
Posted 8 years, 23 days ago by Isoprene

i finally got around to making a miitomo, so if anyone else has one and would like to add me let me know so i can follow you back with my twitter!


Drat, I'd add you but I don't have a Twitter. It would be nice if they added the ability to add people long distance without Twitter or Facebook in the future.

yeah, agreed! it's really weird that you can't at least add people through their nnid or something... it really sucks

let me know if you make one; i'd love to add you! for what it's worth a lot of people i know just made empty throwaway twitter accounts to link to their miitomos so they could add people. if i didn't already use twitter on a somewhat sort of vaguely regularish basis, i probably would've done that too tbh

It is a bit weird they don't include it, but I guess it's still new, so I'm hoping enough people give feedback to request for something like that later on.

I was thinking of doing that, but I might actually want to make a real account at some point, so I'm gonna hold off until I figure out what I want to do. I really like Miitomo so far though.,, If only more of my friends on Facebook used it. XD

Since they added new ways to add Miitomo friends, would you want to add through email or something?

heck yeah, absolutely!! just comment or pm me your email so i can send you a friend invite (or if you'd prefer the other way around, that's fine too)!

Whichever you prefer. :3 It would be the email associated with the My Nintendo account, right? (hoo boy, I picked a bad thing to stick my ultra-stupid email to XD)

I'm not sure, but I think so?? That's why I didn't just give you mine right away tbh, I don't actually remember which email is linked to mine whoops

and ha don't worry about it, i've had some pretty silly email addresses in my time, believe me

1 Replies

lol I connected it to my private so you probably won't get a notification but I'm there

followed back!