought that they lacked sentience and the ability to feel human emotions. These mortals were wrong in their assumption. Oh, so wrong.

Here we have Orin. Orin is the Pixie Plate and has the title of the Fairy Spirit. Don't be fooled by his apperance. Behind that charismatic smile and the jolly songs is a man that will do everything in his power to be in the center of attention. If he needs to cause a few scandals along the way, so be it. In the end, any form of attention is good attention in his book. Perhaps that's why he doesn't really take the role of the leader of the petals. With how much he craves attention, he will be too busy making things all about him that he forget about the others. It often leads to him bumping head with Usagi.


When you meet Orin, you would be quick to find he is a confident and charismatic guy. The male has no problem putting on a show as the male loves the attention he receives. He isn't afraid to show his stuff and fully confident in himself as well as his body. Combined with his charisma, the male can be witty and charming. He always seems to know what the right words to say to bring some form of a smile on your face or leave your heart fluttering. It should come to no surprise that with his attitude, the male can be downright flirty. All of this seems to allow the male to capture the love of the Fair Folks (a name given to his fanbase).

Beneath that flirty, charming persona of his is a manipulative sadist who wants to prove that he's the best. His sadistic behavior is not to the level of Lexi, but it's something that shouldn't be ignored. It's one of the reasons why he doesn't care for the safety or feelings of those he uses. They are nothing more than pawns to his little game. With the state of media, he knows how vicious fanbase can be and how many people are willing to stan for him. This is why you will always find the male putting on a bubbly, cute mask as he sees it as something to allow others to trust him. It seems to supplements the confidence in himself and his self-sufficiency. One should be careful getting in his way as he knows ways to ruin your life.



Orin stands at the height of 6'0 ft (182.88 cm) tall. Weighing 165 lbs (75 kg) tall, Orin has an average built with some muscles here and there. With slightly dark skin, Orin has yellow, ram-like horns fixed on top of his head that curve backward. His eyes are bright red, and his pink hair comes down to his shoulders with his bangs covering his left eye. He does wear pink eyeliner and a bit of make-up.

Orin's attire consists of the following: a rainbow themed shirt with a matching colored jacket over it with short sleeves, white capris tucked into his rainbow-colored boots and white, elbow length gloves with pink and blue specks on it. Orin is often seen with his signature red guitar with the body shaped into the face of a cat.

Design NOTES

  • If you ask Orin what his overall style is, he will simply tell you that he always go for whatever outfit that makes him stand out from the crowd. As you can tell, he is fond of anything rainbow related.
    • However, whenever he does want somw downtime, he does likes to wear other petals clothing. He is espesically fond of where Kai, Yul and Raiden clothing.
  • Every once in the while, a pair of translucent wings and a cupid-shaped tail appear behind him. These are a nod to his fae and demonic ties.
  • Qrin always make himself look as beautiful (and sexy) as possible whenever he's in the middle of battle or performing. I mean those are the best time for people to pay attention to you.
  • The guitar was actually a gift from Raiden as a replacement to the one that Orin lost during a battle with him. He won't admit it, but he does really appreciate the instrument.
    • In fact, he appreciates the guitar so much that he often quick to smack down any criticism about how childish it looks and make it clear that whatever gift anyone gives is nothing compared to this.
  • Every once in a while, Orin likes to play around with the length of his hair to see what works well. He often finds going with his current hair style tend to make others focus on him.
  • If you want to avoid facing his wrath, it is recommended that you avoid destroying his jacket. The man spent a stupidly amount of money getting that made and repairing it is a pain.
  • Found the palm of his left hand is this symbol right here.
    • This symbol is meant to symbolize his bond with Raiden. This mark is Raiden's personal mark.


Health 65%

Attack 85%

Defense 71%

Magic Attack 82%

Magic Defense 69%

Speed 69%

Stamina 73%

Luck 71%

Faery Physiology

Thanks to being a fairy plate, it should come to no surprise that Orin is a Faery. He is specifically a physical faery, a material faery with a stable form and somewhat human-like mind. As a faery, the male has access to abilities such as enhanced condition, supernatural dexterity, (partial) shapeshifting and Faery Magic. Of all these abilities, the male is trying to master Fairy Dust Manipulation. This power lets Orin generate, shape and manipulate fairy dust, a dust that is known to be magical and has various useful properties. Orin has no control of what effects that this dust can cause, meaning if he's not careful he can give the enemy a boost in power.

Music Manipulation

Music Manipulation is Orin's main power. This power allows for Orin to manipulate and generate music. This unique power is one that has plenty of uses as it turns out and not as useless as you might think. Here are the following ways this power can be used: Enhanced Musicianship, Musical Combat, Rhythm Intuition and Voice Manipulation. He does seem to take this power further than his counterpart, Pixel, as he does dwell further into Sound Manipulation.

Sound Manipulation

Sound Manipulation is Orin's favorite power to rely on (well besides Music Manipulation). With this, Orin can create, shape and manipulate sound. With this, he can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement. This makes sound itself an invisible, deadly weapon and a versatile tool. With this, he can potentially make someone deaf through the use of Hyper Voice or make everything completely silent. Don't take this man lightly with this ability.

Fairy Moves

Being a fairy plate, Orin has accessed to fairy moves. The male does not have access to fairy z moves or legends signature moves. The male's favorite move is "Moonblast". He is a fan by how beautiful the move looks whenever he sees it. That and the fact it's one of strongest fairy moves. An interesting thing to note is the male does have accessed to sound-based moves and a couple of fighting moves. This is very useful for the male as he is a mixed attacker (with a slight special lean).


  • Music. How could he not like it? The male is the embodiment of it?
  • Attention. He's a sucker for it and practically strives on it.
  • Fair Folk. How could he not love his fanbase? :D They send him free shit and buy his songs. Oh and also give him attention.


  • Pixel/Pixie. Excuse you, sir. There's can only be one pink haired singer around here!
  • Usagi. He keeps stealing his master's attention and he doesn't approve of that.
  • Anyone talking shit about Pop Songs. Like....excuse you??? Don't do that?? They're pretty decent!! You shouldn't insult any form of music.


  • I did based the concept of Orin on a mixture of cancel culture, fanbases and pop stars. I don't know why but I always found those to be amusing.
  • When Pixel and Orin meet, you best believe there will be a battle of the bands to prove who is the best singer.
  • Orin is my favorite plate belonging to Rose, and you can't stop me from liking him!
  • If Orin had a canon voice, he would sound like this.

Code by AviCode