Thread Masterlist

Notes and changes are in the comment section below.
Please read before asking questions

Notice [click to expand]

I block freely, but within reason! Be aware that if you join my threads and don't care to read you'll be blocked. I have nothing against missing a detail but if you post obv. not reading a single fucking sentence other than the title, and making assumptions about what it 'could be', you're not welcome in my threads. . Go play Roblox or something.

In general, just be a decent human being and have common sense. That's really all I'm asking

/srs /nm

Personal Threads

Check out my art YCH and Auctions Adopt Shop

Art(ist) Related

Share what you're PROUD of atm! Show off your redraws! Take a screenshot: show your use of references Favorite colors/areas to shade & render [Survey] Art & Styles Unpopular Art Opinions Hardest Part Of The Face Comments not liked by you Easiest thing for you to draw

Character Share & Discussion

Show off your OCs weapons! Show me top-heavy OCs Show me your grey haired OCs tell me about your character art goals! OC Vent Thread Do ya'll also have an "many things" OC? All The Scales Show me 'no wig' ocs What are your characters wearing? show off OC(s) you wish people would like more (similar) Show off Unloved Characters Show off unthemed Ocs [Weekly] Show me your character artwork.. Show your most and least colorful OC People with a HW: Does your characters look "right"? Show me your 8 legged Ocs Would you feel safe sleeping next to your OC? Flat or Normal Muzzle? Show off human* Ocs Show off characters who don't look like their name Show me "one color only" characters Show me characters with detailed art


Say something nice to the refsheet above you! Coolest OC above you The image count game [UP ONLY] Species alphabet game How expressive is the artstyle above? Hair Color Rainbow Game How mature is the above users style? Say something nice to the pet above you! ️Would you ____ (with/from) the person above? Stress-free OC commenting What species is the above OC Guess the hobby of the above OC

General Stuff

Plant Thread If you could have any pet, what would it be? Rate Reddit Karma Dragons you like Do you read forum posts? Screen Time The Neocities Thread Show off your special items What do you label yourself as?


Fav 4 Fav (genuine) LF: None-furry telegram groups

*this bulletin does not feature every single of my threads ever, but those I found important

Extra Info:
= 100+ posts, or generally popular threads
= threads I wish had more activity, please comment

If you feel like a cool thread is missing lmk (use comments, dont PM)


Some of my favorite threads and topics I haven't created myself but love to get back to or revive.

How realistic is the user above's art style? Share art that took longer than expected How well can you draw....? SHoRT about the user’s front page How has your art style changed? What stands out about the user above's art style? Draw your character as... TH live code editor [1 MILLION PAGEVIEW UPDATE] Image Number Chain Game Artist Support Artist Thread [18+] Show me the latest NSFW art of your OC!


August 2024 //

"Show off your redraws" has been added to art(ist) related
old thread

July 2024 //

"Show off your OCs weapons!" added to character discussion
this is an old thread btw

"Show me top-heavy Ocs" has been added to character discussion

June 2024 // 

"Say something nice to the refsheet above you" has been added to forum games

"Adopt Shop" has been added, as well as "Share art that took way longer than expected" to the bookmarks

"Commisisons" have been replaced with "YCH and Auctions"
Reason:  I no longer want to offer commissions as there's general lack of interest and respect towards my pricing, as well as burnout that comes with advertising. If you wish to get artwork done by me. I offer unique single slot YCH in auctions or fixed price once a month, targeted primarily at the furry fandom fanbase, which differs quite a lot from my personal artwork and style. That said, if you want to commission me and pay me fairly, I am not turned off by that, feel free to message me. I don't draw for 20 bucks, though, unless you want something super simple.

"What did you draw today [high effort]" forum game has been removed entirely from the list and the forum
Reason: repeating effort issues desperate remaking it and making it more than clear the length and effort required when participating in it. I am no longer interested in moderating and continuing this game for that exact reason. Anyone is welcome to re-make this, or a similar game if wanted. I'm out