
Oriole Database
Please select agent profile.
Agent Primary
Database ID
A #0008081994-001


Aug 08
25 years
183 cm (6')
English, Mandarin Chinese
Organised Crime, Hand-to-hand combat

Database ID
A #0008081994-005


March 31
23 years
185 cm (6' 1")
English, Thai, Mandarin Chinese
Wolverine DNA Splice
Faction second-in-command, Melee combat
Database ID
A #0008081993-011


November 11
29 years
175 cm (5'9")
English, Mandarin Chinese
Prosthetic Left Arm
Neurotechnology, Trauma Medicine, Tactics
Database ID
A #0008081994-002


Dec 21
33 years
183 cm (6')
English, Japanese, Korean
Cybernetic Spinal Implant
Paramiltary, Covert operations, Firearms
Database ID
A #0008081994-003


August 19
37 years
200 cm (6'6")
Chinese (Mandarin and Hokkien), English
Tiger DNA Splice
Melee combat
Database ID
A #0008081994-004


25 years
160 cm (5'3")
Chinese (Mandarin and Hokkien), English
Lynx DNA Splice
Aquisitions, Grand Larceny
Database ID
A #0008081993-012


Sept 12
24 years
168 cm (5'6")

HGHS (the Nakazaniye Group Hellfire Spetsnaz) is an elite squadron from the now disbanded Nakazaniye Group (Russian: наказание группа, abr. HG), a Russian PMC founded by former military spec-ops officer Nikita Steele. After Nikita disbanded HG, she rebuilt HGHS as a small, elite mercenary team of operatives recruited from across the globe.

