Flora Plates [The Petals] (Toxic Plate [Iris])



5 years, 7 months ago


The Plague Poindexter

  • True Name Toxicus
  • Gender Genderfluid
  • Mates (s) Caine
  • Called Iris, Dexter, Smartass
  • Alignment Chaotic Neutral
  • Weapon Senbons
  • TYPE Unknown
  • Role/Class The Alchemist/The Brains
  • Origin Fallen Imparverse


The world of Fallen Impar is most certainly a different world compared to Pokémon World. As it stands, the world of Impar is one that is not only filled with Pokémon and humans. Oh no. Demons, angels and all kinds of oddities exist within this universe. However, to avoid disturbing the order of the world, these beings keep themselves in realms that rest opposite of Impar, only visiting the realm if they wish to explore the unknown. However, one has to wonder how Impar itself was created. We do know Arceus and Mew were involved in the process, but few are aware of what created this world. There are theories, but most are proven wrong. The answer itself is quite simple.

The plates are how the world was created.

These elemental spirits gave the ingredients needed for a world to be born. Their mere presence inspired the world to adapt to what was needed. They gave Pokemon their type and the legends that once held them the powers they would be known for. However, for decades, many regarded these spirits as nothing more than tools for Rose. They thought that they lacked sentience and the ability to feel human emotions. These mortals were wrong in their assumption. Oh, so wrong.

Here we have Iris. Iris is the Toxic Plate and has the title of the Poison Spirit. Don't be fooled by this plate. Just because they're the type to shout random memes and make sonme weird reference doesn't mean that they are someone to underestimate. After all, you're looking at one of the smartest Petals in the group. If it wasn't for how lazy they can be, Iris would have been the leader of the Petals. Their intelligence is something that is comparable to that of Kane with a common joke of the two being one in the same (with Iris "clearly being the more attractive of the world" as they claim). However, whenever they're not busy, they're usually playing Dragon Fantasy 13.


When you meet Iris, you will be quick to notice that they can be a lazy plate. Due to that, they often have to be forced to do whatever duties they assigned to as she often prefers to do things such as playing video games than doing her actual job. It's one of the few things that Father Rose isn't exactly pleased by when it comes to Iris. She's the type that prefers to have other people do her job for her. She's the type of person who would prefer to get away with avoiding responsibility as much as she. That's often why when she is faced with the potential for conflict or commitment, her immediate response to try to find some way out of it, either by pretending to be indisposed or casually dragging someone to deal with it. Though, one can argue that this is just being an overall dick with all things considered.

It should be noted that Iris is one of the smartest members of the Petals. Her intelligence is one of the few reasons why Rose overlooks her tendency to avoid doing her job. Her approach of combat does as follow: She keeps track all actions that allies and opponents make, regardless of how insignificant they seem at the time or that she doesn't understand. She keeps track of where everything is located in relation to everything else. She studies the behavior of all combatants, gradually learning how they react in any given situation. This allows her to develop plans on the fly and create back-ups in a situation where her original plan doesn't work.



Iris stands at the height of 5'4 ft (162.56 cm) tall. Weighing 107.8 lbs (49 kg), Iris has a slim built with no muscles. With slightly pale skin, the bean is shown to have small-cat like ears that blend with the color of her hair. The iris of her eyes is red while the sclera is black. She has long, purple hair with toxic green streaks through it that is pinned in a ponytail and with the bangs covering her right eye.

Iris' attire consist of the following: a purple shirt with green slimes printed on it, black pant, a black jacket with purple, long sleeves with green pocket, green and purple gym shoes and a purple scarf with green ghoul pin on it.

Design NOTES

  • Every once in a while when Iris is forced to deal with people she doesn't know well, Iris makes their appearance underneath a white blanket. This blanket is their security blanket, and they will become upset if you try to take it away.
  • If you check Iris pockets, they will always have some kind of handheld device on that they can use to either play games or go on the internet.
  • The scarf around their neck is something that Sephtis got for them because they saw it had ghosts on its and they thought that Iris would look pretty good in it.
  • The car ears are not some fake motorized cat ears. Those are ears are 100% real, and Iris would appreciate if you keep your hands away from them.
    • On that same note, if you manage to make contact with those ears, don't be surprise if Iris collapse in your lap and purr (while cursing you out for finding out their weakness).
  • Iris' favorite type of clothing are often either meme related outfits or the occasional oversized clothing. If you ask her what her style is, she will respond with either "comfy" or something that really shows "how cringy I am to make all the haters know to avoid me at all cost".
  • Iris does not have a tail. She refuses to give herself a tail as she refuses to embrace the title of being a "funky little catgirl/catboy/nyabinary/whatever other gender equivalant to those are".
  • In terms of where Iris keeps her Senbons, she often keeps her within the band she use to keep her hair in a ponytail. How she manage to avoid being stabbed by them is beyond me.
  • Found on the right wrist is this strange symbol here.
    • This symbol is meant to symbolize Iris' bond with Caine. This symbol is Caine's personal symbol.


Health 70%

Attack 69%

Defense 44%

Magic Attack 69%

Magic Defense 40%

Speed 70%

Stamina 60%

Luck 79%


When it comes to Toxikinesis, Iris is shown to be dangerous when it comes to her use of this power. With this power, Iris is able to create, shape and manipulate poisons and poisonous substances. Through her needles, Iris can amplify the poison within one's body. How? With the small size of the needles, Iris can increase the spread of the poison through the means of piercing the enemies with several of them or by 'tweaking' the poison that courses through their body through remote means. This can prove to be deadly when combined with Cellular Disintegration.

Enhanced Intelligence

Of course, one should not ignore the fact that Iris is known for her high level of intelligence that can rival that of Oliver Kane. With this, Iris possesses the following with it: exceptional intellectual capabilities, mental capacity and concentration, memorization, perception, deduction, cognition and competence, wit and ingenuity, prowess and knowledge, calculations, learning capacity, intuition and awareness, inventive capabilities, and so forth. Her intelligence is tailored towards her deductive and information processing ability.

Cellular Disintegration

Cellular Disintegration is what truly makes Iris someone you should be careful of. With this, Iris can dissolve any sort of organic cells and dissolve them, destroying them at a cellular or even protein level, This allows her to destroy her targets, either by a specific part or outright disintegration. Most of the time, the female use to destroy small areas of one's body as this power does take a lot of energy to do. A scary thing to note is that Iris can overpower all forms of cellular regeneration by disintegrating cells continuously through the use of her poison.

Poison Moves

Being the poison plate, Iris has access to poison moves. The only moves she can't use is poison z-moves. Iris favorite move is "Toxic". I suppose that makes sense when she primarily uses the move injunction with her Toxikinesis. However, she is also fond of the move due to the fact it can cause one to be badly poisoned whenever they get hit by it and the damage that being badly poisoned caused. Iris prefers to use special moves as her defenses are far from being the best in the world. However, she's not afraid to use physical moves when necessary. An interesting thing to note is that she has access to Smokescreen and Octazooka.


  • Memes. The plate loves a good meme every once in the while and will do whatever she needs to keep up with the meme culture.
  • His security blanket. Iris' security blanket is something they had with them ever since they were created.
  • Video Games. If you give them a video game especially a puzzle game, he will be your best friend.


  • Daytime. She's more of a night owl if anything.
  • Crowded Places. They get really uncomfortable in crowded areas to the point they often stick close to Rose or any other plate that just so happen to be nearby.
  • Working. In her eyes, working is such a drag! She has more important things to do like play video games.


Code by AviCode