Grace Shrine

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago by Franknsteins


the shrine of grace


One of the three mysterious Patrons in magical myth, rewards sacrifice, offering blessings, benefits and boons. At this shrine, your character can call upon Grace for their blessing, and use the Rite of Grace item.

For more information on Shrines, click here.

Grace is thought to appear in times of mercy, second chances, and unlikely gifts. Grace is characterized as a wise and benevolent figure who brings gifts to the selfless and the suffering.

The Patron and the Shrine

Grace is the patron of give and take, of balance, of selfless gifts and equivalent rewards. There is more written scripture and catechism available on Grace than other patrons, and one thing seems to ring true among all sources: They are a resource to be counted on, no loopholes or monkeys’ paws. As long as you give, you shall receive.
Some scholars even view Grace as a caring entity, one who is hesitant to dole out wrath and eager to bestow gifts. But those who have asked for and received Grace’s blessings will tell you that despite Their generosity, Their expectations are steep -- They require a balanced sacrifice, and They demand true selflessness in the process.
Though Grace's countless shrines take many forms, their greatest shrine (on Ivras's west coast, overlooking the plains near the Mirror Bay) is simple, a stone pyramid with steps leading to a flat top on which the altar lies. The steps are many, and the incline is steep; the trek takes a physical toll on the body, and some even train for the day when they seek a gift from Grace. However, as in all ways, Grace rewards those who sacrifice comfort on Their behalf. The pyramid was built around a mound containing a network of springs, several of which spout into a crystal-clear pool which welcomes you at the top of the temple. The water is sweet, and those who make it are welcome to drink.
A bridge across the pool leads to a simple wooden tabernacle which contains the altar itself, a cedar table rimmed with bronze that depicts scenes from agriculture. On the front of the table is a chaff of wheat and a sickle, the two primary icons associated with Grace. The point of worship lies in a small, glistening box, surrounded by bronze candles and inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Inside the box is, always, a single scroll of parchment and a peacock-feather quill. This is Grace’s ledger, and nothing is written until you make it so.
It is said that to request a blessing from Grace, one must remove the parchment from the box and open it. Fill your mind and your heart with honesty, and lose your sense of self-gain -- a more difficult task than it seems when begging from a patron. Then, write your desire on the parchment using the quill.

Grace's rewards

Grace can offer the following blessings to those who seek their favor:
  • A Handmade Idol to give any character the ability to use weapons.
  • Guaranteed twins when trying for a baby!
  • Completely random Miracle Baby for couples that cannot breed (baby could be any species. Players choose whether or not the baby can be a mage. Baby found by parents under circumstances of players’ choosing)
  • Random Gold reward (guaranteed higher than regular value of submission)
  • Random Spell scroll from the magic shop
  • Make a wish! You may not get exactly what you asked for, but what's the harm? (Level of success is randomized, but you will always get something! You can wish for anything you want, but wishes will never grant: Summoning Circles, shrine items [such as a Pact of Fortune], a Ley Token, or Corruption.)

Shrine quest instructions

Shrines offer in-game rewards to characters who visit them and complete shrine quests. Shrine quests are art/writing prompts that are randomly generated when a character visits a shrine. Read on for instructions on how to generate your random quest prompt.

  1. Select a desired reward from the list above.
  2. Once you're ready for a quest, head to Anathema's discord server and go to the #rolling channel. In the pinned messages there, you will find a form! Fill it out and drop it in the channel to roll your dice and get assigned a randomly generated quest prompt.
  3. Using the numbers the bot rolls, staff will reply to you with your specific quest prompt. At this point, you can choose to accept or reject the prompt. You can roll once per character every seven days; rejecting a prompt will still use your weekly roll for that character.
  4. Complete your quest by creating a work of art, literature (or a mix thereof) worth at least 5 Gold.
  5. Upload the art or literature submission to your character's Anathema gallery, and put your quest prompt and shrine reward in the caption in place of your gold count. Quest prompts do not earn gold on top of quest rewards.
  6. Post a link to the quest on the respective patron's shrine bulletin (right here!). Include the reward you intend to claim! Staff will review it and give you your rewards, which you can then add to your character's Log!

