What are some of your peeves in Toyhouse profiles?

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 26 days ago) by ShadowChromia

My own pet peeves when it comes to viewing people's toyhou.se profiles is when people use an image in the thumbnail and then not include it in the gallery. 

It's annoying because sometimes the image in the thumbnail is a really good picture or even reference worthy and I just can't see it because it's not a viewable image. I have always made a big point in my profile design to include the character's thumbnail in my gallery or just dont have a thumbnail at all.

What are some things that peeve you off when viewing profiles?

(remember not to just target certain people! this is just a thread for getting things off your chest and maybe even helping others create more legible profiles!)



Kookffee_s really? huh, thanks! 


What's up with the eye bleeding flashy gif aesthetics lately? I stumble across so many. Like I mean extreme cases. Not just a few colors.


I wouldn't mind rainbowcore as much, if people didn't make their whole pages an over-stimulating mess or put that shit in profile warnings.

I don't have problems with eyestrain/flashing lights, but a lot of rainbowcore profiles I've found on TH are a bit much to look at. At least hide it behind a toggle button/keep it optional, and for fucks sake keep it out of profiles warnings


ohh noo, im seeing a lot of complaints about rainbows um. i hope im not abusing this?? ahaa i put a warning up for flashing and have even made my background really dark so it's not really bright and painful to look at but at this point it seems like it's almost directed at me and im worried- is my profile ok to look at or is it just as bad as the others?


ShadowDarespark (I wasn´t talking about you actually) but no, Although there are some gifs and rainbows, it´s still fine to me personally. I can view it without getting a headache, I´ve seen way worse 

Amber-Lynne Looks great to me! not weird or anything like that. I like the layout [:


Skykristal aww thank you! i was totally nervous about it LMAO, that makes me feel better


Participating? In a TH pet peeves thread?? It's more likely than you think /lh

I jest, but here's some problems I have with certain things... I'll try not to keep it too long.

-This is personal preference, but I really dislike character profile codes where everything is in a tab. To me it just breaks the flow of trying to write and/or read a character's info and I hate how many codes I would've otherwise used rely on tabs. Also having a bunch of scrollbars is annoying for similar reasons (one section or two is fine, but not every single box). I try to remedy that by resizing the boxes in which they appear if it has enough text... dunno how it all looks on mobile, though. *

-Related to above, I really don't like the tiny profiles either??? A lot of them are flat out hard to read/navigate and, to me, it seems like such a waste of space to have the entire bio take up like.............. a fourth of the space given to you *

*I want to say that I don't have grievances with people who produce and/or themes that have elements of what I said, especially the ones who do it for free!! Y'all are amazing for making these codes in the first place, these are just my personal preferences.

-This seems to be a common one in the thread, but jeez...... CSS which completely changes and/or breaks the site. It's to the point that, if I come across a user or character profile that has that, I immediately close the tab bc frankly it's not worth it to me to have to relearn where everything is just to navigate this one page. Simple aesthetic changes are fine, but a lot of CSS coding being used goes too far.

-Another common one in this thread is the overly aggressive profile and character warnings that p much only say "original oc do not steal". I have warnings on my own profile set up, but I use it to convey information that may concern other users interested in my stuff, not to threaten them with [insert violent and graphic threat] for stealing. Y'know, closer to how they should be used (though if anyone has advice for what/if I should alter anything in my warnings then lmk).


when i find a cute f2u code on a character page and i click the credit and it 1. doesn't work. 2. it was actually heavily edited (no shade to people who do edit a fuck ton though I know that feel)


aesthetic of an html is formatted for one theme so on other themes its completely unreadable
custom warning pages that you have to click like 3 times to get past or are broken links so it leads you to a random profile
aesthetic/clothing images in galleries, its like image spam and who knows if theyre even free use



Relating to the your peeve you have, I just have to say, that if you think the thumbnail is good, and it's not in the gallery, you could just double click/press and hold on the thumbnail and save the image.... If you didn't know ;w;