The Promise We Made

∙ • The Promise We Made That Day • ∙

In 365 days, the world is going to end

On the night of the summer festival, a group of childhood friends find themselves back at their old hideout. However, what starts out as a nostalgic evening turns into one that changes their lives forever. Deep in the woods, the friends tumble through a magical portal and find themselves in the medieval fantasy-esque realm of Sol. There, they encounter dragons, knights in shining armor, and a young prince who claims that the end of the world is near. Through their forays through monster-infested ruins and D&D-like dungeons, they learn that a powerful entity known as the World Eater is out to destroy not only Sol, but the earth as well. Much to their dismay, the teens are thrown headfirst into a series of quests that could determine the fate of both worlds.

Code by Code by 00Ishikawa00

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