"Lazy Lira"
The Lockier Family
Descendants of a noble family of knights, the Lockier family continues to serve their homeland of the United Kingdom as servicemen, government agents, and statesmen, etc. Despite their seeming loyalty to their country, the Lockiers have proven more than willing to ally themselves to underworld syndicates for personal gain.
Tianqiao Biologics
Tianqiao Biologics (TQB), aka Skybridge Biologics (Chinese: 天桥生物技術有限公司) is a Chinese biomedical engineering research institution with research sites all across mainland China and Taiwan. The Golden Phoenix Guild has been a major shareholder of TQB since its establishment.
The Tsukiyokage Clan
The Tsukiyokage Clan is one of the last surviving secret ninja clans in Japan still selling their services as mercenary assassins. There are only two living members of the clan who have inherited the clan's closely guarded ninjitsu arts, and one of the heirs has been missing for many years.
Hamada Motors
Hamada Motors is privately owned Japanese luxury automotive manufacturer based in Kyoto, Japan. It is well reknowned for its involvement in motorsport, particularly as a founding member of the team SJ-Alliance. Despite beingly privately owned, Hamada Motors quickly rose to prominence largely in part to shady business deals. The succession of ownership for this enterprise has become muddled after the unusual deaths of its heirs.
Law Enforcement (Unallied)
Various law enforcement officers and goverment agents who are being monitored by the Birdcage. Sorted by agency.
Faction Canary
Canary (aka Jin Xiao) was a former Birdcage Council member. His faction was wiped out by his neice, Valerie Xiao (now Birdcage agent Oriole), during a power struggle within the Golden Phoenix guild.
Faction Shrike
The Shrike is an agent of the Society of Free Birds. The Shrike has targeted Oriole, but claims to hold no ill will toward the rest of her faction. Not much is yet known of the Shrike and his codenamed faction members.
Unaffliated Persons of Interest
Various persons of interest who are not affliated with any known group or organisation. Some of these individuals pose a threat, some are solo contractors willing to work with the Birdcage, others are simply individuals with a connection to agents/other persons of interest.
Persons of Interest
Timeline is centered on Oriole/Mockingbird faction plotlines.
Year G-0 represents the year Project:GHOST successfully revived REV-1. In terms of current Birdcage plotline, G0 is approximately two years ago.
Year G-11
Year G-11
  • Nico (20) and Zenith (19) meet at Milizia Academy and form a close friendship.
  • Jaehyun (20) enlists into the Republic of Korea army to fulfill his draft. His exceptional performance in initial training shortlists him as a candidate for the Special Warfare Command forces.
  • Taejun (28) Is sent to france by the KNIS to support an international crime ring investigation.
Year G-10
Year G-10
  • Chandler (13) is living his best life in university at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Nico (21) graduates from Milizia Academy. He enlists into the US Navy and begins SEAL Training.
  • Jaehyun (21) defects from the ROK-SWC with his friend Joohyuk (22) to enlist in dark paramilitary organization Yeonghon Corp. Their activities for the next decade are largely unknown.
Year G-9
Year G-9
  • Zenith (21) graduates from Milizia Academy, enlists into the US Army Rangers, and is deployed to Vietnam.
  • Seong (16) kills her father and coerced to work for Jin (27). He gifts her a ragdoll kitten (Miso) to soothe her as she transitions into her new life. She undergoes espionage training for the next few years.
  • Jasper (19) enlists in the US Army with his Childhood friend Nathan Chu (19).
Year G-8
Year G-8
  • Jasper (20) loses his friend and his left arm in a grenade explosion while deployed in the Soviet Bloc. He is outfitted with a prosthetic arm but refuses reconstructive surgery. He enrolls in Beijing University to study prosthetic technology while struggling with his depression.
Year G-6
Year G-6
  • Nico (26) and Zenith (25) are reunited in Korea. Zenith realizes he has feelings for Nico but doesn't act on them.
Year G-4
Year G-4
  • Birdcage takes out a hit on Taejun (35) for his relentless investigation into Birdcage's activities. He is assassinated by Birdcage agent Myna's team.
  • Nico (27) confesses his feelings to Zenith (26) and they begin dating in secret while still on deployment.
Year G-3
Year G-3
  • Phoenix Syndicate head Xiao Wei (80) announces a territory contest to determine the right of succession to his seat. Valerie (20) sets her sights on Jin (34) as her target.
  • Machiko (33) successfully pitches the concept of Project:GHOST to her husband Jin. She begins searching for a team and a subject for Project:GHOST.
  • Valerie uncovers Jin's plans to recruit neurotechnology and biomedical engineering specialists. Though she does not know what for, she begins searching for them as well in hope of being able to plant a mole in his faction.
  • Jasper (24) interferes in a minor turf war and is recruited by Valerie to advance his studies in neurotechnology and infiltrate Jin's faction.
  • Chandler is forcibly graduated from his university and joins the workforce at Quark Industries as a weapons developer. He quickly becomes bored.
  • Maria (31) attends a conference and presents her proposals for the future of prosthetic technologies. Her ambition is noted by Prince's father, who recognizes her potential. He approaches her and proposes a deal wherein she will receive considerable funding without the bureaucracy of ethics. In exchange, the rights of the IP from her research will be exclusive to Birdcage.
  • Lucas (18-21) is sold by his old organization to Prince's father, who gives him to Maria as a test subject. Uncertain of his hormonal maturity, Maria delays using him as a test subject and instead searches for another.
Year G-2
Year G-2
  • Nico (30) suffers a sniper rifle gunshot wound to his head. The wound renders him braindead. As his relationship with Zenith was secretive, Machiko has the final say in his fate. Officially, he is taken off life support and declared KIA.
  • Jasper (25) plots with valerie (21) to plant a news story in a local paper about his supposed recognition in the field of prosthetics to catch Jin's attention. As expected, Jin (35) pulls the story before it is published and meets with Jasper. He employs Jasper, unsuspecting of Valerie's involvement.
  • Jasper is first stationed at Birdcage where he continues to work on his research while undertaking general medical work. Jin takes this time to assess Jasper's reliability before inducting him into Project:GHOST.
  • Maria (32) finalizes her resignation from her university. Zenith (29) catches her eye as a potential test subject and she convinces prince to recruit him into birdcage. She spends the next year monitoring his physicals while preparing for his prosthetic installation.
  • Jae (30)'s best friend Joohyuk (31) is targeted by an enemy of Yeonghon Corp. Jae and his fiance Sayeon (27) are caught in the crossfire of the attack. Joohyuk and Sayeon do not survive. Jae is wounded and loses the ability to speak.
  • After recovering, Jae seeks revenge for the deaths of Joohyuk and Sayeon. When they are avenged, he leaves Yeonghon Corp and seeks out his brother, only to find out from his widow Maria that Taejun has already passed away.