Completed Quest Form

Once you have completed your Quest, reply to this bulletin with the form below:

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward:
Effect of stat changes, if applicable:

Using the Rite of Grace item

Once you have purchased the Rite of Grace item from the shop, your character must complete a special quest to activate the item. The art, literature (or mix thereof) created for this quest can claim regular Gold rewards.

Create a piece of art, writing (or mix thereof) worth at least 5 Gold depicting your character's transformation into a mage or non-mage. How did it happen? Was it truly the result of a ritual at a shrine, or was another kind of magic used? Was it intentional, or was your character an unsuspecting or unwilling participant?

When this piece is complete, add it to your character's Anathema gallery and link to it in their Log to indicate the change. If necessary, move your newly-changed character to a new profile template, and submit the character to staff through ModMail on the Anathema discord server to ensure they are moved to the correct folder and the change is finalized. Staff will award you the Gold for your piece at this time.


Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: Random gold reward

A difficult decision, but perhaps the right one? While pondering it over, irionai spots a jar with +26 gold

The bank has been updated with your prize!

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: Random Gold Reward

Maybe there is still value in destruction. The lessons learned don't disappear with it. And on a late afternoon walk, Arianwyn finds a pouch with +21 gold

The bank has been updated with your prize!

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: -1 cost

As the paper boat gently bobs along the surface, casting its glimmering reflection in the water below, Briar feels something lighten within her. She has earned -1 Cost.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: I wish for the discipline to achieve my goals
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: ???

As night falls, the stars above irionai's shrine seem to shine a little brighter in their mind; they have earned +1 Discipline.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: Random gold reward

One day, left where Spite is sure to find it: a small cloth package, containing some 19 gold and a hastily scribbled Thank You note. There is no name or sign of whoever left it, however.

The bank has been updated with your prize!

When Arianwyn steps away from her work, a breeze shifts the canopy above, and the silver flashes brightly when hit by the sun's light. On her way back, a glimmer on the side of the road catches her eye: it's a half-rotted leather pouch, still containing 28 gold.

The bank has been updated with your prize!

Upon waking, despite the aches and pains, irionai feels... lighter. The morning sun is warm on their body, and there is a new strength in their limbs.

irionai has officially earned a Handmade Idol! Please add this to your character's log; link this comment for proof.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: Make a wish -- Some sign that their magic is real, perhaps even some hope that they can help others with it.

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: --

Your willingness to help others, even during a time of struggle for yourself, is commendable. Grace awards Hieren One minor healing scroll

Please add this to your character's log and enjoy!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: Make a wish ! She wishes to not end up alone.

Thank you <3

Grace hears you, Rohzenn, it's not easy to make allies. Perhaps you could look for them in different places? Rhozenn earns One familiar scroll

Please add this to your character's log and enjoy!

Thank you Mis this is so awesome omggg the lore !! The storytelling !! I love it

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Grace believes Labreas soul is beautiful as it is, flaws and all. Instead, Labrea earns +1 power

Mark the change in your character's log, and link to this comment as proof.

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Link to Character: Elene 

Link to finished Quest: 

Desired reward: Guaranteed twins when trying for a baby

Truly, does anything feel better than getting to help someone out?

Congrats, Elene is guaranteed twins in her pregnancy! Two bundles of joy!

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In destruction, rebirth... As Labrea sits back to look at what she has created, flocks of butterflies emerge, seemingly drawn to the smell of the tar, and she may hear a sussurrus of gentle voices in her mind. She has gained one Animal Communication Scroll.

Please add this to your character's log and enjoy!

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This user is not visible to guests.

A selfless act, something freely given—Grace smiles upon those with honest intent. At some point during their journey, a pile of wet leaves catches Grimma’s eye: there is a glitter of gold underneath. It turns out to be a half-rotted pouch of coins, its owner obviously long, long gone. When counted, it is 30 gold. Perhaps not directly useful for protection, but maybe in the future…

The bank has been updated with your new prize! Unfortunately, rewards can only be given to the quester, not someone else.

