What are some of your peeves in Toyhouse profiles?

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 25 days ago) by ShadowChromia

My own pet peeves when it comes to viewing people's toyhou.se profiles is when people use an image in the thumbnail and then not include it in the gallery. 

It's annoying because sometimes the image in the thumbnail is a really good picture or even reference worthy and I just can't see it because it's not a viewable image. I have always made a big point in my profile design to include the character's thumbnail in my gallery or just dont have a thumbnail at all.

What are some things that peeve you off when viewing profiles?

(remember not to just target certain people! this is just a thread for getting things off your chest and maybe even helping others create more legible profiles!)



I just dislike when people hide the 'message' button in coding. It's such a pain in the ass when I have to contact 8+ people at once for payment and I have to open new notes and type their names manually. >_>;; please make my life easier.


there's a lot of complicated code people use that just makes it difficult for me to navigate their profile and characters. especially when they'll use font colours without thinking about if it will work for all the themes on the site. sometimes I'll just straight up be unable to read parts of people's profiles because of the colours they use

also warnings that are just like "don't steal my characters" are so annoying. I always want to read warnings because I'm a bit sensitive about some darker things people will put in their stories and i want to avoid them, so it's just really annoying when people will use warnings for that instead of you know using them as warnings


- cant stand those scroll boxes that have like literally all the char's information in it,, like it's just so hard to read?? most of the time tho I don't mind scroll boxes

- Broken record, but when ppl have profiles where they move the original buttons around, this one's more minor tho

I don't have a ton of toyhouse experience so I can't say a lot more lmao


-completely changing the coding ui in toyhouse profiles. It might look nice to them when they use it constantly, but when a new person goes to their profile, they don't know what's going on, the colors are too bright, or it's not compatible with their computer's software.

-when you hover over a character and their pfp turns white/black or fades away or something. I just want a spot to rest my mouse, dude. 

-unnecessary animations like page scrolling or time consuming transitions when flipping to another page. It's so annoying to have to do it every single time.



Most of these have already been mentioned but yeh. Firstly the huge content warnings which doesn't really say anything relating to actual warnings someone might really need xd

And the next big thing is if I see a very pretty looking character I want to go read, favorite and maybe even buy but there is not a single image on them.. 

Also having a folder inside a folder inside a folder... It's very hard to try search and look for characters if there's a ton of subfolders. Also extra layer of oof if you dive in and pick a folder out of many and there's not any characters in it


Something that really bothers me are folders in folders in folders. Especially when there are like 30 of them and each one doesn't even have a name or just really weird symbols or you feel like it's a language from a different world. Honestly I always just to go "view all" then. I'm not clicking 6000 times , just to get to one character at the end which is inside one billion folders lol. 

I never really understood this, even for the profile owner, this must be time consuming. A better solution would be to simply go for the flattened folder option. This is so much easier and faster to work with. 


Profiles with really similar colors like a pink background and white text. It honestly is super frustrating to read. When everything is moved with coding. Really frustrating to find stuff. Weirdly labeled folders inside of folders. I don't mind folders in folders but I need some direction to find stuff.


colours & ui that aren't high contrast or won't work with my accessibility settings (I'm legally blind lmao)


So interesting.  Hmm.  

Another peeve I have is probably more related to me but I hate that the images in profiles don't load sometimes and show as the small pixel image icon and even when clicking "load image" it does nothing. 

Just that my internet may not be able to load some images but idk


Unnecessary and Overly Aggressive Warnings. 

 A lot of people here extensively explained why warnings can be annoying, so I'll focus on my main pet peeve: how over the top some of them are. I've seen one to many warnings threatening to break bones/hurt the reader if they dare to break their rules. A lot of time this comes off as edgy.

 Sometimes the wording is so aggressive, it's just a blatant red flag. Especially when their aggressiveness is projected on people making small mistakes or having different tastes. I can understand being mad at potential bigotry, for instance, but is liking a certain fandom such a grave offence? Do I really want to talk with someone who put down five paragraphs about how people are dumb and they will likely despise me? Or with someone describing in great detail the seething hate they feel for someone who simply enjoys something they dislike? 

Sometimes the issue is the wording. Their requests are reasonable but expressed in the worst possible way. It's so off-putting. "Don't make an offer for characters outside the trade folder." Sounds reasonable. "Make an offer for one on my OCs, and I'll kill you. Don't even think about that, I already hate you. You disgust me." Ehhh, I think it's time to relax. 


God I've noticed that everyone and their grandma uses warnings to type out their college thesis about not stealing their chatacters or dni if one is racist/homophobic. Like... DUH. That's just common sense?? Warnings should be used for ACTUAL content that requires it (murder, dark themes, possibly triggering stuff yknow) and not "DON'T STEAL MY CHARACTERS OR I WILL PURSUE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOU." Like, dude, you're probably like 15 calm down.

Idk I hate it because it's an inconvenience for me and probably a lot of other people. Use warnings to give me a heads up for triggers, not threaten to kill me if I color drop your warrior cat oc.


I know everyone and their mom has said this but content warnings in general when it just has basic stuff like do not steal
like obviously??? If someone was planning on stealing characters in the first place then a content warning wouldn't deter them
It's just annoying having to scroll and click okay, especially if you opened multiple tabs to the person's characters or profile without realizing they had one. Just a time waster really

I also don't like when there are tons and tons of folders and then they each have like 1 character in them. Or none.
But if you click 'show all' then the lq trade stuff they have floods the nice ones you're looking for

Profiles that are hard to navigate. Like if I have to spend a whole minute trying to find a character's gallery tab before giving up and typing it directly into the website link why would you use that layout in the first place?

When I have to hunt people down to credit me properly for art