Flora Plates [The Petals] (Stone Plate [Azai])



5 years, 11 months ago


The Diamond Ursidae

  • True Name Lapis
  • Gender Demiboy
  • Mates (s) Titan
  • Called Azai, Old Man, Teddy, Bear
  • Alignment Chaotic Good
  • Weapon Baseball Bat
  • TYPE Rock
  • Role/Class The Gladiator/The Old Fart
  • Origin Fallen Imparverse


The world of Fallen Impar is most certainly a different world compared to Pokémon World. As it stands, the world of Impar is one that is not only filled with Pokémon and humans. Oh no. Demons, angels and all kinds of oddities exist within this universe. However, to avoid disturbing the order of the world, these beings keep themselves in realms that rest opposite of Impar, only visiting the realm if they wish to explore the unknown. However, one has to wonder how Impar itself was created. We do know Arceus and Mew were involved in the process, but few are aware of what created this world. There are theories, but most are proven wrong. The answer itself is quite simple.

The plates are how the world was created.

These elemental spirits gave the ingredients needed for a world to be born. Their mere presence inspired the world to adapt to what was needed. They gave Pokemon their type and the legends that once held them the powers they would be known for. However, for decades, many regarded these spirits as nothing more than tools for Rose. They thought that they lacked sentience and the ability to feel human emotions. These mortals were wrong in their assumption. Oh, so wrong.

Here we have Azai. Azai is the Stone Plate and has the title of the Rock Spirit. Don't let his size fool you. Azai is actually one of the oldest petal around. Despite this though, he's not the most respected Petal around. It doesn't help that he's a bit perverted in nature. However, behind that cute face is a wise man that has his moments where he can be quite dark and serious. After all, he does possess the philosopher's stone embedded in his chest. With it, he has to feed it with various souls and what not in order to keep it powered up. Secretly, he's not really happy with dealing with that.


Azai is often regarded as being the old man of the group. He complains about various things, his age being the most prominent, as he claims that he is too old to be doing the things the 'youth' are capable of doing. Despite his appearance and attitude, he maintains an odd air of astuteness that makes one believe he is a much more complicated person than he lets on. This is a fact that is proven questionable through his interactions with Iris and a few other Petals. It should be noted Azai is an observant, and serious person who will without hesitation follow the orders of Rose. While he may not agree with some of the things the male does, he would never consider the thought of turning against the male regardless of the things the male put him through. Azai does highly respect the young male.

Azai is a talkative bear and is prone to teasing and melodramatic complaining. The latter is something that Petals have gotten used to. While he does have a temper, the male can be kind towards those he cares about and even protective over them. This can be shown through his interactions with Titan. He does, however, display occasional perverted behavior, cracking jokes with innuendo and lightly flirting with anyone he may find himself attracted to. As you can, most don't indulge his flirting and tend to mostly regard as being as "cute as a teddy bear". He does acts as a father figure for the Petals and acts as a form of comfort of them whenever they're feeling down.



Azai stands at the height of 2'0 ft (60.96 cm) tall. Weighing 19.4 lbs (8.8 kg), Azai takes the form of a bipedal bear covered in short, dark-brown fur. His muzzle (as well as his paws, stomach and lower half of his tail) is light brown with a small maroon nose and orange eyes. He has round ears with a short and puffy tail. Covering his hair is unkempt, dark brown hair that comes down to his shoulders.

Azai's attire consist of the following: a brown buttoned down shirt, a white coat with fur trim that comes down to his hips, light trousers that come down to his knees, golden belts that rest above his trousers and a brown collar around his neck. He rarely wears shoes due to being uncomfortable in them.

