What are some of your peeves in Toyhouse profiles?

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 26 days ago) by ShadowChromia

My own pet peeves when it comes to viewing people's toyhou.se profiles is when people use an image in the thumbnail and then not include it in the gallery. 

It's annoying because sometimes the image in the thumbnail is a really good picture or even reference worthy and I just can't see it because it's not a viewable image. I have always made a big point in my profile design to include the character's thumbnail in my gallery or just dont have a thumbnail at all.

What are some things that peeve you off when viewing profiles?

(remember not to just target certain people! this is just a thread for getting things off your chest and maybe even helping others create more legible profiles!)



i agree with the "unfollow me if" or "do not interact if" lists* ... they just seem aggressive tbh. i understand that people feel very strongly about some topics but at the end of the day whether or not you have these lists, you're going to run into people that disagree with you sometimes. i think it's much more mature and constructive to learn to navigate those conversations and disengage if need be than preemptively address these conflicts with literally everyone that sees your profile, whether it even pertains to them.

*i do understand this in context of being under 18 tho (i.e. someone saying they won't RP with someone under 18) 


Content warning: I see lots of people also don't like this lol. A few lines are ok but honestly a lot of the stuff people put on those are either totally unnecessary or could be added to their profile bio instead.

Meaningless folder systems: I personally use my folders to keep my characters very clearly organized for personal use. What kills me is when I see others using folders marked as 00, 1, 2, 3, etc. ...like..... What does that even mean?? Is "1" where you keep your best babes??? Then why not call it "best babes folder"????? Not sure why this irks me so much but it does.

Not crediting images: I swear I see so many people not crediting images because 'they don't know how' or 'it's too much effort'. Sure, some people can't remember where they got that commission from and that's ok..... but I mean when every picture in their oc's gallery is clearly from different artists and none of them are given credit. This is also against toyhou.se rules btw.

Ah, I guess I'm done ranting now ^^'



that is a good point...

that explains why sometimes if im not looking for a specific one of my ocs i tend to use the all ocs oh no

i use the folders to make it easier to find a specific character quickly but ur right it makes it harder to find a variety of characters with broad characteristics like specific color palettes or funny looks


lophiusdragon it's hard when it's somebody else's account and you need to find a specific character for adding images.


Custom profile layouts, they may look pretty but they confuse me way too much so I avoid them altogether.

When warnings are used to talk about the user or for other things. I mean, I'm fine with warnings having the "do not steal/trace/copy" thing, but when they're about something that might as well stay in a bio they annoy me.

When one single user mass-fave my characters/their images. I mean, I'm glad you like them but it annoys me to be full of notifications (this thing applies to every social media I have tbh, it's not really specific to TH but I felt like including it anyway)

People joining in art games and then they have thumbnail images in their galleries. Dude... how am I supposed to draw your character if I can only see a thumbnail-sized image? Honestly I despite the whole thumbnail-size images setting. Also, big watermarks that cover the WHOLE image and I can't make up what's underneath it. 


Extremely long warnings, especially about stuff that doesn’t actually need to be warned about. I don’t mean common or even really specific triggers, but stuff like “this character is a bad person [no elaboration]”.

Tiny text? Tiny text.

Blank profiles if you’re joining forum games; even a small summary works, but totally blank is hard to play with.

Lots of tags that don’t really serve a purpose (formerly guilty of this because I didn’t know how TH worked), and people using different tags to mean the same thing (ie a closed species tag and a cs tag, but the characters in both of those are totally different)

Super busy CSS  backgrounds that aren’t broken up by something, I can’t read black text on black and white polka dots.


I agree with everything about pointless content warnings and text walls of judgement - most ppl have common sense, some just choose not to use it! And if they don’t, then you can’t stop those people that will kin/rp/steal/trace/color pick/reference your OCs. Don’t take it personal... it’s just because a warning doesn’t work that way :(   It’s a lot more effective being talked to directly rather than being ‘warned’ — I’m guilty of clicking off of it has a certain pattern (ie: DO NOT STEAL MY BABIES I’LL EAT YOUR TOES) or I’m just lazy af. ++ the vague warnings of ‘bad stuff’ aren’t really warnings at all & I get uncomfortable if I see it tbh. I could go on and on about hard to read/ navigate profiles too ahhh

And another thing on the ‘do not interact’ lists... it really does close people off to the real world (if that’s an accurate wording LMAO) like, homie, it makes sense if you’re trying to avoid triggers but if it’s something more minor like character ships or swearing - you really boutta come for someone because of that?? It definitely does come off as aggressive most of the time and even when people put a bandaid on it like “no offense!” It’s bound to make people uncomfortable and click off. That’s the purpose of those I guess :/ it’s just kinda depressing when people see some things in black and white... it just feels sort of childish. This isn’t to negate any personal reasons for having content warnings, but it’s probably gonna scare people off that don’t fall into any of the ‘lists’ since it makes y’all seem closed minded


Goodness I'm seeing a lot of the same thing here! Let me try to list the top three complains!

Long Warnings/using warnings to talk about not stealing characters/long do not steal lists: around 14 votes if I am right. 

Bad CSS/Bad themes/too much pink/aesthetic/too much small text: also around 14 votes! Maybe 13

And when it comes to too many folders vs thumbnail only galleries we have a tie with ~ 4 each!


Ive come across a couple of profiles that have giant long walls of text on them with like 0 periods. I can totally understand misspelling a few words or having grammar mistakes but please my dudes. Use some periods, line breaks, or paragraph breaks in there somewhere. I cant read 2 pages of solid text block with commas ovo



right? My mind Runs out of breath without pauses and breaks.

  • When people dont have icons for their characters. I mean, come on. I like to see who im clicking on before i click. 
    • Though I have some characters who have icon art thats not in their gallery but that's because i don't add in icon art unless I am no longer using that icon and then the old icon can go into the art stash!
  • When people turn off favorites for their characters/art. I wanna let people know I like their stuff!

Under the spoiler is my personal opinion and is unpopular opinions, but this is a vent thread of sorts. If this doesn't fit ill delete this section of my post
  • When its the persons profile and they are creepy and have those stamp icons of very cringe things and it looks like a profile from 2008. But to each their own. 
  • When people have fanverse accounts and act like they own the show. I dont know why but it makes me hurt in my heart to think if I created a show and someone else acts like everything is theirs.


my biggest petty annoyance is super aggressive vernacular, like..?? i get that kids think its cool and edgy to be like "if you so much as breathe at my oc ill shatter your kneecaps", "if you like xxx or yyy fuck off before i personally set you on fire" but im just like. oookay there, psycho 😬 that kind of self presentation is the most effective "do not interact if-" if nothing. i do not want to interact regardless dkdjfbf


When people put characters that are clearly linked by a story in a folder but they don't describe what the story is in the folder description XO I just wanna know!!!!