Flora Plates [The Petals] (Dread Plate [Orpheus])



5 years, 8 months ago


The Dusk Prince

  • True Name Tenebris
  • Gender Male (He/Him)
  • Mates (s) Kai
  • Called Orpheus, Young Master (Jin), Oph
  • Alignment Chaotic Neutral
  • Weapon Living Scarf
  • TYPE Dark
  • Role/Class The Shadow/The Tainted
  • Origin Fallen Imparverse


The world of Fallen Impar is most certainly a different world compared to Pokémon World. As it stands, the world of Impar is one that is not only filled with Pokémon and humans. Oh no. Demons, angels and all kinds of oddities exist within this universe. However, to avoid disturbing the order of the world, these beings keep themselves in realms that rest opposite of Impar, only visiting the realm if they wish to explore the unknown. However, one has to wonder how Impar itself was created. We do know Arceus and Mew were involved in the process, but few are aware of what created this world. There are theories, but most are proven wrong. The answer itself is quite simple.

The plates are how the world was created.

These elemental spirits gave the ingredients needed for a world to be born. Their mere presence inspired the world to adapt to what was needed. They gave Pokemon their type and the legends that once held them the powers they would be known for. However, for decades, many regarded these spirits as nothing more than tools for Rose. They thought that they lacked sentience and the ability to feel human emotions. These mortals were wrong in their assumption. Oh, so wrong.

Here we have Orpheus. Orpheus is the Dread Plate and has the title of the Dark Spirit. Akin to Agatha, Orpheus is a sheltered petal. In his defense, this was outside his control. An encounter with humans led to Orpheus stuck with the shadow virus through some experiments. Despite Rose saving him, Orpheus still carries hatred for the species and the haunting fear of hurting those he loves with his powers. It's why he is so set on trying to hide away his true feelings.


Being one of the youngest petals and a nobleman, Orpheus is strict, proud, and accustomed to a posh lifestyle. As a result, he has difficulties doing simple chores if left by himself. He refuses to stay in a poor environment for long periods and often throws a fit as a result. Orpheus is stern with his orders as he expects others to listen to him. His greed knows no boundaries. He is the type of man that will demand others to give up their things so he can have them. In battle, he is merciless and carries little hesitation in those he sees as pests. Orpheus can be rather childish at times. He is exceedingly competitive, a trait which he refuses to acknowledge. He is unsatisfied with draws and refuses to quit until a victor is declared.

Orpheus has a relatively cold outlook on life. He looks down on others, regarding them as nothing more than pests (especially those humans). Knowing that humans betrayed Rose, Orpheus can't help but feel hatred towards them. It doesn't help that the male was tortured (and experimented on) by a group of them after going against Rose's wishes of getting too close to them when he was young. Orpheus sees Rose as a father figure and shows his true feelings around him (and the other plates). It certainly helps that Rose is often there for Orpheus whenever the male has his breakdowns from recalling what the humans have done to him.



Orpheus stands at the height of 5'8 ft (172.72 cm) tall. Weighing 121 lbs (54.8 kg), Orpheus has a slim built with no muscles. With lightly tan skin, the male has sea-green hair (with slightly lighten tips) with his bangs covering his left eye. Over his left eye are purple cracks projecting from it that takes up the left side of his face. His eyes are bright green, though his left has a slight purple tint. Freckles run across the middle of his face.

Orpheus attire consists of a black sleeveless shirt with white stripes running across it and matching colored black pants with one leg being slightly higher than the other. Completing the outfit are a pair of bright sea green boots, a black scarf with green tips on the ends, and a golden crown fixed on his head. The inner parts of the crown gradient to shades of blue.