Year G-1
Year G-1
  • Jin (36) recruits Chandler (21). Chandler quits his current employment remarkably by blowing up all his current projects and cussing out his manager.All team members for Project:GHOST have been assembled. Chandler's vetting period begins.
  • Chandler befriends Tien (who he believes is Eli) and designs him stylish and somewhat impractical weapons. Their interactions worsen Tien's dissociative identity disorder.
  • Maria (33) installs a sniper eye in Zenith (30). It is initially successful but Zenith requires extensive physical therapy to become accustomed to his new prothesis. Jasper (26) is enlisted by maria to help Zenith. Jasper deduces that Zenith is mourning a deceased lover and uses this information to cruelly antagonize him.
Year G0
Year G0
  • Jasper (27), Chandler (22), and Dr Nika (35) begin Project:GHOST at a secret facility out of the Birdcage.
  • First prototype is designed. REV-1's brain functionality is restored but his memories are a liability. Jin forces Nika to induce amnesia on REV-1.
  • Jasper reconstructs REV-1's face and secretly runs his prints to determine his identity. He discovers that REV-1 is Nicholas Honma, and that Nika is actually Machiko Honma, Nico's sister. He also recalls that Nicholas Honma is Zenith To (29)'s past partner. He reports this information to Valerie (25) and they save this information to be used against Jin (37) later.
  • Zenith has become fully able to use the functions of the sniper Eye. However, after 8 months, he begins to display signs of blood poisoning, putting a damper in Maria (33)'s plans. She realizes the power source for neurological prosthetics cannot be self-sustain and begins research on a workaround.
Year G1
Year G1
  • Project:GHOST designs a second prototype for REV-1 which allows him to be disconnected from a power source and be deployable. However, the time to charge to activity period is not considered viable. Project:GHOST continues their research into a sustainable power source.
  • Maria publishes her findings from her research on Zenith. Project:GHOST, who through Jin secretly have access to Birdcage research utilizes her research to create a synthetic ferrofluid that acts as an energy source for REV-1's synthetic spine.
  • The third prototype of REV-1 is completed and REV-1 is now functional. He is deployed on his first mission. The results shock Jasper (28), and he warns Valerie that REV-1 is a formidable threat. Valerie (24) suggests that Jasper formulate some sort of control onto REV-1 that can be taken advantage of.
  • Jasper (28) convinces Jin to implement failsafes into the design (against Machiko's will). The design failsafes include a shorter time between replentishing the ferrofluid and also the complete deletion of all accumulated data/memory upon cybernetic failure.
  • REV-1 (31) continues to run missions, greatly accelerating Jin's territorial expansion. He seems poised to win the first right of succession to the head seat of the Phoenix.
Year G2
Year G2
  • Seong (27)'s disillusionment with her life peaks. She attempts to convince James (33) to retire from Birdcage and take her with him. He refuses and they have a falling out and drift apart.
  • The Phoenix's succession competition is ending soon and Valerie (25) readies her strike. As she coordinates to assassinate Jin/Canary (37) and take control of his non-Birdcage assets, Jasper (29) is put in charge of overthrowing Jin's operations at Birdcage.
  • Jasper (29) reveals to Machiko (36) that he knows REV-1's human identity and her relation to him. As she threatens to kill him for this knowledge, he also reveals that Zenith (32) is alive and working for Mockingbird (33), Jin's ally at Birdcage. Jasper convinces Jin that Zenith is a liability and Jin orders REV-1 to eliminate Zenith.
  • REV-1 fails to assassinate Zenith. Project:GHOST's secrecy is now compromised and the commission is thrown into disarray. REV-1 is suspended from action. In the downtime, REV-1 becomes frustrated by his failure and his handler's refusal to elaborate on Zenith's identity. He becomes fixated on knowing who he is. REV-1 escapes his facility to visit the place where he failed to kill Zenith, hoping to find some sort of clue. There, he meets Zenith again, who has also come back to the same place for the same reason. After speaking with Zenith he returns to Project:GHOST and is convinced that he is human after all.
  • With Project:GHOST suspended, Valerie makes a timed strike and assassinates Jin and his high level officers, including Isaac Lockier (35), in a three-day blitzkrieg. Still unaware of Jasper's involvement, Machiko escapes the initial slaughter and bunkers down at the Project:GHOST facility, hoping to remain hidden there until she can escape the country.
