What are some of your peeves in Toyhouse profiles?

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 26 days ago) by ShadowChromia

My own pet peeves when it comes to viewing people's toyhou.se profiles is when people use an image in the thumbnail and then not include it in the gallery. 

It's annoying because sometimes the image in the thumbnail is a really good picture or even reference worthy and I just can't see it because it's not a viewable image. I have always made a big point in my profile design to include the character's thumbnail in my gallery or just dont have a thumbnail at all.

What are some things that peeve you off when viewing profiles?

(remember not to just target certain people! this is just a thread for getting things off your chest and maybe even helping others create more legible profiles!)



Massive warnings about not stealing or copying someone’s OC.

When I see those, I just close the tab. 


Like Bakuqou said, warnings about not stealing/referencing/taking inspiration from their pwecious ocs really, really annoy me. To put it very bluntly, if someone is going to steal/copy your character, a big red warning is going to do diddily squat to stop them. they don't care. it's pointless and just an eyesore on your profile. 

Something else that bothers me to a lesser extent is when characters aren't tagged correctly. For example, an oc is in the "Forever Homed" folder but is tagged "For Sale"/"For Trade". It's just confusing whether the chara is for sale or not, but I understand if the owner forgot to change the tags or something.


stop changing the text color!!! if you aren't using primary/secondary/caution through bootstrap, ex. if you're using hex codes, it's not going to be readable on all themes!!! you're going to have bright yellow on my light yellow background and i won't be able to read it at all!!! (also bright yellow text is a bad idea anyway??)

also changing the background color doesn't help, i have my theme set this way for legibility, don't start throwing in high contrast on dark backgrounds i can't read it!!!

be kind to people with vision problems and visual disabilities. stop coloring things badly. im dying


Too many moving images on the profile(s). It drives me nuts especially if I have a bad headache... also, it slows my crappy laptop down when there is so much going on. It also is very distracting... especially when you try to read the profile and you have something bouncing or change color like crazy right next to it. You can overdo it


ah crap, i didnt see that one ! ;w;


Opening a profile and seeing "LMAO I AM SO MENTALLY ILL DON"T STEAL MY OCS ILL FKING CUT YOU IM A ARTIST DONT PICK ON ME I HAVE FRIENDS IN THE UNDERWOLD HAHAHAHAHA" like seriously, a simple "these are mine don't take em" would suffice


Things that move the nav and all that and you're like uhh where did it- Oh there it is. Pink themes overly done with pink. And yea, that avatar image not one in the gallery, especially when the gallery is empty.


When the textbox is really really small, but there's a significant amount of info in said box. Same goes for stamps


Charater has a cool icon 

0 images 

Also the 5 pages of 'please don't steal' 

It's common sense to not steal

Broken formatting


-custom pages that don't look like TH anymore so I go "where the hell is the menu???"
-giant content warnings with enough text to write a novel that boil down to "don't steal my OCs" and "my OCs do bad things but that doesn't mean I support these things", I think both of these are common sense
-cool character icon - empty gallery, ESPECIALLY when the character is for purchase. how am I meant to buy a character I cannot see?
-same thing for thumbnail only galleries
-not a profile thing but when there's a million character folders with another hundred subfolders, that could probably be condensed into just a handful of folders
-one time I saw a custom CSS page with a white background...and the text was set to be white...I'm...??
-participating in forum games with hidden character profiles