Design NOTES

  • Azai is the only non-humanoid looking plates between the Rose Petals and the actual Imparverse plates. Not only that but he takes the title of being one of the shortest.
  • Whenever Azai is drawing on the energy of the philosopher's stone, Azai's appearance changes slightly. For one thing, his eyes glow a bright red with what looked to be electricity flicking off his skin. The crystals he summoned also take a similar color, and his voice becomes a bit deeper.
  • The philosopher's stone is located in Azai's chest, where his heart is located. It's hidden underneath the layers of fur that covers his body.
    • If you attempt to touch the area the stone is located, Azai will immediately smack your hands away from it. He hates the idea of anyone acknowledging the existence of the stone.
  • Occasionally, Azai is seen wearing a necklace with a pink crystal. This crystal is one that is given to him by Titan when the two officially met. He does seem to cherish the gemstone.
  • Azai is capable of taking a more larger form that is roughly around 6'1 ft (185.42 cm) tall. The reason he rarely does so due to the amount of energy needed to maintain such a form.
  • The collar around Azai's neck is a gift that Azai received from Iris. He wasn't a fan of it at first but learned to more or less like it.
  • Due to his small size, it's common for Azai to leap onto one's shoulder/head as a means to make him feel taller and so people recognize the fact that he's the one talking.
  • If you ask Azai the question of why he has two belts instead of one, he will simply go "Why not? I mean I seen in those games Iris play that some characters have more than one belts."
  • Found on the back of his leg is this symbol.
    • This mark seems to symbolize his bond with Titan. This symbol is Titan's personal symbol.


Health 65%

Attack 75%

Defense 80%

Magic Attack 51%

Magic Defense 86%

Speed 20%

Stamina 63%

Luck 57%

Ursine Physiology

Azai is a bear and it's not surprising the male has abilities linked to it. Being a bear, he has typical abilities a bear would have. He has things such as hunting insutuion, enhanced strength, environmental adpation, a thick skull, dermal stone (thanks to his next ability and what he is) and enhanced durability. The male had been attempting to perfect his swimming ability under water. However, the male has been having difficulty with that due to his type. A bit annoying but hey...what are you going to do?

Mineral Manipulation

As a rock type, it's not shocking for the male to have mineral manipulation. With this, the male can manipulate any minerals of his choosing. He personally likes to stick with crystals. With his crystals, he can use them in attacks of various shapes and intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks. He can even go as far as creating tools, objects, weapons, armor, and even appendages out of crystal. His preferred method is infusing crystals into his bat and placing down bombs that would explode in shards of crystals when stepped on.

Philosopher's Stone

Embedded into Azai's chest is the Philosopher's Stone. It is unknown how this precious was created or how it ended up here. What is known is that Azai seems to feed this stone with various souls of those who crossed his path and he refused to allow anyone to touch it. Azai can draw on the power of the Philosopher's Stone if he's pushed. This allows Azai to perform feats greater than what he can do naturally (such as potentially engulfing one's body into crystals) and sending them into deep hibernation. The stone gets weaker every time it's used since the power used is tied to the souls that rest within it.

Rock Moves

Being the Stone Plate, Azai is able to use rock moves. He is unable to use legendary Pokemon signature moves and z moves. Azai's favorite moves are "Stone Edge". He is fond of using that move due to damage it can cause. While he is a physical attacker, he can dip into a few special moves if needed. That in itself is a rarity, considering he has very few special moves. He does use a few misc. moves outside of that to make up for his movesets.


  • Bellyrubs. Hell yeah. Give that man those nice bellyrubs. He loves them.
  • Buffness. The man has a specific type, and that type just happens to be those who are buff.
  • Gemstones. The male practically hoards them. If you give you one, he might consider not whacking you with his bat.


  • Iris. Do you know how much of her shenanigans he has to deal with? It's not fun >:C
  • Winter. He hates how quickly goes into "hibernation" mode when that rolls by.


  • Design wise, it took a while for me to figure out Azai's design. I decided going with a bear was a funny idea.
  • Titan's and Azai's relationship is entirely romantic wth Titan being asexual.
  • If Azai had a canon voice, he would sound like this.
  • Azai took some time to think about in terms of his powers.

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