


3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




Mhoat - Land Subspecies


Temple Acolyte


Blooming Kitten

Masterlist Entry




Inconsistent, Deceptive, Altruistic, Critical, Penitent

Chirio has always idealized the calm and patience of temple mhoats, but in turn, has always struggled to meet these ideals. He often finds himself to lack the control needed to be calm or patient and he often finds himself critical of a good many things. He very much wants to meet these ideals he holds and his best thought of how to do so was to join the temple and become one of those mhoats who could serve the deities. Even so, his best attempts are often inconsistent calm one minute and making a quick quip the next. One who witnesses his true self and the facade he wears around the temple might think him quite deceptive, but deep down he is penitent for every slight he moves away from those ideals. He views his behavior as doing good for others, altruism in its simplest form, though others might say he is misleading himself.


  • Often takes time to meet with Andora for meditation and tea times when he takes breaks from his acolyte training, her presence is both calming and reassures him when he isn't certain that he can develop the temperament to be a proper acolyte of the deity he serves. He met her early in his pursuits when he was a much more unruly mhoat and those teaching him insisted he needed to visit the temple of Livinia to explore his relationship with himself to gain some stability. Andora was the first mhoat he met at the temple and took over in helping him to look inward at his own emotions and how he viewed himself, with her help he learned to settle some of the tension he had between his sense of self and what was expected of him in service of a deity. Now they are good friends and commiserate over their roles, creating a simple support system for one another.