Design NOTES

  • Opheus' crown is a gift from Agatha for his birthday. She thought that he would appreciate wearing such a thing.
  • Orpheus gets easily flustered when people bring up his freckles and talk about how cute they look on his face. He doesn't think that they're all that special.
  • The tips of his scarf can sharpen into claws through the use of Orpheus' dark manipulation. One may even catch the slight hint of an eye around the back of the scarf itself. Most don't tend to see it since it's often well-hidden, and you would rarely have the time to look at Orpheus' back.
  • Found on the back of his neck is this strange symbol.
    • This mark symbolize his bond with Kai. This symbol is Kai's personally crafted symbol.
  • How can you tell that Orpheus is overwhelmed? When overwhelmed, purple cracks form on his skin, and his hair turns purple. As you can guess, an overwhelmed Orpheus is usually one that tends to enter his Hypermode.
  • Orpheus isn't overly picky when it comes to his choice in garb. He'll settle on just about anything. However, he is especially fond of wearing formal clothes. To him, someone of his status deserves the right to dress fancy.
    • What will never change is the fact that he will always have his living scarf and his crown. The living scarf was something that Rose gave him, and the crown is something that he is very thankful that Agatha gave him. He cherishes both pieces of garb.
  • On his left arm is a black stripe an inch or two above his elbow with two smaller ones on his right arm. These are brands that Orpheus received from his encounter with humans. He is not fond of anyone bringing those up at all.
  • On Orpheus' back is a massive scar. He got this scar from losing control of Darkrai from his first few attempts of controlling her through his corruption manipulation. As it turns out, getting hit by a Dark Pulse from the God isn't all that fun.


Health 70%

Attack 68%

Defense 60%

Magic Attack 72%

Magic Defense 62%

Speed 75%

Stamina 69%

Luck 61%

Corruption Manipulation

Corruption Manipulation is a power that Orpheus never wanted. With this, Orpheus can manipulate the powers of corruption to take a variety of effects on themselves or others. These effects include taking control of darkness in the hearts of others to make them into his servants, becoming stronger with the corruption of others by just being around them, or influencing the corruption in a means of combat purposes, energy attacks, or corruption techniques. With this deadly ability, one touch from Orpheus can make it so he can corrupt your mind and form. Unfortunately, the male doesn't have complete control over who he corrupts. It doesn't help that he's scared of his powers due to witnessing how much damage it can cause (thanks to Fallen! Xavier).

Grim Darkness Manipulation

Being a dark type, it's no surprise Orpheus has Grim Darkness Manipulation. With this, the male can create, shape, and manipulate the darkness/shadow of a darker, detrimental nature. This darkness can damages, destroy, and consume anything/everything they come across. This darkness represents the hazardous destructive side of darkness/shadow. As such, this darkness ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal darkness/shadow. Orpheus can cause severe damage to fairy types and the like. However, the power can make Orpheus act odd when he uses it often.

Darkness Solidfication

Orpheus can use Darkness Solidification. This power allows Orpheus to solidify or give solid-like properties to darkness/shadows with the level of solidity going from loose jelly to metal-like hardness or beyond. While the change is temporary and short-lived, this is a useful power that Orpheus uses on the fly. He tends to use it to create claws for his living scarf or make bladed weapons of some sort. Unlike his previous powers, Orpheus shows enhanced aptitude with Darkness Solidification.

Dark Moves

As the Dread Plate, Orpheus is able to use dark moves. The male is unable to use legendary Pokemon signature moves and z moves. Orpheus' favorite move is "Night Slash". This move is useful for his living scarf to use when he gives it solid 'claws'. The male does have access to other moves that often have "Shadow" in the name or are of ghost nature. He also strangely has access to Psychic.


  • Stories. He doesn't want to admit it, but he enjoys listening to stories (especially one told by Rose).
  • Romance novels. God, don't tell anyone this, but he does enjoy indulging a few. It seems like Rose might have gotten him into the habit of reading them.
  • Praise. Praise makes the male happy. Sure, it will make him flustered, but he appreciates it.


  • Humans. Yeah, considering a group tortured him and how a group nearly killed Rose, do you blame him?
  • Being around the poor. For some reason, he seems to believe that anyone poor is lowly and disgusting. Pretty rude.
  • Being by himself. He always has someone with him because he gets so anxious.


  • Orpheus living scarf was an idea I carried over from Damian's Dread plate old weapon.
  • If Orpheus had a canon voice, he would sound like this this.
  • Orpheus was partially taught how to use his corruption manipulation by Fallen! Xavier. This training stopped when Orpheus was nearly forced to corrupt Mewtwo.
  • When it comes to designs, Orpheus's design is one of my favorite out of the Petals.

Code by AviCode