Flora Plates [The Petals] (Mind Plate [Agatha])



5 years, 8 months ago


The Mystic Jungian

  • True Name Cognitae
  • Gender Genderfluid
  • Mates (s) Yul
  • Called Agatha, Aga, Aggie
  • Alignment Neutral Good
  • Weapon Staff
  • TYPE Psychic
  • Role/Class The Magician/The Hidden Factor
  • Origin Fallen Imparverse


The world of Fallen Impar is most certainly a different world compared to Pokémon World. As it stands, the world of Impar is one that is not only filled with Pokémon and humans. Oh no. Demons, angels and all kinds of oddities exist within this universe. However, to avoid disturbing the order of the world, these beings keep themselves in realms that rest opposite of Impar, only visiting the realm if they wish to explore the unknown. However, one has to wonder how Impar itself was created. We do know Arceus and Mew were involved in the process, but few are aware of what created this world. There are theories, but most are proven wrong. The answer itself is quite simple.

The plates are how the world was created.

These elemental spirits gave the ingredients needed for a world to be born. Their mere presence inspired the world to adapt to what was needed. They gave Pokemon their type and the legends that once held them the powers they would be known for. However, for decades, many regarded these spirits as nothing more than tools for Rose. They thought that they lacked sentience and the ability to feel human emotions. These mortals were wrong in their assumption. Oh, so wrong.

Here we have Agatha. Agatha is the Mind Plate and has the title of the Psychic Spirit. Agatha is one of the few petals that Rose often keeps his eye on. Not because she's weak. In fact, the female is the second strongest plate that he has. You see the reasoning why he's so cautious of her is due to the fact she doesn't have good control of her powers. It comes from the nature of how her power works. As such, the last thing that Rose wants to deal with is anyone trying to use her. Agatha isn't all that bothered by this as she often spend her time reading her novels and sighing while thinking about Yul.


Agatha is soft-spoken and polite, always addressing people with proper honorifics. She is kind (always thinking of others' more than for herself) and always caring about other's feelings and well-being. She doesn't like to be confrontational as she is meek or timid to others. She has a high strung personality that few of the Petals often take advantage of (though Rose often gets on their case if they do). This leads to her being flustered over the smallest of things and her rambling on about how the Petals are mean! Agatha can be naive as she isn't granted that opportunity of exploring the world around her due to her powers. As such, most of what she learns can be similar to the scale of Sephtis to some extent. She is loyal, patient and hardworking; she would do anything for her friends, even if it would make others feel uneasy. Her exceptional kindness, immense willpower, and good nature are what makes Rose so protective of her.

Agatha's main motivation is Rose, with whom she has been fascinated since she met him. She started off serving as an older sister to the young man but eventually grew to view the younger man as a father figure with how kind and protective the male can be of her. Even in situations here Agatha loses faith in herself, Rose is always there to instilled hope into her and remind her she can accomplish anything if she tries hard enough. This results in Agatha striving to improve herself in order to benefit the Petals, but mostly gain the worthiness of Rose (even with Rose constantly stating she is worthy in his eyes). One should note that the female does love Yul. However, she's afraid of emitting her affection for the male given what he been through. In her heart, she doesn't want to add additional heartache to the pain he feels. Even then, she does what she can to support him through whatever means necessary.



Agatha stands at the height of 5'4 ft (162.56 cm) tall. Weighing 118.8 lbs (53.9 kg), Agatha has a slim built with no muscles. With tan skin, the female wears purple lipstick with light purple eyeliner. Her eyes are shown to be bright blue. She has long, dark purple hair that is pinned into a ponytail with the bangs framing both sides of her face.

Agatha's attire consists of a black, gold and blue tube top, black stockings, blue heels and a purple half skirt that gradients to orange. Completing the outfit is a large, purple witch hat with golden embellishment.

Design NOTES

  • Agatha's choice of clothes is 100% Agatha's attempt in seducing Yul. It didn't really work..unless we're counting him calling her cute as working.
    • Surprisingly enough, Rose isn't too much of a fan of the outfit, occasionally complaining that the outfit made Agatha look like some kind of sexy witch.
    • If you ask her who gave her the idea to use this outfit of all things to try to attract Yul, you can 100% blame her stories for that one.
  • Agatha's appearance does change depending on what form she's in. The form seen on the left is her normal form/Persona Form. The rest of the forms are listed right here: Shadow Form, True Self Form, Ego Form and Anima/Animus form.
  • Found on her right leg is this strange symbol seen here.
    • This symbol is meant to symbolize her bond with Yul. This is Yul's personal symbol.
  • Agatha's hair come down to the middle of her back. She rarely keeps her hair our of her ponytail due to how much of a pain it is to maintain outside of it.
  • Agatha does have various runes on her body. Most of the runes can be found on her chest and stomach. Due to that reasoning, you will rarely actually see them unless they end up glowing brightly to the point they shine through her clothes.
  • The hat that Agatha wears is something that Rose gave her as a gift since she seemed rather fond with the design. Since then, Agatha has done everything in her power to make sure nothing happens to the hat. It's as precious as the staff that Yul gifted to her that she use as a weapon.
  • If you see Agatha with a book on her hips, don't assume those are magic tomes. It's more than likely whatever romantic novel that she decided to bring along with her for the day. It doesn't really take much to notice if you look closely at the title.


