Flora Plates [The Petals] (Spooky Plate [Sephtis])



5 years, 7 months ago


The Abnormal Wraith

  • True Name Sanctus
  • Gender Non Binary (doesn't mind he/him)
  • Mates (s) Griffin
  • Called Sephtis, Seph, The Wraith
  • Alignment Chaotic Neutral (leans towards evil)
  • Weapon Soul
  • TYPE Ghost
  • Role/Class The Necromancer/The Hunter
  • Origin Fallen Imparverse


The world of Fallen Impar is most certainly a different world compared to Pokémon World. As it stands, the world of Impar is one that is not only filled with Pokémon and humans. Oh no. Demons, angels and all kinds of oddities exist within this universe. However, to avoid disturbing the order of the world, these beings keep themselves in realms that rest opposite of Impar, only visiting the realm if they wish to explore the unknown. However, one has to wonder how Impar itself was created. We do know Arceus and Mew were involved in the process, but few are aware of what created this world. There are theories, but most are proven wrong. The answer itself is quite simple.

The plates are how the world was created.

These elemental spirits gave the ingredients needed for a world to be born. Their mere presence inspired the world to adapt to what was needed. They gave Pokemon their type and the legends that once held them the powers they would be known for. However, for decades, many regarded these spirits as nothing more than tools for Rose. They thought that they lacked sentience and the ability to feel human emotions. These mortals were wrong in their assumption. Oh, so wrong.

Here we have Sephtis. Orpheus is the Spooky Plate and has the title of the Ghost Spirit. Sephtis would probably be the most unhinged Petal if it wasn't for the existence of several other petals. They are a rather odd petal that isn't too aware of how certain things in the world work since they tend to lean towards their more feral route as a Wraith. This isn't to say that they are stupid. In fact, they're far from it espesically when it comes to their knowledge of souls. The best way to refer to their thinking is comparing it to humans studying a new species that they never seen before and not sure what to really make of it.


Sephtis is a mischievous but curious individual. They're like a alien from another world. They always seem to have some form of interest in interacting and understanding the ways of the living. Sephtis has little understanding of others' feelings and how relationships worked. This can be shown by how he seems to believe that all romantic relationship all has sex in some shape and form as well as how he believes friends consider each other pets. However, don't assume they are naïve in some way as that would be very rude. They lack a "filter" in that they will say what they think without considering the consequences. This can lead to the others believing that they're being purposely disrespectful and rude.

When you meet him, you will notice Sephtis comes off as a confident, friendly, and intelligent ghoul. However, this is partially an act. Sephtis is a predator seeking to devour whatever souls they can and will not hesitate to resort to ruthless tactics in order to achieve their goal. When they're on the hunt, there's nothing stopping them from getting what they want. They have poor control over their emotions, with intense outbursts especially when it comes to those who insult the Petals. During times when they are calm and rationale, they can be intelligent and is known to be creative when it comes to his plans.



Sephtis stands at the height of 7'2 ft (218.44 cm) tall. Weighing 171.6 lbs (49 kg), Sephtis has a slim built with no muscles. With pale skin, they have a bright green tongue and what looked to be ghostly clawed hands coming from their back. The iris of their eyes is bright purple while the sclera is black. They have short, light purple hair that comes down to the middle of their neck that is partially shaved at the back.

Sephtis attire consist of the following: a black shirt, purple and white shorts, a purple jacket with no sleeves that seems a bit big for them, purple dress shoes and white socks.

Design NOTES

  • The ghostly hands coming from their back are something that he can make appear and disappear on command. Most of the time, they keep them out when they're in the middle of hunting/battling.
  • It should be noted that their tongue is stupidly long to the point one questions how they manage to keep it in their mouth.
  • They are fully capable of popping off their limbs without so much of worry of breaking a limb (or bleeding out) due to being a ghost. As such, they can have moments where they lose their head.
  • If they end up doing something that they were told not to do, they have to deal with having to wear the same collar Usagi is seen wearing as a means to restrict their powers.
    • Yes, they often throw fits whenever they have to wear that as punishment and can be quite huffy while wearing it.
  • There was a time where Sephtis has to be actively told that they need to wear clothes since it wasn't appropriate for them not to wear any espesically when they take over Rose.
  • Found on their back is this strange symbol here.
    • This symbol is meant to symbolize their bond with Griffin. This mark is Griffin's personal symbol.
  • Running across their chest is a long scar they received from a encounter with Alejandro that lead to them being slashed in the chest by his scythe.
  • Whenever Sephtis gets really excited or hungry, their eyes start glowing, and they start making growling noises.