  • Jasper leads Valerie's faction to Project:GHOST after killing any of Jin's old Birdcage lackeys that he deemed either useless or a security risk, including Chase Stern (26). Machiko is killed. Chandler is spared for his potential usefulness. Valerie takes control of REV-1 and Project:GHOST is temporarily decommissioned.
  • With her total victory over Jin's faction, Valerie wins the Phoenix's succession competition and is named the heir to the first seat. She is also inducted into Birdcage, but turns down her uncle's council seat, opting to instead become a clipped agent codenamed Oriole.
  • Oriole and Mockingbird renew Mockingbird's old affliation with Canary. Rev-1 is inducted into Birdcage as Oriole's charge. Maria takes an interest in REV-1 and requests access to old Project:GHOST files. Oriole agrees... at a price. Maria becomes the new head of Project:GHOST.
  • REV-1 and Zenith are now fully aware of each others presence in the birdcage. As he attempts to reconnect and repair their interrupted relationship, REV-1 reclaims the name Nico but struggles with his sense of self and lack of memories.
  • Miso the cat (11) dies, taking away the one good thing that came out of Birdcage in Seong's life. She asks Oriole for permission to retire from the Birdcage. valerie is surprisingly sympathetic to Seong's plight and destroys the leverage Birdcage has against her to allow her to leave. Seong is given a new identity as the daughter of one of Oriole's Phoenix associates so he can arrange a strategic marriage for his business ambitions. Not long after, she is forcibly engaged in an eco-political marriage to Raymond Lai, a Hamada Motors heir.
Future Plots
Future Plots
  • Jasper's growing ambition threatens Oriole. She forcibly reduces his influence. At the Birdcage, she inducts her younger half-brother, Lance Xiao, to become her second command. Jasper's pride is gravely injured by the continued insults from Oriole, and resentment is building between the two. Lance/Vireo, despite looking and acting an idiot, has stepped up to the task of extending the Oriole network at the Birdcage, seeking out new alliances. At the same time, Jasper is looking outside the Birdcage for allies of his own.
  • Project Ghost is just what Maria needed to complete her ambitions of restoring Taejun. With the formidable talents and past research of Project Ghost, it seems that her ex-husband can be revived at last. But Taejun has been dead more than 5 years now, and who knows what issues may arise from his resuscitation.
  • Though she had been desperate to escape her life in the cage, seong struggles to find happiness on the other side in a loveless marriage. Unfortunately for her, her old paramour James runs in these same social circles, and their paths intersect far more often than is comfortable.
  • Zenith only joined the Birdcage in a reckless bid to find a quick but meaningful end to his life, but now that Nico has returned seemingly from the dead, those motivations are gone. Now that both Nico and Zenith have a reason to live, they struggle to cope with the constant danger of their lives in the Cage. When Nico finally discovers that Zenith has been hiding his health worsening from his long term blood poisoning, Nico decides that the two of them need to escape the cage.
  • Eli, long believed to be dead, has suddenly returned. Tien, who has been coping with Eli's death by slipping into a persona of Eli, has a fullblown mental breakdown. He believes Eli to be an imposter and becomes uncontrollably violent. Tien is locked away and Eli, Maria, and Chandler are forced to deal with the fallout of Tien's loss of identity.
Confirmed Kills
Ordered by database ID, not by chronological order. Only lists Birdcage related kills by Oriole faction and affliated factions or persons of interest with connection to Oriole faction members.
Canary Faction
.Database ID .Name .Killer
A #0008081993-001 "Canary" Jin Xiao "Oriole" Valerie Xiao
A #0008081993-002 Machiko Honma "Oriole" Valerie Xiao
A #0008081993-003 Vann Lang "Kotsu"
A #0008081993-005 "Kogarashi" Taejun Baek
A #0008081993-006 Wei Kun Yuan "Vireo" Lance Xiao
A #0008081993-007 Alec Fencer "Vireo" Lance Xiao
A #0008081993-008 Lifei Hong Kieran Lang
A #0008081993-009 Chase Stern Jasper Shi
A #0008081993-010 Jared Wong "Vireo" Lance Xiao
A #0008081993-013 Shuuhei Hamada Unknown
Persons of Interest
.Database ID .Name .Killer
POI #1172889-82a198 Taejun Baek "Pigeon" Rene Yuri Jang
Coded by elim__08

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