Health 58%

Attack 16%

Defense 23%

Magic Attack 96%

Magic Defense 90%

Speed 55%

Stamina 60%

Luck 67%

Jungian Archetype Mimicry

Unlike the other Petals, Agatha only has one specific power. This power is what makes her the second strongest plate. This power is Jungian Archetype Mimicry. A Jungian archetype is highly developed elements of the collective unconscious. The archetypes correspond to a person self or selves that is unique to them, and that differ from one to the next. Agatha can't fully control this specific power. There are five forms relating to this Archetype that is explored further in the next few sections.

The True Self

The first form is the True Self. The True Self is the true essence of someone and is"divine within us". This is Agatha's strongest form that has Alpha Physiology. The True Self is vastly superior to the Plates, learning and achieving quickly and effortlessly what takes years of hard work for others and growing substantially stronger and better with each challenge. This form has three specific powers: Intuitive Perception (the ability to analyze and instantly comprehend anything perceived ), Self-Power Augmentation(the ability to augment one's own powers), and Supernatural Condition (the ability to possess an obviously supernatural physical and mental condition).

The Ego

The second form is the Ego. The Ego is the part of us which is connected to reality and cares not for good nor evil and exists to keep the physical body from dying and only believes in survival. This form gives Agatha access to Animal Morphing. The Ego allows Agatha to transform into animals, whether partially or completely, as well as use the abilities, traits and appearance/physiology of animals by rearranging their own DNA structure. Agatha is specifically able to transform into those of the Cnidarian Physiology. The Ego has three specific powers: Boneless Body (the ability to have no bones), Paralysis Inducement(the ability to render organisms immobile), and Regenerative Healing Factor (the ability to heal rapidly from any physical injury).

The Shadow

The third form is the Shadow. The Shadow is the mirror of everything negative within us and represents the desires and urges that we try to repress in order to live in society. This Shadow has Monster Physiology. The Shadow is a hideous being that produces fear and physical harm by both its appearance and actions. The Shadow is morally objectionable, physically or psychologically hideous, and a freak of nature. The Shadow has three specific powers: Feral Mind (the ability to tap into a feral state of mind), Fear Inducement (the ability to evoke extreme fear and horror in others), and Enhanced Condition (the ability to heal rapidly from any physical injury).

The Anima/Animus

The fourth form is the Anima/Animus. They represent our desires concerning the opposite sex. For a male it is the anima, for a female, it is called the animus. The Anima/Animus personifies the idealized version of something or someone that we desire to have for ourselves. This form is an interesting one as it doesn't have one specific power that its abilities come from. Instead, this form has focuses on three specific powers: Illusion Manipulation (the ability to manipulate illusions), Dream Manipulation (the ability to manipulate dreams), and Emotion Manipulation (the ability to manipulate emotions.).

The Persona

The final form is the Persona. The Persona is the human state or human form, the "mask" we use every day and pretend to be the real us. It is our normal self. This is Agatha's default form. Her main power while in this form is Telekinesis. With this power, she is able to manipulate objects and matter with her mind. As you can guess, she has many ways she can use this specific power. However, she tend to use the follow applications most often than not: Binding, Levitation, Telekinetic Push/Pull, Telekinetic Teleportation, Telekinetic Attacks, Seismic Sense and Psionic Explosion.

Psychic Moves

Being the psychic plate, Agatha has accessed to psychic moves. Agatha doesn't have access to legendary signature moves, instruct and psychic z-moves. The female's favorite psychic move is "Psychic". It makes sense considering the move has quite a variety of uses. The female doesn't use any psychic physical attacks due to how horrendous her attack is. Sure, she does have Power Swap, but that can only help so much. She does possess a few other non-psychic special moves.


  • Novels. She loves spending her time reading! It's such a fun thing to do and she enjoys using her imagination to paint scenes.
  • Learning. She love to learn new things about the world and really anything in general!
  • Tea time with Rose. She love her tea times with the male. They're usually peaceful and enjoy chatting with him about things.


  • Being yelled at. Please don't yell at her. The little lady is really fragile.
  • Her powers. They can often give her a headache and she tends to have breakdowns after using them for too long.
  • Seeing anyone upset. If you get upset, then she will feel bad and get upset too. :C


  • If Agatha had a canon voice, she would sound like this.
  • Besides Usagi, Agatha is the strongest Petal with how diverse her forms can be.
  • On that same note, the female is technically alsoo the weakest as she has no proper way of controlling her powers.
  • Agatha is my daughter and if you hurt her, I will hurt you- (I'm joking but please don't hurt her feelings).

Code by AviCode