Health 77%

Attack 78%

Defense 71%

Magic Attack 73%

Magic Defense 69%

Speed 67%

Stamina 67%

Luck 70%

Soul Manipulation

You do not want to piss off Sephtis especially when the ghost has Soul Manipulation. With this, Sephtis is able to manipulate the soul, the incorporeal and immortal essence of a living thing. Sephtis is able to control both his soul and others (the latter is most likely to happen if you tick him off). With this, the ghost can do some of the following: Strong Soul (the ability to possess an uncommonly potent soul and gain highly formidable abilities as a result of the soul's power), Soul Removal (the ability to remove souls from oneself and others), Soul Energy Constructs (the ability to create weapons and other materials out of soul energy). They tend to use Spirtual Force Manipulation. This allows Sephtis to create, shape and manipulate their own or others' spiritual power. This allows Sephtis to convert it into various forms of energy, manifest it into solid form, or merge into existing objects.

Spirit Physiology (Wraith)

Much like Alejandro, Sephtis is a Spirit. However, they're specifically a Wraith, an incorporeal evil spirit from the netherworld that drains the life energy of mortals. The ghoul has the typical powers of a Wraith such as the following: flight, become intangible, invisible for a certain amount of time and being overall Self-Sustenance. What makes the ghoul scary is his access to Life-Force Absorption. This power allows for absorbing life-force/energy while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways. They uss this power to consume souls.


Sephtis is a Trickster. Sephtis is a Trickster. As a Trickster, it's in his blood to plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and conventional behavior. They openly mock authority encourages impulse and enthusiasm, seeks out new ideas and experiences, destroys convention and complacency, and promotes chaos and unrest. Many powers come with being a Trickster. The ones Sephtis used is his Enhanced Wits (the ability to be clever, quick on their feet and able adapt to new and changing situations and are able to remain cool at all times), Chameleonic Nature (the ability to use various means to blend into various situations and avoid detection) and Unpredictability (the ability to completely unpredictable nature). With this, this turns to a force equivalent to Hyde/Usagi without the chaos manipulation and power lottery.

Ghost Moves

As Spooky Plate, Sephtis is able to use ghost moves. The ghoul is unable to use legendary Pokemon signature moves and z moves. Orpheus favorite move is "Phantom Force". This is most likely due to the fact they can break through protect through the use of it and how useful this move can be evading. Orpheus is a very scary plate in terms of moves due to the sheer variety he has. While they are mostly a physical attacker, they can become a special one if needed.


  • Souls. They're absolutely delicious! They recommend that you try one whenever you can!
  • Ketchup. "This tomato juice is delicious! The fleshbags did a good job at making this! *chugs down a whole bottle*"
  • Pranks. Hey. They got to keep up their role as a trickster somehow :D Besides, most of their pranks are harmless.


  • Getting hungry. They get really nasty when they're hungry. You don't want to see them nasty.
  • Losing their body. Do you know how long it takes them to find their body after losing it? F. O. R. E. V. E. R.
  • Anyone stealing their souls. Those are theirs and if you steal them, they will get very upset (and maybe possibly attack you).


  • Sephtis design was partially based off a mixture of Bates design and some elements of Alejandro's old design.
  • Sephtis does has a bit of cartoonish side to how his body works.
  • Sephtis does not have a good concept of all things moderns. I mean for Arceus' sake, they call a dog a "furry chicken".
  • If Sephtis had a canon voice, it would sound like this but a bit more distorted.

Code by AviCode