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Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: Wish for -1 cost

Fine detail may be lost, but the silver ore remains, simply waiting to be moulded into something greater... When the silver crumples under the pressure, Arianwyn feels a new strength come into her limbs. She has earned +1 Power.

One may not always get exactly what one wishes for... Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Of course Grace forgives, Arianwyn. You never did anything wrong. May your goals come ever closer.

Arianwyn has removed 1 cost! Mark the change in her log, and link to this comment as proof.

Link to Character: Roe on Toyhouse

Link to finished Quest: A Date With Grace {Shrine Prompt} on Toyhouse

Desired reward: make a wish - hoping for some stat points (power or discipline) but happy for any surprise :)

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: will add to Roe's current power/discipline stats if that is what she is given. otherwise, its a surprise!

Grace intervenes, calling out for Roe to stop and think about what she is agreeing to. To help her find strength, Grace blows some extra into her.

Roe has gained +1 power! Mark the change in your character's log, and link to this comment as proof.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: Handmade Idol

Sunlight trickled down the cover of trees, hitting the humble shrine Corraine had built. A shrine for the desperate, so often unseen. But Grace saw, and smiled upon Corraine's honest work.

Corraine has officially received a Handmade Idol! Please update your character's log accordingly.

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We will approve this soon, just a few things!

This art is gorgeous, but doesn’t seem to answer the prompt: can you tell us briefly what he is destroying and how loss has affected Shilo's life? 

We also need to know the gold count, and the image is very small, as it only shows the thumbnail, which makes it hard to see what's happening in the scene.

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When Shilo backs away from the destroyed plant, the sun peeks through the hazy sky, setting it ablaze with colours and light. As he turns away, something on the side of the road catches his eye. It turns out to be a small leather pouch, containing 31 gold.

Your bank has been updated with your new prize!

After leaving the grateful family of cervids, Sahara finds something one of the children seems to have left behind: a crudely made figure of sticks and ribbons. As she picks it up, the clouds part, the sunlight golden for a moment; perhaps a blessing from Grace...

Sahara has officially received a Handmade Idol! Please update your character's log accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest: (link to artwork for the remaining 3 gold in the blurb)

Desired reward: Random gold reward

As he puts the ring down, a fresh breeze picks up, bearing a faint scent of wildflowers. When he leaves, there is a glimmer beside the dusty road that catches his eye; when examined closer, it turns out to be 22 gold, probably dropped by someone in a hurry.

Your bank has been updated with your new prize!

ink to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: Make a wish (Mayhaps... one would like some stats points...)

As he returns from his day of toil to rest, Shepard feels suddenly rejuvenated, balanced, and more in tune with his magic.

Shepard has received +1 to Discipline! mark the change in your character's log, and link to this comment as proof.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: Random Spell Scroll

As he gently places the portrait upon the altar, the clouds part, and a ray of sunshine hits the painting; it shines as if it was made of gold. A moment later, the light fades, but perhaps he will carry a spark of it with him...

You have officially received one Spell Scroll of your choosing! Please update your character's log accordingly.

Link to character:

Link to finished quest:

Desired reward: Make a wish! (Is it ok to ask for something completely random? This is my Rolling Prompt Test Run and I had no ideas coming into this)

The offering, made with joy, draws out a trickle of sunlight. Your gift is simple, but it has pleased your patron, who offers you something with which to build your future.

You have received one Stat Token, to be applied to your choice of Power or Discipline. Please update your character's log accordingly.

Super delayed but Thank you!!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: Random gold reward

The next morning, when Morgan leaves the Ladle and Tong tavern, a wagon rattles past him on the road. From it, something drops to the ground. Upon inspection, it is a small and worn cloth bag, but the clinking sound it makes is promising. Inside, he finds 62 gold, but as he picks it up, the coins are cold against his skin. Perhaps Grace is not entirely pleased with how he fulfilled his task...

Your bank has been updated with your new prize!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: Spell Scroll

As the sun's last rays crown the cliffs in gold, something falls gently from the sky. A white feather, doubtless from one of the seabirds that drift and soar overhead, but it slowly comes to a rest atop the center stone. Maybe a coincidence... maybe not.

You have officially received one Spell Scroll of your choosing! Please update your character's log accordingly.

The feathers trembled in the wind when Anastasiya placed them down, and for a moment, the warm sun dappled her offering through the imperfect glass. It was beautiful, and seemed almost... intentional. 

You have officially received your Handmade Idol! Please update your character's log accordingly.


Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: handmade idol

The coming months may weigh heavily on Aeskir, but by giving selflessly, he will feel the armth of Grace's smile.

You have officially received your Handmade Idol! Please update your character's log accordingly.

As Mochrie hurries home, with his heart heavy in his chest, he catches a glimpse of a dirty canvas pouch, half-buried in a pile of leaves on the side of the street. It looks like someone's left-behind trash, but there is a glint of gold there... In it, Mochrie finds 45 gold.

Your bank has been updated with your new prize!

Thank you!!

As Jericho leaves his newly constructed shrine, an old woman approaches him. There are tears in her eyes, but she is smiling, and she wordlessly pushes an intricately embroidered pouch into his hands before she hurries away. It contains 110 gold.

Your bank has been updated with your new prize!

As he leaves the potential lead behind, Oisín steps outside and feels the favor of his smiling patron in the sunlight that meets him.

You have officially received your Handmade Idol!! Please update your character's log accordingly.

(im crying I never got notified of this and I don't know why, you are more than welcome to scream at me sdfkjhsd)

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As she leaves the woods, Brille spots something glimmering in the hollow of a tree stump. Reaching inside, she uncovers a dusty, decaying pouch containing 28 Gold.

Your bank has been updated with your new prize!!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: Random gold reward

As he leaves Apollyn's presence, exhausted from his day-long quest, Mattis sees something glinting in the muddy hoofprints in the road. There, smashed into the earth by hurried feet, is a purse containing 35 Gold.

Your bank has been updated with your new prize!!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: Random Gold Reward

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: N/A

As her gaze lingered somewhat sadly on the bauble she'd placed on the altar, Elouan felt a tap on her shoulder. "Did you drop this?" a young woman dressed in silk and jewels asked, and handed her a purse containing 40 Gold before she could answer.

Your bank has been updated with your new prize!!

thank you!!

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: Random Gold Reward
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: N/A

Watching the children leave with his stolen purse, Daxton felt the eyes of a nearby city guard. As he braced for a reprimand, the old guard motioned him over with a knowing look. "Get out of here," the veteran said crudely, but counted out 21 Gold and placed them in Daxton's palm.  He spoke loud enough for his colleagues to hear: "And don't come back." He hid the kindness on his face before turning away. 

Your bank has been updated with your new prize!!

Many, many, many for the delay on this response! I had notifications for these Bulletins turned off mistakenly; it won't happen again! 

thank u!!!!!! ur so good tho pls dont worry!!!!!!!

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: Random Gold Reward
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: None

As he did the work of creating his new shrine, Vulcan noticed the gaze of an elderly woman. She approached him unsteadily as he completed his seemingly thankless task, and insisted he take 28 Gold for his trouble.

Your bank has been updated with your new prize!!

Many, many, many for the delay on this response! I had notifications for these Bulletins turned off mistakenly; it won't happen again! 

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: Random Gold Reward (grabby hands) 

After abandoning his treasure (and the priceless memories forged with it), Tiamos sees a stranger drop a kerchief on his way home and draws their attention to it; upon reclaiming their nearly-lost lost possession, the grateful nobleman tearfully gives him 33 Gold. 

Your bank has been updated with your new prize!!

Many, many, many for the delay on this response! I had notifications for these Bulletins turned off mistakenly; it won't happen again!